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Destiny's Calling (OoC Thread) [Advanced Clause] (Still Accepting and Started)

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One day, a person named DarkMark traveled to the YCM Kingdom. He made his way to the country of Clubs&Organizations where he befriended a person named Striker. They knew little about each other, but they were still friends. While DarkMark was wandering through the country, he met a new group of friends. They told tales of Striker’s annoying arrogance. They said he shouldn’t be friends with him. Each had a story that involved Striker starting fights, causing trouble, and having a huge ego. Mark wondered if their stories were true, so he did the only thing he could do. He watched. DarkMark saw what Ice, Eury, and Black meant. Striker was arrogant and always managed to annoy someone every day. It was then that DarkMark decided that Striker wasn’t a friend, but he wasn’t an enemy.


Mark’s opinion changed when Organization XIII declared war on Club Pikachu. Team Rocket, the club Mark joined, was on the Organization’s side, while Striker was on Club Pikachu’s side. As a result, they were forced to be enemies. They survived the war, but they never got the chance to fight each other.


After the war, Mark went about his way, and Striker did the same. They still came into contact, but they both didn’t trust each other. About a month or two after the war, Striker had acquired a new identity, and became known as War Torn. After this, he had the courage to bet his whole personality on a simple card contest, which Mark told him wouldn’t solve a thing. Needless to say, he lost. After that, he said he would change; that he wouldn’t show arrogance, but that seemed to be a lie.


Even after saying he had changed, War Torn continued to annoy people. Everyone was getting angry, and Mark was starting to feel that something had to be done. Mark then assumed a new goal, a goal that intertwined with the growing trouble with War Torn. He became the bringer of peace to Halla. He became the replacement of Saint Dane.

Now, Mark has taken Saint Dane’s form, and is ready to stop the growing unbalance of Halla, as War Torn gathers his forces. A war is starting, and nothing will stop it.


Thank you Twig, for editing it.




0. Saint Dane is the co-host of this RP.

1. This RP will operate on invites mainly. If you aren’t invited, I will allow you to PM me your application. I will then discuss it with Saint Dane, and if we decide that your application meets our expectations, we may let you in.

2. We operate on a three strike system, so if I have to tell you to stop doing something three times, I will kick you out of the RP.

3. No godmodding.

4. No meta gaming.

5. Power playing is a no as well.

6. To show that you read the rules, change the color of the Username segment in your app to red.

7. Erase everything in brackets.

8. What Saint Dane and I say is final.

9. Each side can only have 2 people more than the other.




Username [Just Because]:

Character Name [Obvious]:

Appearance [images are fine, descriptions must be detailed]:

Side [War Torn’s or Saint Dane’s.]

Bio [THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL. At least four lines.]:

Weapon(s) [i am serious when it comes to this. DO NOT give yourself a million weapons.]:

Abilities [Also serious about this. Same as above.]:


[spoiler=War Torn's Side][spoiler=War Torn]Username: War Torn

Character Name: Striker the Wise

Appearance: He has special blond hair that people take years to get. He is tall and strong. He has eyes the color of bright grass.

Side: War Torn's

Bio: He was the greatest thing to hit YCM. He had it all, good friends, natural card making ability, and many other things. Now he is a warrior that was tossed into shame. He was cast aside to the realm of darkness to be eatten by Trolls. He even changed his name to War Torn to run from his past. Now that his past caught up with him, he is back and ready to fight. Will he make it back or will he stay in the realm of darkness?

Weapon(s): Sword of Flame, Sword of Light, Sword of Purity (formed when Sword of Flame and Sword of Light are combined)

Abilities: Inferno Magic (A group of Fire Moves that pushes back an opponent. Strong enough to knock them out when weak, but not when they have the will to fight.), Thunder Strike (A Special Move that calls down a bolt of thunder to strike an opponent. Can not be used to knock out an opponent.), Healing Light (A Light Move that heal himself and nearby allies. Can only heal up to 50%.)


