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Warrior's that can't wield a sword. I need help.

Zorc Valom

Say what you feel. (These options only, please.)  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Say what you feel. (These options only, please.)

    • Great, just needs a little tweaking.
    • Fair, minor things here and there.
    • Horrible, here's what I can help with
    • Terribly bad, I can't help you.
    • Try again, or don't play with Warriors. EVER!

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Terrible, I know. Please don't rub it in too bad.


x1 Buster Blader

x1 Gearfried the Swordmaster

x2 Gearfried the Iron Knight

x1 Elemental Hero Bladedge

x1 Obnoxious Celtic Guard

x1 Goblin Attack Force

x1 Speed Warrior

x1 Quillbolt Hedgehog

x1 Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke

x1 X-Saber Airbellum

x2 Mataza the Zapper

x2 Marauding Captain

x1 Road Synchron

x1 Command Knight

x1 Exiled Force

x1 Junk Synchron

x1 Zombyra the Dark

x1 D.D. Warrior Lady


x1 Synchro Boost

X2 Reinforcement of the Army

x1 Heavy Storm

x2 Lightning Blade

x2 Release Restraint

x1 Axe of Despair

x2 The Warrior Returning Alive

x1 Scapegoat

x1 Fusion Sword Murasame Blade

x1 Sogen


x1 Magic Drain

x1 Negate Attack

x1 Blast with Chain

x1 Sakuretsu Armor

x1 Miniaturize




x1 Junk Warrior

x1 Road Warrior

x1 X-Saber Urbellum


Is Scapegoat banned?

I know that "Sogen" needs to be replaced by "The 'A' Forces," but where do I find one?

Also, where can I find a "Colossal Fighter?"

Like I said I need help.

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Is Scapegoat banned?

I know that "Sogen" needs to be replaced by "The 'A' Forces' date='" but where do I find one?

Also, where can I find a "Colossal Fighter?"




TC, just start over and make a Ben-Kei OTK.

Its cheap, in-expensive, and works.


Oh, and Ebay/google are your friends.


EDIT: *noticed that this was in the traditional section* Traditional-list decks need ALOT MKRE banned cards.

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I don't text or chat often. What is TC and lolcym(or something like that), or would I rather not know? Be honest. . .(even though it is a cheat card, worst i've ever seen actually a card)

EDIT: *noticed that this was in the traditional section* Traditional-list decks need ALOT MKRE banned cards.


Sorry, I know i am bad at this. I don't know where each deck goes. I put warriors in the Traditional, and Realm of Giants(post) in Your Deck. is this all in the Forum?

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-1 axe of despair

+2 blindly loyal goblin


+2 sakus


don't kno what to take out.


I like my axe of despair. where can i find a blindly loyal goblin?

If this is advanced' date=' put in the main Your Deck section. If you're using Banned cards, it goes here.




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Depends on what sort of warrior deck you had in mind......

Like in' date=' What sort of Card do you want to base it around?



That is part of the problem, my four biggest warrior monsters are in this deck. I really like Synchros, but the only practical Synchro I have is X-Saber Urbellum. Of course, I haven't gotten the Warrior's Strike Structure Deck. Is it worth it?


I would use Gearfried the Swordmaster, but I only have one. I might get another, though.

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Here's my advice- DO NOT base your deck here around the cards you already have. Build your 'dream deck' here, so to speak, and THEN worry about where you're going to get the cards. I find deck building much easier when you have a clear picture and checklist of exactly what cards you need while on E-bay/card shops/etc.


Also, this is the 'traditional' section, and considering you aren't playing any banned cards, it should probably go in the main Deck section.


(Btw, "Lolycm" is a term meaning "Laugh at the stupidity on YCM", and "TC" means "Thread Creator".)

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Here's my advice- DO NOT base your deck here around the cards you already have. Build your 'dream deck' here' date=' so to speak, and THEN worry about where you're going to get the cards. I find deck building much easier when you have a clear picture and checklist of exactly what cards you need while on E-bay/card shops/etc.


Also, this is the 'traditional' section, and considering you aren't playing any banned cards, it should probably go in the main Deck section.


(Btw, "Lolycm" is a term meaning "Laugh at the stupidity on YCM", and "TC" means "Thread Creator".)



This sums it up nicely. Always work towards a goal. That way you dont have to worry about getting unnecessary cards.

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Go for a Destiny Hero deck. they're very reliable and can be powerful...they are a tad expensive.


Destiny Heros would mean I would have to build an entirely new deck. I like standard warriors, and that's what I am going to stick with.


No Elemental Heros, Destiny Heros, or Neo-Spacians. Those seem really confusing to me.

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Standard Warriors' date=' no offense, lack depth.

A Immortal Bushi build is reasonably powerful and under the right conditions can be quite deadly.



Under the right conditions. With standard Warriors, you can get high ATK real fast. Command Knight, The "A" Forces, most equip cards that target a specific type go to warriors.


Some of the highest low-level attackers and defenders are warriors: Goblin Attack Force, Zombrya the Dark; Destiny Hero - Defender, Big Shield Gardna.

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