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Akatsuki of YCM


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Apparently no one heard you cause they answered orochimaru to the

Which naruto character died that was kinda important to the storyline question.


I also believe Itachi to be alive (somewhat)


itachi? no' date=' he died (sadly) but lives in sasukes ETERNAL mengekyo sharingan



I thought the matter was settled that Sasuke turned down Eternal and only has regular, cause he spilled a glass of water due to blurred vision after using Mangekyo.

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A. He overused it in the battle and but didn't lose eyesight

B. he has EMS cause itachi implimented his eyes into sasuke but tapping his forehead cause when sasuke met madara and saw madara's eyes, he atomaticly used the ametrasu implamented by itachi. then, after being explained to that itachi was really the nice bro that he loved, he gained his own mengekeyo sharingan and now since he has the sharingan implamneted by itachi plus his mengekeyo sharingan BOOM he's got EMS

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Since i'm a naruto exper let me explain.Sasuke doesn't have EMS or itachis eyes.Itachi only gave Sasuke some of his powers.Sasuke had mangakeo when he fought itachi(if you search closly you'll see him using tsukyomyand amaterasu).


no no, he got mangekyo AFTER itachi died, because someone close to him would have to die so he could get mangekyo in the first place

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Yep. But apparently after that happened they said


"No, forget it, you cold get it without heartlessly slaughtering your closest friend."

"Screw you. I just kiled my best friggen friend because of you." said Itachi to Masashi Kishimoto.

And that is why itachi is dead now.

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