[spoiler=Light Master XX]Username: Light Master XX

Character Name: Peter the Light Bringer




Side: War Torn's Side.


He was a Simple Member like many others Interested in making Cards, and soon he realized that he had Obvious Potential. During his Card Making Journey, he realized as well that he was growing Bigger and Stronger and he soon realized that he has become known through out YCM. And although he has Grown quite Strong, he decides to become even more Powerful. So he Joins War Torn on his Quest, in order for him to Unlock his True Potential, not realizing the Deep Dark Secret Lurking within him...

Weapon(s): Two Exact Blades that can Reach almost any Surface and attach to it.

Abilities: The Power to Create Intense Light blinding the Opponent and Creating a Distraction.


[spoiler=Ulquiorra Schiffer]Username: Ulquiorra Schiffer

Character Name: As myself

Appearance: [spoiler=Appearance]2zur7s7h.jpg


As a side note, I have 2 other forms, but I won't show them now.


Side: War Torn

Bio: The 4th Espada of Aizen who is an emo guy, but a wise person as well. He was an arrancar, as hollowed spirit with great powers, but was ressurected along the lines of YCM. When he joined, he saw the corrupt happening, and decided to join to settle the corruption. For now, he enjoys to relax, and usually drink tea.

Weapon(s): I have a katana and that's it.



Track the abilities below to see.


[spoiler=qm9a7]Username: qm9a7

Character Name: Prof. Master

Appearance: Blue eyes, dark brown hair with a touch of blonde on the ends, light red lips, 8 ft. 6, bright white teeth, sun-kissed tan, long fingers, size 16 feet.

Side: War Torn

Bio: Prof. Master grew up known as "Master", because he was a Pro at everything. One day, he was at the pool, ase 17. A lady went down a water slide, which collapsed on her. He ran to her and performed CPR, and she was succesfully revived. He then became known as "Proffesor". People who knew him eventually called him "Proffesor Master". He lives in a beach house, and is single. He likes boogeyboarding, racing, walking the beach, and TV. He is 42 and in well condition.

Weapon(s): Rifle, Rocket Launcher

Abilities: Able to jump far, Able to hold breath for long periods of time, Good at smooth talking.


[spoiler=~SJ1~]Username: ~SJ1~

Character Name: Storm

[spoiler=Appearances (he has two, I'll explain why in the bio]

[spoiler=First appearance]-Anime-Guy-anime-guys-6863170-592-456.jpg


[spoiler=Second appearance]24884DarkAngel.jpg



Side: War Torn

Bio: Storm was once an average boy raised by not-so-average parents; his mother was an astronaut; his father, a world-renown scientist of biologically engineered clothing accessories. His whole life came crashing down however, when, on his 16th birthday, his whole hometown was wiped out by a group of powerful beings from another world. He barely escaped with his life; he was only able to flee with his life and his birthday present, a pair of biologically engineered wings given to him by his father. As a result of the shock, his hair turned as white as his wings. After wandering from town to town, he noticed strange coincidences between his emotions and the weather. He discovered, at a town 100 miles away from his hometown, that he can control the weather, when he started crying in a school bathroom and accidentally flooded the whole town. He then discovered that his hair, eye, and wing color changes from starlight white to pitch-black when his powers activate. He was soon taken in by a caring foster family who have followed the Japanese way of the samurai, and he's lived with them ever since. Deep within his heart, he wishes for his original family back, and so on the day he graduated from high school, he set out to find a way to get his family back.

Weapon(s): Katana.

Abilities: He can control the weather, but he is unable to restrain it.


[spoiler=MR.WHAM]Username: Mr.WHAM

Character Name: Xerar Fyurien

Appearance: He looks like Zack Fair from Final Fantasy...cept he's caramel skinned...and his hair is longer

cannot even control them.

Side: He is a Rogue but for now, he is helping Striker. Also it will help balance out the powers since Xerar, is on their side and PMK & SZ are on Dane's side permanently. Don't worry, If things get too serious, he'll be gone.

