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Stardust Horus Deck-Dragon Synchro Deck


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This is my IRL deck,which is'nt the best but is'nt the worst.


The deck contains 41 cards.




1x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4

2x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6

1x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8

1x Prime Material Dragon

1x Mirage Dragon

1x Necro Gardna

1x Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

1x Sangan

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Spear Dragon

1x Tune Warrior

1x Twin-Headed Behemoth

1x Exploder Dragon

1x Fire Trooper

2x Jutte Fighter

2x Mind Protector

1x Morphing Jar

1x Splendid Venus

1x Magna Drago

1x Tune Warrior




1x Swords Of Revealing Light

1x Emergency Teleport

1x Giant Trunade

1x Mage Power

1x Enemy Controller

1x Magical Stone Excavation

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Cold Wave

1x Pot of Avarice

1x Lightning Vortex




1x Negate Attack

1x Call of the Haunted

1x Royal Decree

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Draining Shield

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Magic Jammer


No Side Deck yet.


Extra Deck:


1x Stardust Dragon

1x Colossal Fighter

1x Gaia Knight,The Force of Earth

Tell me what needs to be upgraded and i'll test it-if it is effective then thx! :)

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This is my only deck,and i want to make it better...that is the purpose of my deck,and if needed,many more to come.


About Fire Trooper,When summoned it can be tributed to inflict 1000 damage to your opponent.

But you know that.

Maybe Fire Trooper is'nt the thing here,cuz it can only be activated once(maybe twice with Call of the Haunted).

Actually,the strategy of this deck is not letting the opponent using Spells,Traps and Monster effects destroying one monster.Splendid Venus+Royal Decree,etc...


But there are a lot of things i do'nt know,so as i said,tell me what needs to be replaced,etc.,and i'll test it.


Oh no,i just realised i forgot the Extra Deck! xD

You will see that now.

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if you are running a dragon deck, then you want to get red eyes darkness metal dragon. but, that is an expensive card. so if you can get it, then get it. if you can't then join the club. about the rest of the deck.


monster cards:

drop the horus lvl4. you really really don't need it.

drop the splendid venus. Dragons focus on beat down and you are making them weaker?

drop the fire trooper. 1000 damage is not worth it in a dragon deck

drop the jutte fighters and tune warriors. there are soooo much better tuners for dragons

drop the mind protectors. you don't have psychics and your dragons really don't need the help

drop the spear dragon. 1900 peirce is not worth the force change to defense


spell cards:

drop the emergency teleport. you don't have the psychics you want for tele

magical stone excavation. sooo not worth it. (use 3 cards to get back 1)


trap cards:

drop everything except royal decree (run three of them), torrential tribute, and mirror force (if you have it).


now here is what you need to add.


another lvl 6

another lvl 8

3 masked dragons

1 debris dragon

1 magna drago

new monster total = 20



add card destruction

add two lvl modulations

add foolish burial

add magical mallet

add level up

new spell total = 16



add mirror force

add two royal decrees

new trap total 5 (4 without mirror force)


the masked dragons will thin out the deck and search your tuners.

the foolish burial and card destruction puts lvl 8 in the graveyard for your lvl mod.


as for your extra deck. you need to get 15 synchro monsters in there before i can edit it.

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blademac has the right idea, but some of his suggestions were a bit off.

You should really think about changing this into Hopeless Dragon. It's currently the best dragon deck ATM, but it's expensive. I paid more than $300 for my build.

If it's horus lockdown you want, you'll need

jinzo and plasma(Or doomcalibur, but I don't recommend this because sometimes it backfires)

You need a draw engine(Reckless, Trade-in, D-draw, Allure) AND you need to max out your key cards.

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Thanks for the great suggestions.


I think i have a Mirror Force...

And i only have one Horus LV8.I'll see what i can do.

Dropping every Trap Card except those three...intresting idea.

I'll have to buy some cards,i checked,they do'nt cost much i think(except the LV8 :shock: ).

Well,i took the advice and now i'll be testing the updated deck of mine.




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1x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4

1x Necro Gardna

1x Spear Dragon

1x Tune Warrior

1x Fire Trooper

2x Jutte Fighter

2x Mind Protector

1x Splendid Venus

1x Tune Warrior

1x Mage Power

1x Enemy Controller

1x Negate Attack

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Draining Shield

1x Magic Jammer

^Remove them^


A horus deck should only run 3 traps. And its pretty obveious what that trap is.

Oh' date=' and it need Jinzo.

And you [i']NEVER[/i] run Horus LV4, in a Horus deck.

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So what is soooo good about Debris Dragon besides the fact that it's a Lv4 tuner?

I don't even have one card that has the ATK of 500 or less!


...Who told you debris dragon's a good card in here!?

...Please, don't be afraid to research a card and question some suggestions. Some people don't know what the hell they're talking about.

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...do remember this is a Stardust-Horus-ish Deck.

Necro Gardna is in there for a reason,Enemy Controller as well.

If LV6 is on the field and i use that it will be like no cost!

Mage Powa??? What will i replace it with?


Spear D was removed.

LV4 was removed.

Fire-T was removed.

1 Jutte will be in there until i have another Magna-D.

Svenus was removed.

Tune Warrior stays until i buy a Debris Dragon.

Negate Attack stays until i find my Mirror Force (if i have one at all).

MC was removed.

D-Shield was removed.

MJ was removed.



I have 2,i'll try it for a spin.


To you 820,Debris may be a good card,i dunno.It's a Dragon,do'nt forget the name of my Deck!!!

Eh...i'll compromize these words and figure sumthin' out.

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Lol...i'll put 2 Debris Dragons in then. xD

Out of about uh...10 games i summond StarD 'bout twice.

I might just change it into a Horusish deck.


...Fine. Use it.

I wasn't joking around, i'm trying to help you fix your deck. I don't take these things lightly.

Just use it, then, I don't care. I'm out. See how this deck fares. Your loss...

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Lol...i'll put 2 Debris Dragons in then. xD

Out of about uh...10 games i summond StarD 'bout twice.

I might just change it into a Horusish deck.


...Fine. Use it.

I wasn't joking around' date=' i'm trying to help you fix your deck. I don't take these things lightly.

Just use it, then, I don't care. I'm out. See how this deck fares. Your loss...



Just kidding lol.

I do'nt agree with Debris either.

And to you Stein,rather make a deck with two different aspects,becuase if it were a complete Horus Deck and it would be an epic fail i would be screwed!

I want my deck to be unique...looking good so far.

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The reason that i recomened debris dragon is this: He can be searched by masked dragon, he has 4 stars, and he has 2000 defense. therefore he is great for bringing out black rose dragon and exploder dragonwing, he also synchros with six stars for trident dragon. if you don't want to use him, that is fine. but, i suggested him for the reasons above.

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