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Lock Please, .:Traceur:. won.


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Okay so my previous 2 contests were a failure but i hope that this one will not be like the previous 2.About 2 weeks ago i won a lot of points without putting a lot of work into it.So i guess what better way to give easily gained points than a contest.This contest will include the basic YCM rules,no spamming,no flamming and all others.It will be a 2 round contest,and all contestants will be split into 2 groups,Group A and Group B.The 2 groups will have different tasks,and at the end of round 2,only 2 people will remain in the contest.1 contestant from group A and 1 from Group B.There will be a maximum of 20 contestants,which will be carefully chosen for each group.I have my way of choosing so please don't ask how.Now,there will be only 1 winner in this contest,and as i said in the name,this will be serious contest in which the winner will get a big prize.Under this i have put everything in spoilers,so please read them and please join,because everyone is invited.No matter what star you are or how many reps you have you are still invited.I am also looking for 1 more judge and he must be 5 stars or more.The judge also gets a +1 rep.Here are the details of this contest.


[spoiler=Group A]


1:blackhawk29 6:gustavosuarez


2:Dream 7:dee 1000


3:BlackSkullCortez 8:rate405


4:Code~Red 9:Poisonedbite


5:Insert Name Here 10:Fayaz The Legend



[spoiler=Group B]


1:miura II 6:The Tin Trooper


2:Tomtekorv 7:bakupenguin


3:Natu 8:FusionXD


4:Numquam Periit Amor 9:AquaMaster


5::.:Traceur:. 10:wero-vasto





1:Code~Red 6:bakupenguin


2:Dream 7:BlackSkullCortez


3:Insert Name Here 8:.:Traceur:.


4:wero-vasto 9:gustavosuarez


5:FusionXD 10:miura II


11:Tomtekorv 16:dee 1000


12:AquaMaster 17:Numquam Periit Amor


13:blackhawk29 18:Natu


14:rate405 19:Poisonedbite


15:The Tin Trooper 20:Fayaz The Legend



[spoiler=1st Round Task]

Announced when we have 20 contestants.


[spoiler=2nd Round Taks]

Announced when 2 Contestants come to the top.





2:Mad Hatter


I need 1 judge and he must be a 4 star or more.And also the second judge gets a rep as well.I have decided to Judge this Contest myself and sorry to the second Judge i just want to Judge alone.



[spoiler=Entry Fee]

10 Points



And as for the prize,as i said before,it is massive,but,there will be only 1 winner,and only he will be crowned king and win it.




1 Place:2000 Points,6 Reps and a Banner announcing the winner of this contest.



Well i suppose that's it,all that's left is have fun and please join this contest.


I have Finally decided the Winners for Round 1.It was a Tough Decision but i had to do what i had to do.Here are the positions you all got.


[spoiler=Group A Positions]

1-Fayaz The Legend


3-dee 1000

So i am Proud to say the winners are,

Fayaz the Legend and .:Traceur:.!

Congratulations to our Finalists!

[spoiler=Group B Positions]



3-The Tin Trooper



6-Numquam Periit Amor

7-Aqua Master






Round 2

[spoiler=Task 1]You each need to make a High Defense Monster who has an Effect of Protecting itself and Regaining your Life Points. It should also have low ATK.


[spoiler=Task 2]You each need to make Spell Card that to be activated needs requirements that include LIGHT and DARK Monsters,something like Chaos Sorcerer


[spoiler=Task 3]You need to make a WIND Synchro Monster who has to have an effect that returns cards to its owner's hand.


[spoiler=Task 4]You need to make Trap Card that has an ability to let you draw cards.


[spoiler=Task 5]Each one of you two will need to make different monsters.Which means one of you will need to make a LIGHT monster and 1 of you a DARK monster. Each one of those monsters will need to have a Special effect against the opposing Attribute.Meaning the one who makes the LIGHT monster will need to make an effect for it that goes against DARK monsters and the other one well, i think you got it by now.Here is how it will go:


Fayaz the Legend-You will need to make a LIGHT monster that includes an effect that goes against DARK monster cards.

.:Traceur:.-You need to make a DARK monster that includes and effect that goes against LIGHT monster cards.


If you need anything explained PM me.



This Contest is sponsored by the Light Organization,follow the link below to go to it.

[spoiler=The Light Organization]


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