Bio: He is a good person in general who sticks to his beliefs but he has a problem: he always seems to make girls want to date/screw him. He wants to make the world better and values the prophetic question of what is life and wishes to be stronger for him and his friends. He is very athletic, agile, a generally caring person though he can be heartless and sometimes can be feral in nature. His home (he lives alone with his brother) looks like a section from the Amazon. He is also called Wild Brother. He wants a girlfriend though so he is constantly looking. He was awoken from a deep slumber when the prescience of both Omnus & the Abyss dragon was announced. His brother waits for him, in a home in another lifetime and place. He awaits to see whom he must fight with.


Weapons: Take the rings around Arceus' back, And extend them at the poles(northe & South) And make it a blade. Then give them two. One is Black & Gold and the Other is Red & White. Basically that's it. Alsoin the center there are two small white removable orbs that he uses for an incredible attack. The orbs are in the corresponding sword color, White & black. They do 2 moves.



The Attraction: It makes creatures, especially human females want to be by him. It occurs randomly. This can be negated. He also knows how to control this ability.


Chaos God: He can do anything he wants with chaotic energy. Based of light & darkness chaos, but He also uses true chaos. Has yet to get into other forms though he is working on the elemental chaos manipulation. He can use the energy of all things chaos, to form beams and blasts. He is also enhanced body and strength. He is still in the baby forms of this and is getting into his ability. He also can sense beings of all sorts and locate them. Sometimes his ability will activate subconsciously to protect him though. Can be negated.


Good/Bad Chaos: Basically random and uncontrolled spurts of chaos energy. On an occasion it will influence a series of events that will either be good or bad. They cannot be negated. They exist because of his prescience.




[spoiler=Saint Dane's Side][spoiler=Saint Dane]Username: Saint Dane

Character Name: “Saint Dane"






Side: Saint Dane's


It started not long after he arrived. He met with a group of people known as the N.D.L. and slowly branched out from there. He was still know as the wandering DarkMark then, but it couldn’t last. He watched quietly as War Torn created an unbalance in the already unstable Halla, After watching War slowly destroy his already weak reputation, Mark continued along his way, and took on the role as protector, or ruler, of Halla. After this happened, he brought back Ravinia, although not as the Elitist Cult it started as. It was brought back as a force to stop War Torn and his growing army. Of course, when Mark took Saint Dane’s place, he obtained his powers as well. So the soldier of Team Rocket who had no powers compared to most, suddenly had plenty of power to spare. He’s still getting used to the power, so he isn’t able to use it to it’s full potential, yet.


Weapon(s): A long staff made of wood. The only thing about this weapon is that it was made on Zadaa, so it won’t break, even when coming into contact with a sword.




Shape shifting - He has a few select forms he takes most of the time, and due to his

unfamiliarity with his powers, it fatigues him if he uses this power too often.


Traveler’s Persuasion - This is his safest power. With it, he can easily persuade those weak of mind.


Increased Clarity - With this, he can think clearer under pressure then most people can.


[spoiler=Godot]Username: Godot

Character Name: Yuna Divhart

Appearance: Yuna has moderate length brown hair, ending a little under her mid-back. She has deep emerald eyes and usually wears a white jacket with an odd insignia on the back. She also wears matching pants that are cut a little above her knees and black boots.

Side: Dane's.

Bio: Yuna was raised by a commander of a great military fleet known as the "Red Wings" (lolyay). Her father, the commander, had a severe grudge with Striker, and would always ramble on about one day fighting or getting his revenge with him. After her father passed away, Yuna was then left in charge of the fleet, and continued to do her father's work for him. On one of her raids, she met Mark, and soon became friends with him. Shortly after his change to Saint Dane, she heard about the fight with Striker, and decided to join, for her father's sake.


Yuna's primary weapon is a long, silver Katana with a thick gold handle and an odd ruby in the center of the handle. When needed, she can push the ruby down to open the bottom of the handle, thus revealing a hidden sword inside. Yuna also carries 2 pistols with her, both of which are capable of firing 2 bullets at a time, but, because of this, they need to be reloaded, a lot.


