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My Pokemon Deck!


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Indeed... I was bored and haven't been making Pokemon cards for a long time...


So i'm gonna make a deck here! Images from DeviantArt...


[spoiler=Eevee and eeveelutions]


[spoiler=Umbreon Lore]

This monster cannot be Normal summoned or Set. It can only be special summoned by tributing "Eevee" and 1 Fiend-Type monster. While this card is face-up on the field, Trap cards cannot be activated. Once per turn, you may toss a coin. If heads, this monster gains 700 ATK. If tails, this monster gains 100 ATK



[spoiler=Ralts Family]


[spoiler=Gallade Lore]

This monster is also treated as a Warrior-Type monster. This monster cannot be normal summoned or set. It can only be special summoned by tributing 1 "Kirlia" on your side on the field. While this card is face-up on the field, all Warrior and Psychic-Type monsters on your opponent's side of the field lose 500 ATK.






[spoiler=Deoxys Lore]

1 Psychic-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This monster can only be Synchro summoned. While this monster is face-up on the field, no other "Deoxys" monsters can be face-up on the field. This monster cannot be in Defense Position. For every monster on the field, this monster gain 300 ATK.






1 Pyro-Type Tuner + 1 or more FIRE non-Tuner monsters

This monster can only be Synchro summoned. During your battle phase, this monster gains 600 ATK for every face-up FIRE or Pyro-Type monster on the field. When this monster is destroyed, destroy all face-up monsters on the field.






1 Dragon-Type Tuner + 1 or more WIND non-Tuner monsters

This monster can only be Synchro summoned. When this monster is Synchro summoned destroy 1 face-up Field spell. If Field spells are activated while this card is face-up on the field, destroy the Field spell. When this monster destroys 1 Dragon-Type monster, increase your Life Points by 400.






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Ok. Here's some critisism:


1. Gallade has a white edge to it's image. You can easily get rid of that.


2. Deoxys is a bit OP'ed for a 7-star. If I were you, I'd make it a 9-star and include it's other forms too (Defence, Speed and I forget the third xD)


The rest of them are good.


-1 for laziness on Gallade image.

-1 for OP'ed Deoxys


Overall: 8/10 - Nice job, but needs improvements.

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Ok. Here's some critisism:


1. Gallade has a white edge to it's image. You can easily get rid of that.


2. Deoxys is a bit OP'ed for a 7-star. If I were you' date=' I'd make it a 9-star and include it's other forms too (Defence, Speed and I forget the third xD)


The rest of them are good.


-1 for laziness on Gallade image.

-1 for OP'ed Deoxys


Overall: 8/10 - Nice job, but needs improvements.



I'm gonna include the others...


Giratina's Assault mode = His Origin Forme? Nah. That sucks.

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