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The New Staple. Every Deck will run at least 1.


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Lord Smeagle and Spenstar get it. The card is meant to clear away obstacles. Yes your opponent gains life points from the card but if you just Tributed off your opponent's Armor Master or Judgment Dragon, I'm pretty sure you won't be complaining. Having the controller gain the Life Points is the way that this card is BALANCED. Something that I rarely see on this site.

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No, Soul Taker would not be better than this card. Soul Taker gives your opponent 1000 LP for anything, even if all you offed was a Level 4. Assuming you off a Level 4 with this, your opponent only gains 800, plus, if you really need Life Points at the time, you can use it on yourself.


But if you're really that concerned about giving your opponent a few Life Points, run this in a Bad Reaction deck and watch what happens.

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Maybe just face-up' date=' instead of face-up Attack Position?


Oh, and I see why you're Tributing instead of destroying, but you can only Tribute your own monsters. Instead you should "send to the Graveyard", I think.



yeah you're right it shouldn't say tribute

it should say destroy

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Maybe just face-up' date=' instead of face-up Attack Position?


Oh, and I see why you're Tributing instead of destroying, but you can only Tribute your own monsters. Instead you should "send to the Graveyard", I think.



yeah you're right it shouldn't say tribute

it should say destroy


This is not true. Lava Golem and Volcanic Queen are both summoned by Tributing your opponent's monsters, as are any monsters summoned with Soul Exchange. It's perfectly legal.

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Maybe just face-up' date=' instead of face-up Attack Position?


Oh, and I see why you're Tributing instead of destroying, but you can only Tribute your own monsters. Instead you should "send to the Graveyard", I think.



yeah you're right it shouldn't say tribute

it should say destroy


This is not true. Lava Golem and Volcanic Queen are both summoned by Tributing your opponent's monsters, as are any monsters summoned with Soul Exchange. It's perfectly legal.

*nods in agreement* It's perfectly fine the way it is.

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Lord Smeagle and Spenstar get it. The card is meant to clear away obstacles. Yes your opponent gains life points from the card but if you just Tributed off your opponent's Armor Master or Judgment Dragon' date=' I'm pretty sure you won't be complaining. Having the controller gain the Life Points is the way that this card is BALANCED. Something that I rarely see on this site.



Most of the cards here are balanced. You must not come here often.


Anyways this is still not very useful. Your opponent will most likely take advantage of the Life Point increase and switch the duel around.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, target opponents monsters with this card. Combo + Bad reaction to simochi, then BAM!!!, mega damage. Better than soul taker... Just. However there is more you could to with cards that destroy rather than tribute. Wording is important in Yu-Gi-Oh. if it could destroy you could:


Target a token that cannot be tributed,

Hit your own Sacred Phoenix, it comes back and destroys the Spells and Traps,

Goes around Mask of Restrict quite nicely,

And possibly even more.


Overall 7/10 just cause its simochi-combo-able. (Bad reaction = awesome)

Keep at it

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the card is ballanced, but i think it wouldnt be a staple - it is useful but there are better cards with better effects. making it any better though risks making it over powered so i see the problem. and yeah, im new here but i rekon the picture could do with some tweaking... still decent idea. i like where your going with it, the wording just needs a tweak.

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