Yuna can use moderate Magic, seeing as every good Red Wings commander needs to. She can shoot ice crystals at her opponents, and manipulate the ice crystals to her will (ex: launching 1 crystal at her opponent, then making the crystal break into 4 smaller crystals.). She can also launch orbs/disks of magic at her opponents as well.


[spoiler=Shradow]Username: Shradow

Character Name: Shradow the Logical



Side: Saint Dane

Bio: He started off as your normal YCM member, making some cards, making some friends. He rose through the ranks, eventually reaching the fabled 6th star. He had done many things in his life, overcoming many hardships, and even doing things he never thought he could, like beating DeMeNTeD in a contest. His alias changed many a time, but always it came back to the original. Shradow.


Now, he has entered the field of battle once more.

[spoiler=Weapon: Aiedail]Speed___Halberd_01_by_Sylvain_Klein.png


Abilities: Magic of the Ancient Language.


[spoiler=ProtoMachineKing]Username : ProtoMachineKing

Character Name : PrototypeDarkloid.exe (Proto for short)

Appearance : Proto is a highly advanced machine who has used humans as a source to produce himself into a good body. His current body is one that resembles MegaMan character Proto Man, with a red helmet with black shades and a red armored body with "RP820" carved into his chest. Proto has no "skin" or "hair" visible, several copper wires, however are visible in chinks in his armor.

Side : Saint Dane.

Bio : Proto was originally a failed roleplayer, unable to truly grasp his potential as a member of the YCM community. Then he met a special person, who happened to teach him the wonders of acting and how to understand the minds of humans. Then the person's clan was attacked by the NDL, despite having only offered a status of peace. The person was forced to leave the city for a while as Proto, with no where else to go, befriended Saint Dane and began to fight the one who had conducted the fight, Striker.

Weapon(s) : A large shield, which he usually carries on his back, and his arm has the ability to shift into a energy sword and a energy gun.

Abilities : Technopathy, which he uses to "awaken" machines to fight with him or upgrade himself with them.


[spoiler=Shadow Zero]Username: Shadow Zero


Character Name: Shadow Zero



[spoiler=Humanoid Form]




[spoiler=Hunter Form]




[spoiler=Viral Form]




[spoiler=Nightmare Form]




[spoiler=Shadow Form]





Side: Saint Dane’s


Bio: Shadow Zero is a YCM Veteran and knows what it's like to be the bad guy, having commited numerous crimes in rp 820. During the YCM Wars, He sided with Club Pikachu just like Striker. However, his deep distaste of god modding and Strikers insistence on doing so drove him away from Striker, and he began wondering if it might actually be possible to return to RP 820, the first place on the forums that he had thought of as a home. Now he has somehow been able to return to rp 820, and has heard that Striker is once again stirring up trouble, this time in the form of a war. Not wanting to have to fight, but knowing that there is no other way, he has decided to face his former friend on the field of battle, regardless of the additional turmoil it may cost.

Weapon(s): Gold anklets and Bracelets that increase his speed and powers of Chaos Control. (Shadow Form only)

Various Battle Chips that can be used both inside and outside of battle. (Hunter, Viral, and Nightmare Forms only)

Two Shadow Blasters that can transform depending on what form Shadow Zero is in. (gloves with Gold and blue bracelets for humanoid form, Shadow Blasters for Shadow Form, and armored gauntlets that can create energy and do a limited amount of manipulation for Hunter, Viral, and Nightmare Forms)



Energy Creation and Manipulation, albeit a limited amount of it. (Hunter, Nightmare, and Viral Forms)

Powers of Chaos Control and ability to cast spells. (Shadow Form only)

Able to use elemental control, i.e. Earth, Water, Air, and Fire bending, along with secret bending arts such as Sand Bending. Humanoid Form only.

Able to create Miniature clones of himself referred to as Zero viruses, or just Viruses. (Viral Form only.)



