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Pokémon: Winds of Orlana OoC Planning [Advanced | PG-16 | Started | Not Accepting]

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Well not everyone can go after the Gym Leaders. It's enough that just Ash does it in the anime, and even that can be a chore at times. xP


Bahnes, I guess I could always generate a wild Pokemon battle for you.. It wouldn't be meaningful to the plot, though; most of the Pokemon in the Ochre Woods are pretty spooked.

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Okay, everyone. So I added one new Pokemon, mainly because I was dying to change Cerce to a Water-Type Trainer just so I could use it. xD Well, he hadn't been introduced yet, so it's no big deal. However, Sporesly, Rootulb, and Raddiss remain reserved for the use of an upcoming NPC character. I also gave Cerce a total revamp to make him from Azure City instead of Ivy Town.

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Dahlia: I'm trying to get in contact with Blazinghydra for a GM Post. However, it's pretty clear that if your character wants to proceed, he'll have to brave the Ivy Woods to reach Butternut Village. However, I suggest that you try and have Robert tag up with someone to make the journey, as it's not an easy one.


Shradow: Well, it might be possible in the Ivy Woods, since that seems a logical place for a Grass-Type Pokemon like Turtwig to be found. That shouldn't be too much of a problem, actually.


Kuroda: No, it's not possible to catch Tsutaja, seeing as we don't have any information on it all. Sorry. Also, speaking of which... I was gonna wait for Josh and Jason to make some remarks before making another GM Post with Sycamore, but I guess you guys don't have an intention of doing that, right?

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That you guys are already in Peach Town, being on the Peach Town side of the bridge.


Also, I'm going to let BringerofCake, Kuroda Naoki, and Marsuvees Black interact before Sycamore comes back down. I feel like Encapturer has already done enough filling in the blanks to last a lifetime. Step up to the plate, Kuroda and Marsuvees..! =/

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So uhh... before we edit, we need to figure out... where are we? Are we going to Peach Town, or are we in Peach Town already and going, presumably, to Butternut Village?


Actually Shradow, reading back at my posts l think Robert was already in PT and if we interacted l think Daisuke would be there too...

l dunno, what do you want to do? =/

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Shradow, you were crossing the bridge. Regardless of where you were going, the Azure City end of the bridge was destroyed, forcing everyone over to Peach Town by default.


And it all depends on what you guys want to do - Ivy Town is very difficult to get to, but it's worthwhile because it's home to the first Pokemon Gym. If you're not interested in that, it still makes a good resting point before continuing the trek through the Ivy Woods, which can take as long as a week to cross. Also, the Ivy Woods are the only way to proceed through Orlana from Peach Town, seeing as the Azure-Peach Bridge has been destroyed and the rest of Peach Town is blocked by high mountains.


Marsuvees, I really hope that's the case. That doesn't explain Kuroda's lack of activity, though...

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