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| YCM's Official Hangman Game | Guess the word, Get the Rep! 10th Word is up!

☆ Master Sami ☆

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[align=center]Hello everyone, and welcome to the Hangman Official Game! Guess the word, get the Rep!




- You can guess 1 letter per post, or can give a guess to the word.

- No Flamming, Trolling, etc.

- As you all know, I am able to give a maximum of 3 +Reps per day so there will be a maximum of 3 words guessed correctly per day.

- Please let's keep this Spam-Clean, don't go making a Post saying "A", get into the topic then give your guess.

- I am going to run this for a limited time, you know I need to give +Reps for some other parts of YCM too!




[spoiler=[b]How To Play[/b]]

1. I pick a word and put empty spaces instead of letters like: _ _ _ _ _


2. You must pick a letter, if that letter is in the word, I will add the letter, like for example you said "A" and I put _ A _ _ _


3. You must continue to guess letters until you figure out the word, for example if it's H A _ B U R G E _ you should figure out by now that it's HAMBURGER.


4. Easy so far hmm? Well think again! Every letter you guess that isn't included in the word I spell a letter of this word: HANGMAN, for example you guess a wrong letter I put H, then you guessed another wrong letter I make it HA, once I spell HANGMAN you lose the game, I tell you the word, and we move on to another word.



[spoiler=[s]1st Word[/s]]


The word has the same meaning as funny.




[spoiler=[s]2nd Word[/s]]


When something is impossible to happen, yet logically true.




[spoiler=[s]3rd Word[/s]]






[spoiler=[s]4th Word[/s]]


An animal




[spoiler=[s]5th Word[/s]]


A study




[spoiler=[s]6th Word[/s]]


A word that has the same meaning as "Activate"




[spoiler=[s]7th Word[/s]]






[spoiler=[s]8th Word[/s]]






[spoiler=[s]9th Word[/s]]






[spoiler=10th Word]

5 Guesses Left

A _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Fake Kid


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