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PLEASE, comment on these, Dark Angels.

Marco Polo

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It's about the third time I'm uploading these,every time I got only 2 comments fomr other people.

Please, I just want to know how are these, they're any good? while mainly all these spam topics with their 'joke' cards get about 12 comments, the people who really try to make their cards good get only very few comments, mostly 2 or 3.


[spoiler=Dark Angels]


[spoiler=Effect]When this card is Summoned, discard 2 cards from your hand to the graveyard. If you cannot, destroy this card.

Once per turn, during you Main Phase, Special Summon 1 "Dark Angel" Token (Spellcaster/DARK/Level 2/ATK 200/DEF 500) in Defense Position on your opponent's field. The "Dark Angel" cannot change it's Position and cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon (or Set).






[spoiler=Effect]Once per turn, during your Battle Phase, equip 1 DARK monster card from your Graveyard to this card, The ATK and DEF of this card become the same amounts as the monster equipped to this card. during your next Main Phase, remove from play the equiped monster.








[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set, this card can be only Special Summoned by having 3 "Dark Angel" tokens on the opponent's side of the field, when this card is Special Summoned to your side of the field, destroy every "Dark Angel" token on the field.








Please, there's no cost for a post.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Overall these are not bad cards at all. Most people will focus on the effects but as a vanilla expert ill have a look at your 1 vanilla:


Your vanilla is "Angel of The Last Breath"


I looooove it, however there are some problems

1. 4 stars, I think that 2000 is too strong for 4 stars.

2. Should it really be a spellcaster? a fiend would give it a darker edge

3. Your story is very good but there are a few grammatical errors where it gets a bit cluttered. If you want to liven it up you can use my take on it:


This dark angel derives the most delerious sense of elation from slowly extracting the last ounce of life from his victims. He waits; savouring every moment of pain, until the victim's final labored breath has been drawn and the ice-cold hands of Hades drags the victim down into the chasm of hell. This angel whitnesses the transition into death, he is the one who cuts the wavering thread of life.


I really like it though 7.6/10

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