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First there was Junk...

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Now there is Nitro!


Monsters: 20


3x Quick Synchron



2x Nitro Synchron

3x Quillbolt Hedgehog

1x Sangan

2x Tuningware

2x Junk Synchron

2x Flying Kamikiri #1 (searches Quick)

2x Rat (searches Quillbolt)

2x ?

Spells: 10

1x Synchro Blast Wave

1x Heavy Storm

2x Foolish Burial

1x Cold Wave

1x Giant Trunade

1x Earthquake

2x Shrink


Traps: 11

1x Call of the Haunted

2x Imperial Iron Wall

2x Limit Reverse

1x Mirror Force

1x Trap Dust Chute

2x Revival Gift

1x Ojama Trio

1x Zero Gravity


Extra Deck: 15

1x Armory Arm

2x Nitro Warrior

2x Stardust Dragon

9x Generic

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heres his deck build for the tag force 4 game, maybe build it like this? (there are some cards in here that arent out)



Debris Dragon x2

Fortress Warrior

Hyper Synchron

Junk Synchron x2

Level Stealer

Majestic Dragon

Max Warrior x2

Quick Synchron x2

Quillbolt Hedgehog x2

Rockstone Warrior

Shield Wing

Speed Warrior

Stardust Xiaolong


Turret Warrior

Zero Gardna



Card of Safe Return

Giant Trunade

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Mystical Space Typhoon

Reinforcement of the Army

Silver Wing

Swords of Revealing Light

The Warrior Returning Alive

Tuning x2



Descending Lost Star

Graceful Revival x2

Mirror Force

Scrap-Iron Scarecrow x2

Skill Successor

Torrential Tribute



Armory Arm x2

Junk Warrior x2

Nitro Warrior x2

Road Warrior x2

Savior Star Dragon x2

Stardust Dragon x2

Turbo Warrior x2

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got it!


Monsters: 20

x3 Junk Synchron

x3 Quillbolt

x3 Tuning Ware

x2 Sonic Chick

x3 Turbo Booster (quick synchro material)

x3 Turbo Rocket

x1 Sangan

x2 Breaker


Spells: 14

x3 Synchro Boost

x2 Synchro Blast Wave

x1 One for One

x1 Heavy

x1 MST

x1 Vortex

x1 RoTA

x3 Shrink

x1 Burden of Mighty


Traps: 6

x3 Poor man's decree (Trap Stun)

x1 Mirror Force

x2 Bottomless


Extra: 15

x3 Junk Warrior

x3 Stardust

x3 Turbo Cannon

x6 Generic


total: 40


Now it really is Turbo Junk XD......wow that was sad...

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Yusei is not a valid theme. Warrior Synchro would be.


Tell that to my IRL Synchro-Deck ;)

Though' date=' mine is more Machine-Type based, runs Instant Fusion, Has Darksea Rescue, and runs Inferno Reckless Summon.


Level Stealer


Tagforce 4 has Level Stealer....


Oh dear god no

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