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[DISC] Dark End Dragon

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I find the 3-0 logic the most retarded concept YCM ever came up with.


Not uness Crab Helmet explains it.


EVEN AFTER! I still found it as a way for players who cry because their Stardust was beaten by Kuriboh to give useless arguements about why Synchros are the devil and should all be at 0.

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I find the 3-0 logic the most retarded concept YCM ever came up with.


Not uness Crab Helmet explains it.


EVEN AFTER! I still found it as a way for players who cry because their Stardust was beaten by Kuriboh to give useless arguements about why Synchros are the devil and should all be at 0.


Actually, the opposite is true. Konamilogic is based around players saying "I got beat by a deck containing Card X, so Card X should be limited!" or "Card Y seems pretty good so let's semi-limit it and see what happens!", whereas 3/0 completely removes things that are problems from the game and leaves non-problems alone.


The example you gave shows that you haven't the foggiest idea how 3/0 works, so saying that you hate 3/0 because of it is sort of like saying that you hate capitalism because it causes acne. (Oh, and 3/0 doesn't originate from YCM. It was brought to YCM from GameFAQs... and it didn't originate at GameFAQs either.)

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