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Malicious Synchron


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[spoiler=Lore]You can Special Summon this card from your Deck when your opponent Synchro Summons a monster and remove from play this card and the Synchro monster to Special Summon a Synchro monster from your Extra Deck. The Special Summoned Synchro monsters level must equal the removed from play Synchro monsters original Level. This Special Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon.




Image credit goes to Father Wolf.


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You can Special Summon this card from your Deck when your opponent Synchro Summons a monster, and remove from play this card and the Synchro monster to Special Summon a Synchro monster from your Extra Deck. The Special Summoned Synchro monster's Level must be equal to the removed from play Synchro monster's original Level. This Special Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon.


found some errors, great card though 9/10

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