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Gatling Deck


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Haha. I was thinking of throwing a couple Perfect Machine Kings in and then adding some Cost Downs (I have 3 of each)


Then maybe add Cyber Stien and some Heavy Mech Support Platforms.

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Here's my suggestions for cards (with reasons, of course):



Cyber Dragon: This guy fits like a glove here. He's tribute fodder. He's machine, so he falls neatly into the archetype of the deck. He's a 2100 ATK beatstick. It's practically a free summon if you can play it right. Its' good normally, but has a home in this.


Barrel Dragon: Fairly obvious why'd you want this guy in the deck.


Blowback Dragon: As above. Personally, I find Blowback > Barrel. Why? Blockback is level 6: one tribute. One Nimble Momonga. One opponent's monster, even. And it's one card, not one monster. Sometimes spells or traps can be more meddlesome than monsters, plus most throw-down monsters can't kill it anyway.


Heavy Mech Support Platform: +500 ATK (which is absolutely nothing to sneeze at) and some insurance against Saku, Mirror, Smashing, and the like. It also meshes fantastically with Limiter Removal. Who doesn't like Limiter Removal?


Nimble Momonga: Tribute fodder and Life Point rejuvinator all rolled into one, PLUS can be used as a shield or even swing for 1000 if necessary. Who doesn't like getting Life Points? Who doesn't like summoning stuff? Who doesn't like thinning the deck? Your opponent won't.


Hydrogeddon: Field-presence, Indian-style. 1600 swarm? Yes please. Rips through the opponents' defense, and you can use the excess ones for tributes for Blowback.


(Any five-seven other monsters: Depends on your style, really. Mechanicalchasers' an option. Maybe chuck in a few Monarchs. Sangan here isn't really a staple 'coz he doesn't have much to search. D.D Warrior Lady is a thought. Maybe even Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn. Basically, it's up to you.)


So, so far, there's:


Cyber Dragon

Cyber Dragon

Cyber Dragon

Nimble Momonga

Nimble Momonga

Nimble Momonga

Heavy Mech Support Platform

Heavy Mech Support Platform

Barrel Dragon

Blowback Dragon

Blowback Dragon











Spells next.


Polymerization: Most of your fusions are Machines, so you'd probably think "Why not Power Bond"? Truth is, there's situations where you'd probably prefer Polymerization over Power Bond. So maybe only run one.


Power Bond: Oh yeah, baby! Power = good. But when/if you use this, make sure you're swinging for game, else you'll get hit up with a hefty bill at the end of the turn.


Cost Down: At the cost of 1 card from your hand, you get to throw down Blowback. You only have to tribute once for Barrel. In dire situations, you can play Cyber Dragon (lets' hope that never happens). This.... it just works in this deck.


Brain Control: You are getting sleepy... 800 LP = Blowback Dragon, what's it cost? One of your opponents' monsters, and if all goes well, another will be gone soon too. If your opponent has a big scary Jinzo, Brain Control it, and then either tribute it, ram it, summon something else and swing for game, whatever.


Snatch Steal: Read above. This is the kind of card you LOVE to pull off your deck when you're getting hammered or your opponent just pulled Zaborg and wiped your Blowback right off the field. It's just broken, pure and simple.


Soul Exchange: If you don't have Brain Control, use this. It doesn't allow you to enter your Battle Phase, and you don't gain control of the monster per se, so Brain Control > This. Still consider it, though.


Smashing Ground/Fissure/Hammer Shot: Use these. It simplifies the field, which Blowback, Gatling and Barrel love.


Second Coin Toss: Yeah, you'll probably want one of these, if only one and one only. It's very useful with Gatling in particular.


Limiter Removal: Oh yeah. THIS is what makes Machines awesome. Use it to go for the win, or to double your assaulted Blowback when hes' savaged by... something. He's going to go anyway, right?


So now:

Cyber Dragon

Cyber Dragon

Cyber Dragon

Nimble Momonga

Nimble Momonga

Nimble Momonga

Heavy Mech Support Platform

Heavy Mech Support Platform

Barrel Dragon

Blowback Dragon

Blowback Dragon










Snatch Steal

Second Coin Toss

Smashing Ground/Fissure

Smashing Ground/Fissure


Polymerization/Power Bond (matter of opinion)

Power Bond

Brain Control/Soul Exchange

Brain Control

Cost Down

Cost Down

Limiter Removal

Premature Burial (almost forgot)


So thats' twenty monsters and 12 Spells, that leaves room for eight traps.




Sakuretsu Armor: What can I say, its' just a good card. Kills an attacking monster. Always good.


Widespread Ruin: This card is run a lot less than Sakuretsu, and I'm not sure why. If you don't like it, just leave it out.


Torrential Tribute: Iffy card. Basically a matter of preference.


Bottomless Trap Hole: RFG'ing, anyone? It kills a monster with 1500 or more ATK, which is 80% of the monsters played nowadays.


Magic Cylinder: In my opinion, Negate < Destroy. Still, this can win games. Like with most of the traps, its' a bit of choosing to be done here.


Mirror Force: Staple for good reason. Its' a guarenteed 1 for 1, with sometimes reaping a lot more.


Magic Drain/Pulling the Rug: Magic Drain is underplayed. VERY underplayed. Of course, some decks it doesn't work in. Some decks it doesn't work against. But its' either a trade of cards, or your opponent has to discard. As for Pulling the Rug, its' a counter-Monarch. Monarchs are played in 90% of the current decks, so its' kinda nice to know you got something.


So, in all:





Cyber Dragon

Cyber Dragon

Cyber Dragon

Nimble Momonga

Nimble Momonga

Nimble Momonga

Heavy Mech Support Platform

Heavy Mech Support Platform

Barrel Dragon

Blowback Dragon

Blowback Dragon






BLANK (Sangan, DD Warrior Lady/Assailant, Meanae the Thorn, Mechanicalchaser, Monarchs, Treeborn Frog, another Spell or Trap even)




Snatch Steal

Mystical Space Typhoon

Smashing Ground/Fissure

Smashing Ground/Fissure


Polymerization/Power Bond

Power Bond

Brain Control/Soul Exchange *Note: Heavy Storm needs to fit in here*

Brain Control

Cost Down

Cost Down

Limiter Removal

Premature Burial

Mirror Force

Sakuretsu Armor

Sakuretsu Armor/Widespread Ruin

Bottomless Trap Hole/Torrential Tribute

Bottomless Trap Hole

Magic Drain/Pulling the Rug

BLANK (Magic Cylinder, Call of the Haunted, Trap Jammer, Dust Tornado, Royal Decree, etc, another of the other traps, etc.)




So thats' a deck. Sorry for maybe overdoing it, I'm just really bored and this gave me something to do.




NOTE: The bottom deck is different from the other two...

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People! Please look at Foenix's decks! I need the input!


I suggest Coin Retoss in your deck to help you destroy opponent's monsters with the Dragons' effects.


You could use Masoleum of the Emperor as a field card so you can pay 1000 to summon Blowback Dragon and 2000 for Barrel Dragon if you run out of tribute monsters.


Roulette Barrel might be fun, but its effect can get you in trouble.

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