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Fiend Roar Deity

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Okay, so new to this whole forum thing i might not get this quite right but i do have something i would like to find out.


Why the heck does Konami not release certain cards in different parts of the world?


Personally, when i went out and bought my copy of Stardust accelerator i thought that i could recreate my awsome Six Samurai deck. Mind you, i did! But goin through the game i began to notice a good few cards that i had never heard of. Looking into these mysterious cards i found out they were OCG only cards, and at first i didn't care they were in the game i could use them if i wanted.

But then i came across a little snag in my deck making craze. I found a Fiend Roar Deity Raven when i was searching hand destruction. And reading it i could not help but fall in love with this powerful tuningware. So lookin into the Fiend Roar Deity monsters i find a much more functioning version of the famously misplayed Darkworld Monsters.

I've made a fiend Roar deck and have been dominating the cuircit with it.

(friend code: 3137 6219 4315) ADD ME! We have epic duel. 8)


Anyway, after using the ones in the game i looked into the newer ones and only had one wish.



I want to build a Fiend Roar Deity Deck. I absolutly love this archetype. Who supports me in this?


I know this little forum will do nothing, but i want to hear your opinions on the whole OCG only stuff.


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