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Card Storage

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Found a thread simalar to this on a different forum, and was curious to how you all stored your cards.


I have 2 Binders for all my deck building cards, I never have more than one deck at a time. the pages are layed out like this with 3 playsets of each card filling one side of a page...


[T-Roar ][T-Roar ][T-Roar ]


[ BTH ][ BTH ][ BTH ]


and so one. 1 binder has all my deck building Holo's and Rares, and the other (significantly larger) binder holding all the deck building commons. Then I have a large cardboard card bin filled with up to 3 of all cards I deemed crap, but still have incase I forgot somthing. Obviously I don't have a playset of every great card ever, for those I have an empty spot. Or, in the holo binder, if it's unescessary to have more than 2, I don't have a spot.


ex. I personally won't run more than 2 Vayu, so the 3rd spot ifs filled with somthing else.




Then I have a small 4 pocket binder, and another 9 pocket binder filled with ALL my trading cards (so people don't hafta ask, is that for trade??), containing good cards I don't need (like a my 4th tuningware or ultimate Fairy dragon.




last but not least I have 5 tins stuffed full of all the card I had more than 3 off, (like all my extra MSTs, or D.D. Warrior Ladies. They are not in order, but I should sift out the decent commons and seperate them. These Tins I always dip into to help people out, by giving them cards they need, or letting them make a deck out of all the cards in it (there are decent cards in it.




so share your methods/ non-methods, even if your method is keeping them all in a bathtub or in your pants. I'm super bored so don't think I won't read. =D

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I had a huge box that contained about 2000 cards. I then sorted through it a realised I only needed like 100 XD


I have one huge box which me and my brother share, one box of commons for me, and then two binders, one with good cards, and another one with bad ones. I then have about 8 decks I am not using and 2 i am XD



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I sort my binder like...


[Celtic Guardian][Obnoxious Celtic Guard][Celtic Guardian(Anniversary)]

[Celtic Guardian][Obnoxious Celtic Guard][Celtic Guardian(Anniversary)]

[Celtic Guardian][Obnoxious Celtic Guard][Celtic Guardian(Anniversary)]


I a rebel, I know.




YaRly! I do have 3 pages of all celtic guardians. Any body care to donate to the museum?

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I sort my binder like...


[Celtic Guardian][Obnoxious Celtic Guard][Celtic Guardian(Anniversary)]

[Celtic Guardian][Obnoxious Celtic Guard][Celtic Guardian(Anniversary)]

[Celtic Guardian][Obnoxious Celtic Guard][Celtic Guardian(Anniversary)]


I a rebel' date=' I know.




YaRly! I do have 3 pages of all celtic guardians. Any body care to donate to the museum?



lol like me but im trying to get a small folder (80 spots) with dig beak. im at 31 -32 atm

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Eh, I dun have that many, but I do have a small folder with all the cards of significant rarity, currently:


Ghost Rare PTD

Secret Rare Stardust Dragon, non-Tin.

Ultra Rare Koaki Meiru Drago

Ultra Rare Explode Wing Dragon


And my other deck cards I kep in a pile.

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I Have 4 Binders, a deck box and a large size tub.


The tub contains horrible commons since 2000 (OCG + TCG), afew thousand in it.


The box my Jurak Junkyard Deck.


1st binder contains 34 - 9page pocket sleeves, containing various cards, mainly the different common+rare cards of TCG archtypes.


2ND binder has around 500 Super&up Holo's from LOB - Flaming eternity, including video promos and swaps.


3rd binder is my GX binder, features around 200 Holo's from LOSTMIL-PHANDARK.


4TH Binder is my 5D's binder, features DuelGENE-Staroverdrive/Hiddenarsenal, + Duel terminal promos + Recent jap promos.

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