[spoiler=Nexev]Username: Nexev

Character: Nexev


Side Saint Dane

Bio: A long time ago there was nothing, then there was many things. OF all these things there was a speck of insignifigant dirt. As the insignifigant speck aged he learned of the world and he learned to make himself a form to walk, by inhabiting a long dead body the speck became a monster. The monster walked this earth and went to a land where nothing was law. As he was a nothing himself he quickly became stronger and was soon the law himself. Late the monster met too men, Dane and Proto, who the monster brought under his tutelage. They learned from the monster and he learned from them. The monster became a person, a being known as Nexev, when Nexev heard about Striker he gave no mind, while he was a bit of a large globe of dirt he could mature later. Then the dirt threatened his pupil and Nexev was lost.


A monster he is once more.

Weapon(s): None

Abilities: Expert meele combatant, can manipulate heat and moisture to a very high level





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Not gonna lie Torn, you REALLY stroked your ego in your app. <_<


Username: Eury

Character Name: Xyr

Appearance: Shoulder length dark blue hair, blue eyes, a beard (think Snow from FFXIII), elvish like ears, about 5'9'' tall, weighs about 146lbs, rather thin but extremely buff, instead of fingers on his left hand he has adjustable talons that can change length at will (slightly like Wolverine), black wings (think Genesis from FFXII Crisis Core), wears tight black leather pants with silver greaves on his shins, wears a tight black shirt with a black breast plate over it along with silver gauntlets, wears a 3ft katana on his back between his wings.

Side: Saint Dane

Bio: (Permission from Dane to have Development.)

Weapon(s): Dark blue katana, claws (think Wolverine-ish, except Xyr's replaces his fingers).

Abilities: Extreme speed, flight and can control ice. Think of it as "ice bending" without the martial arts stuff.


Yes, this is basically my YCM Wars app. ;-;

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SD said I was invited, so here I am. This RP should be good.


Username: Shradow

Character Name: Shradow the Logical



Side: Saint Dane

Bio: He started off as your normal YCM member, making some cards, making some friends. He rose through the ranks, eventually reaching the fabled 6th star. He had done many things in his life, overcoming many hardships, and even doing things he never thought he could, like beating DeMeNTeD in a contest. His alias changed many a time, but always it came back to the original. Shradow.


Now, he has entered the field of battle once more.

[spoiler=Weapon: Aiedail]Speed___Halberd_01_by_Sylvain_Klein.png


Abilities: Magic of the Ancient Language.


Wasn't sure how to do things, so I just used yours as reference, you can tell by looking at my bio.

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Very well, be sure to add my application as well.


And go find some people for your side. You'll need them.




Username: Saint Dane

Character Name: “Saint Dane"






Side: Isn’t it obvious?


It started not long after he arrived. He met with a group of people known as the N.D.L. and slowly branched out from there. He was still know as the wandering DarkMark then, but it couldn’t last. He watched quietly as War Torn created an unbalance in the already unstable Halla, After watching War slowly destroy his already weak reputation, Mark continued along his way, and took on the role as protector, or ruler, of Halla. After this happened, he brought back Ravinia, although not as the Elitist Cult it started as. It was brought back as a force to stop War Torn and his growing army. Of course, when Mark took Saint Dane’s place, he obtained his powers as well. So the soldier of Team Rocket who had no powers compared to most, suddenly had plenty of power to spare. He’s still getting used to the power, so he isn’t able to use it to it’s full potential, yet.


Weapon(s): A long staff made of wood. The only thing about this weapon is that it was made on Zadaa, so it won’t break, even when coming into contact with a sword.




Shape shifting - He has a few select forms he takes most of the time, and due to his unfamiliarity with his powers, it fatigues him if he uses this power too often.


Traveler’s Persuasion - This is his safest power. With it, he can easily persuade those weak of mind.


Increased Clarity - With this, he can think clearer under pressure then most people can.


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Very well' date=' be sure to add my application as well.


And go find some people for your side. You'll need them.




Username: Saint Dane

Character Name: “Saint Dane"




Side: Isn’t it obvious?


