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Toon Fortune - DMU


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2 x Toon Summoned Skull

2 x Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon

1 x Fortune Lady Dark

1 x Toon Dark Magician Girl



3 x Toon Mermaid

2 x Fortune Lady Light

2 x Toon Cannon Soldier

2 x D.D. Scout Plane

1 x Fortune Lady Wind

1 x Fortune Lady Water

1 x Fortune Lady Fire

1 x Sangan

1 x Plaguespreader Zombie



3 x Future Visions

3 x Toon Table of Contents

2 x Toon Kingdom

2 x Allure of Darkness

1 x Toon World

1 x Arms Hole

1 x Comic Hand

1 x Terraforming

1 x Heavy Storm

1 x Giant Trunade

1 x D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

1 x Fortune Future



2 x Bottomless Trap Hole

2 x Dark Bribe

1 x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1 x Call of the Haunted


TOTAL = 44








Toon Kingdom

Continuous Spell Card

Remove 5 cards from the top of your Deck from play. While this card is face-up on the field, it's name is treated as "Toon World". If a Toon monster you control would be destroyed by battle, you can remove 1 card from the top of your Deck from play instead.


Comic Hand

Equip Spell Card

Take control of a monster on your opponent's side of the field that is equipped with this card. If "Toon World" is not face-up on your side of the field, destroy this card. If your opponent does not control a Toon Monster, the equipped monster can attack your opponent's Life Points directly.

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.....DMU has Comic Hand?

And I take it' date=' they have it limited to 1. Though I see no real reason behind it.


And what about Toon DMG?



Its at 3 actually, I just dont have any room to add moar


Toon DMG was in the deck, but I removed it for Fortune Dark, and Toon Skull sort of does it better... but eh, I'll think about it

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.....DMU has Comic Hand?

And I take it' date=' they have it limited to 1. Though I see no real reason behind it.


And what about Toon DMG?



Its at 3 actually, I just dont have any room to add moar


Toon DMG was in the deck, but I removed it for Fortune Dark, and Toon Skull sort of does it better... but eh, I'll think about it


Toon DMG can attack on the turn she is summoned

*Notices Future Vision*


And I'm pretty sure Toon DM can be Summoned, but wont die without Toon World bieng there first.

*goes off to re-check the effect*

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.....DMU has Comic Hand?

And I take it' date=' they have it limited to 1. Though I see no real reason behind it.


And what about Toon DMG?



Its at 3 actually, I just dont have any room to add moar


Toon DMG was in the deck, but I removed it for Fortune Dark, and Toon Skull sort of does it better... but eh, I'll think about it


Toon DMG can attack on the turn she is summoned

*Notices Future Vision*


And I'm pretty sure Toon DM can be Summoned, but wont die without Toon World bieng there first.

*goes off to re-check the effect*


Actually yeah, it can attack on the same turn its Summoned, and can only be Special Summoned which passes through Future Vision. It also doesn't cost me to attack... so what to remove for her?

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-1 Fortune Lady Dark

-1 Fortune Lady Water


+1 Fortune Lady Wind

+1 Toon DMG

+1 Call of the Haunted


Also' date=' I've changed


-1 Toon Kingdom

+1 Toon World


3 Kingdom is overkill and is milling the deck way to much


Thou doth confuseth me, EXPLAINETH THYN STRATEGY!!!


Since I know neither Toons nor Fortune Ladies, it would help.


Toons can bypass through Future Visions effect while Fortune Ladies gain control over it


Thats this deck in a nutshell

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