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Post a Pic of your Computer/Laptop!


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I took these photos with my phone so they may be low quality.

[spoiler=Hard Drive]24dr96g.jpg

P.S. The white spot on it is from a flashlight.


[spoiler=monitor and desk]2rd82mc.jpg

I know' date=' I'm very tidy :D




You can't see your hard drive on that pic, can you?

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Erm... Of course you can...

Anyway. The one I am using right now' date=' at my Grandparents' house, looks something like this:



I don't think that is the exact same one but it is a lot like it.

OMG! Theres a ghost on your screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O

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Erm... Of course you can...

Anyway. The one I am using right now' date=' at my Grandparents' house, looks something like this:



I don't think that is the exact same one but it is a lot like it.


Wait, is it the second bay? I didn't think hard drives had lights on them.

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