It started not long after he arrived. He met with a group of people known as the N.D.L. and slowly branched out from there. He was still know as the wandering DarkMark then, but it couldn’t last. He watched quietly as War Torn created an unbalance in the already unstable Halla, After watching War slowly destroy his already weak reputation, Mark continued along his way, and took on the role as protector, or ruler, of Halla. After this happened, he brought back Ravinia, although not as the Elitist Cult it started as. It was brought back as a force to stop War Torn and his growing army. Of course, when Mark took Saint Dane’s place, he obtained his powers as well. So the soldier of Team Rocket who had no powers compared to most, suddenly had plenty of power to spare. He’s still getting used to the power, so he isn’t able to use it to it’s full potential, yet.


Weapon(s): A long staff made of wood. The only thing about this weapon is that it was made on Zadaa, so it won’t break, even when coming into contact with a sword.




Shape shifting - He has a few select forms he takes most of the time, and due to his unfamiliarity with his powers, it fatigues him if he uses this power too often.


Traveler’s Persuasion - This is his safest power. With it, he can easily persuade those weak of mind.


Increased Clarity - With this, he can think clearer under pressure then most people can.



I sent invites for my side. Also, App added.

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Username [Just Because]: Light Master XX

Character Name [Obvious]: Peter the Light Bringer

Appearance [images are fine, descriptions must be detailed]:



Side [War Torn’s or Saint Dane’s.] War Torn's Side.

Bio [THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL. At least four lines.]:

He was a Simple Member like many others Interested in making Cards, and soon he realized that he had Obvious Potential. During his Card Making Journey, he realized as well that he was growing Bigger and Stronger and he soon realized that he has become known through out YCM. And although he has Grown quite Strong, he decides to become even more Powerful. So he Joins War Torn on his Quest, in order for him to Unlock his True Potential, not realizing the Deep Dark Secret Lurking within him...

Weapon(s) [i am serious when it comes to this. DO NOT give yourself a million weapons.]: Two Exact Blades that can Reach almost any Surface and attach to it.

Abilities [Also serious about this. Same as above.]: The Power to Create Intense Light blinding the Opponent and Creating a Distraction.

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Username : ProtoMachineKing

Character Name : PrototypeDarkloid.exe (Proto for short)

Appearance : Proto is a highly advanced machine who has used humans as a source to produce himself into a good body. His current body is one that resembles MegaMan character Proto Man, with a red helmet with black shades and a red armored body with "RP820" carved into his chest. Proto has no "skin" or "hair" visible, several copper wires, however are visible in chinks in his armor.

Side : Saint Dane.

Bio : Proto was originally a failed roleplayer, unable to truly grasp his potential as a member of the YCM community. Then he met a special person, who happened to teach him the wonders of acting and how to understand the minds of humans. Then the person's clan was attacked by the NDL, despite having only offered a status of peace. The person was forced to leave the city for a while as Proto, with no where else to go, befriended Saint Dane and began to fight the one who had conducted the fight, Striker.

Weapon(s) : A large shield, which he usually carries on his back, and his arm has the ability to shift into a energy sword and a energy gun.

Abilities : Technopathy, which he uses to "awaken" machines to fight with him or upgrade himself with them.

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Username [Just Because]:Ulquiorra Schiffer

Character Name [Obvious]:As myself

Appearance [images are fine, descriptions must be detailed]:[spoiler=Appearance]2zur7s7h.jpg


As a side note, I have 2 other forms, but I won't show them now.


Side [War Torn’s or Saint Dane’s.]War Torn

Bio [THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL. At least four lines.]:The 4th Espada of Aizen who is an emo guy, but a wise person as well. He was an arrancar, as hollowed spirit with great powers, but was ressurected along hte lines of YCM. When he joined, he saw the corrupt happening, and decided to join to settle the corruption. For now, he enjoys to relax, and usually drink tea.

Weapon(s) [i am serious when it comes to this. DO NOT give yourself a million weapons.]:I have a katana and that's it.

Abilities [Also serious about this. Same as above.]:


Track the abilities below to see.

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