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IRL Temprorary


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So I don't have many friends who duel, only a handful of freshmen who, to be honest, are totally awful. =/ Well, I'm trying to get my Tempest OTK irl, but things are moving slower than expected >='( So here's what I've got on my temporary deck so far:



Five-Headed Dragon

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon x2

Trident Dragon

Colossal Fighter

Black Rose Dragon

Power Tool Dragon

X-Saber Urbellum

Ancient Fairy Dragon

Gaia Knight, the Force of the Earth


Main: 40

Monsters: 20

Blue-Eyes White Dragon x3

Chaos Sorcerer

Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn

Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame x2

Vanguard of the Dragon

Blackwing - Bora the Spear

Masked Dragon x3

Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind


Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield

Cyber Ouroboros

The White Stone of Legend x3



Allure of Darkness

Card Destruction

Dark World Dealings

Dragon's Mirror

Heavy Storm

Lightning Vortex

Magical Mallet

Trade-In x2

Upstart Goblin x3

Black Whirlwind x2

Future Fusion



Traps: 4

Bottomless Trap Hole

Curse of Anubis

Magic Cylinder

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast




The reason why I told you who I duel is to tell you this: I play against terrible players, noobs, who misplay every set =/ I honestly don't know if this deck is any good, but it has beat them in less than 4 turns on many occasions.


I don't want to drastically change the deck, I like the originality of it. But if someone could help me on running it more smoothly, I'd appreciate it ;)

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Sadly buddy. i agree. You have to focus more. Wereas the blackwings swarm effects could come in handy to summon BEWD ... its not enough . This dek would activate way too slow ad whereas it does have some nice ideas, it would take way too long to impleemnt them. If you wanna make a blackwing / dragon deck ... then might I suggest doing a dark attribute deck with the two. Or just mainly try a different idea with blackwings. A wing beast / dragon deck is a sweet idea and I'm working on one right now ... but it won't be IRL until Dragunities come out in US. :/

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>.< The type you're talking about is Dragunity. Which I mentioned. They are a new archetype made up of dragons and wingbeasts. That doesn't mean all dragons and wingbeasts can go together. The Dragunities are specifically designed to completemnt each other. They are the same arcetype. and archtype overrides type.


If i want to make a deck with fiends, dragons, warriors, wingbeasts and fairies. Do i make a huge deck wit the strongest of each type ... or do I use their combined form archetype ... the dark counterparts.

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>.< The type you're talking about is Dragunity. Which I mentioned. They are a new archetype made up of dragons and wingbeasts. That doesn't mean all dragons and wingbeasts can go together. The Dragunities are specifically designed to completemnt each other. They are the same arcetype. and archtype overrides type.


If i want to make a deck with fiends' date=' dragons, warriors, wingbeasts and fairies. Do i make a huge deck wit the strongest of each type ... or do I use their combined form archetype ... the dark counterparts.



you do if you....


don't want to drastically change the deck




like the originality of it.

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