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I want to make a competitive clown deck and I have dream clown and crass clown and I will use gandora as my finisher. How should my deck look.



Dream Clown x3

Crass Clown x3

Exiled Force

Giant Rat x3

Mystic Tomato x2

Gale the Whirlwind



Peten the Dark clown x3

gandora the dragon of Destruction

red eyes zombie dragon

wall of illusions

cats ear tribe



Zombie World x2

Ground Collapse x3


Burden of the Mighty


Dark Snake Syndrome


Lighting Vortex(or Smashing)



Bottomless Trap Hole

Threating Roar

Magical Cylinder

Solemn Judgement

Dark Bribe x2

Seven Tools of the Bandit

Magic Jammer

Robbin Goblin

Sakurestu Armor

Pulling the Rug(maybe)

Divine Wrath

Light Imprisoning Mirror

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-1 Magic Cylinder

+1 Bottomless Trap Hole


-1 Seven Tools of the Bandit

-1 Magic Jammer

+2 D-Prison


-1 Robbin' Goblin

+1 D-Prison


-1 Sak. Armor

+1 T-Roar

-1 Pulling the Rug (Side it)

+1 Torrential Tribute

-1 Divine Wrath

+1 Call of the Haunted

-1 Light-Imprisoning Mirror (side it along with 1 or 2 more)

+1 Mirror Force/Starlight Road

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Honestly, your deck should revolve around:

Dream Clown x3

Crass Clown x3

Blade Rabbit x3

Swarm of Scarabs x3

Swarm of Locusts x3


Level Limit Area B

Messenger of Peace x3


Level Limit Area A x3

Gravity Bind


With that, you can have something pretty annoying.


I want to make a competitive clown deck and I have dream clown and crass clown and I will use gandora as my finisher.

This deck can compete with the Faries' date=' BW,LS,ANti Meta, and others.


......I dont see how that works.

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ill go dig it up and post it here.


Monsters (16)


3 x Raiza


3 x Dream Clown

3 x Blade Rabbit

3 x Elemental Hero Wildheart

1 x Sangan

2 x Giant Rat

1 x Summoner Monk


Spells (14)


3 x Stumbling

3 x Wave-Motion

3 x Guard Penalty

2 x Nightmare Steelcage

1 x Level Limit Area-B

1 x Swords

1 x Rota


Traps (10)


3 x Dark Bribe

1 x Solemn Judgment

1 x Gravity Bind

2 x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

3 x Anti Spell Fragrance


pretty much a basis of pure annoyance

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cool a decklist would be great and I forgot about blade rabbit. Zombie World is to stop tributes. Thats why its added.


Mask of Restrict?



do clowns have a chance to become a top deck. O dont u think dragons are imbalanced now


But, sir.

I believe they have always been OPed, if their main aim is to get FGD out and hurt everyone. D:


But now they have REDRUM, and that gets them drunk. ;~;

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do clowns have a chance to become a top deck. O dont u think dragons are imbalanced now


No' date=' but perhaps in future if they unlimit G-Bind.

Dragons are fine i believe.

Hopeless Dragons are the best way to go about them.



Cool a decklist would be great and I forgot about blade rabbit. Zombie World is to stop tributes. Thats why its added.


Why? If your running it correctly, they shouldnt have monsters to begin with, thus the Tribute factor can't be used. Zombie World is just not useful in this build.

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