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Newb Defense League III [locked because remake]

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That would only work for the level 10 monster. replace level to 4 for the other one. Plus the spell card makes it so it can be any monster, so even normal or effect monsters, can be attach summon through the spell. And one other thing, it would make the cards lore to long if I add that clause instead of saying, "Card Cannot Summoned except by Attach Summon: yadayda" compared to your lore......and reason I say Attach Summon is because it also forces them to use a spell or trap that treats its Special Summon as an Attach Summon. I hope that clarifies more. I want short, sweet, and to the point. Not long and confusing, no offense Maz, just trying to shorten it as much as possible, and it works the way I want it to....But it will help me write out the effect on the spell better....And I forgot to mention unlike any SPecial SUmmoning, I want to make sure you can only do Attach Summoning once per turn.

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That would only work for the level 10 monster. replace level to 4 for the other one. Plus the spell card makes it so it can be any monster, so even normal or effect monsters, can be attach summon through the spell. And one other thing, it would make the cards lore to long if I add that clause instead of saying, "Card Cannot Summoned except by Attach Summon: yadayda" compared to your lore......and reason I say Attach Summon is because it also forces them to use a spell or trap that treats its Special Summon as an Attach Summon. I hope that clarifies more. I want short, sweet, and to the point. Not long and confusing, no offense Maz, just trying to shorten it as much as possible, and it works the way I want it to....But it will help me write out the effect on the spell better....And I forgot to mention unlike any SPecial SUmmoning, I want to make sure you can only do Attach Summoning once per turn.


If you want it done through the spell, I don't understand why you need to invent a new Special Summon method ('Overlay Summon' would be more fitting). The effect could be shortened to 'Cannot be Summoned or Set, except by the effect of a "Lightning" Spell Card', and have the Spells carry the once per turn restriction and similar names.


I guess I'm just confused.



@ Anyone: More from my fan-fiction archives: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/285354-a-pair-of-umi-supporting-spells/


(^ These were from a potential Dark Signer using a "Daedalus" Deck)

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[spoiler=Old news]@Max: Nice and all, except its not supposed to be restricted to that one card, it can be used to be Summoned by any spell/trap/monster effect card that enables the requirements for attach summon. If this sounds harsh, forgive me, but trying to summon it up as much as I can... 1st: I don't want to be restricted to one card, meaning they can be Summoned by other spells/traps/effect monsters effects who have the abitlity to allow Attach Summons 2nd: I don't want an long effect, so I use a spell/trap/effect monsters effects in order for them to be SUmmoned 3rd: They must be Summoned through an effect that enables the use of attaching 1 or more cards whose levels equal the card you are Summoning. 4th: Some cards will allow the use of Summoning regular cards through this type of Summon, and be considered an Attach Summon 5th: Cards will be followed with other cards that require any monster that has already been Attach Summoned. 6th: All cards Attach Summon will always go to the Banish Pile unless otherwise stated after their host is gone, removed from the field, or etc.. 7thL All spells/traps/monster effects who allow the Attach Summon will state how to Summon the card, as which is really not needed, but look at the gemini's for instant. How is to have a spell/monster/effect treating the Special Summon as an Attach Summon. Of course their effect will remain like Lightning or Mage Summoner effect, or various similiarties enabling Attach Summon 8th: Attach Summon is just a name, nothing more, nothing less, its treated as a Special Summon, so all other cards that hurt Special Summons would hurt an Attach Summon. An Attach Summon is just a name used to make the other cards effects way shorter then writing a book. And I don't want to be just a Special Summon, as then it'd be dull and there is another reason, but its hard to explain. 9th: Attach Summon is different and special, as it will draw attention, make people want to use them, like Xyz's did. If I did boring ole's sayings, then no one would want to come and comment and be happy, and would move on unless the card is op'd as H*ll, 20 comments, underpowered = 0-3 comments, new and good idea, = refreshing. Why do you think you still get comments, but they are very little Max? They are so used to you making cards that break the rules and people, imo, always want fresh, you don't want to go to wendy's and get a modly chicken sandwih, I'd sure leave and not come back. Not being mean, just stating why I went through my way instead of your ideal, because its refreshing, original, and quite fresh.Also reason is that all the cards are almost stunning perfect in everything, maybe dull the op'd or up'd and test them would be my opinion for ya. You might have fun and I would to.... I hope that is less confusing, more wording, and 9 reasons for all of this. It aint really a new Summon, but it aint just a Special Summon either as Sivlerwings will be conducted into Attach Summons by various effects of any card, but all will require you to have 1 card in the hand and 1 or more cards on the field whose levels equal the total level monster. One word to simplify: NEW NEW NEW, People Want NEW idea's, NEW ways to get monsters out, NEW non-boring effects like Knoami makes, NEW pictures, NEW and exciting ways to do things. Of course its just simple to put it as an card effect and make it simple, but what fun is that? No real fun.....They want to have fun, and thats precisely what Konami did with Xyz's and Synchro's, made it more exciting, more fun, and new ways to ruin the game, the very thing people don't like in the game is exactly why they love it, its a contradiction.... So, with all of this, it makes it so its new, its technically legit as its a Special Summon treated as an Attach Summon, and makes for more comments. I'd bet ya I could get more comments if I even made a template and made it without the spell card and just required them as a rule, I'd get at least 2 pages of comments in realistic like I did the last time....All I ever want is comments, good or bad, just to have the card to be popular is my goal, my whole reason to make cards, is to make them be popular among the community on yugiohcardmaker.....Of course not on here, I'd love to also have 1 yugioh card of my design made, but that don't or will not ever happen. What I really want in RL, now thats a big and completely different story.....Many people don't even have a clue what I want, but its really easy to figure it out. Even you could figure it out....... ----------------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An inventor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -----------------



@Max: Umm, I got a challenge for ya, which I would love for you to do....if at all possible, RC has gone and left the building......


Make an card that looks and sounds overpowered but it is actually underpowered. Any idea's possible? and then visa versa, as I want these supposedly newshool players calling people, "old format" players gone, or at least put in their place....I purposely made an op'd card and all I wanted instead of all the stuff they say is for them to comment on why the card is op'd, in their very first post, which the first poster didn't, but 2nd poster did.....I have no idea how ot make a card sound good, and convincing as an overpowered card in which return is not.....

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Username: Double C4


Why you want to join: I need help with fixing some mistakes I've made on YCM.


Favorite Card: Elemental Hero: Shining Flare Wingman (Is that the correct name?)


Do you play the game in real life: I used to, but I'm preparing to get back into it ASAP.


How you were referred to the club: I found this club out of random and wanted to know it's purpose, and I like what I found.

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Username: Double C4


Why you want to join: I need help with fixing some mistakes I've made on YCM.


Favorite Card: Elemental Hero: Shining Flare Wingman (Is that the correct name?)


Do you play the game in real life: I used to, but I'm preparing to get back into it ASAP.


How you were referred to the club: I found this club out of random and wanted to know it's purpose, and I like what I found.


Accepted. Welcome to the NDL. Feel free to post your own cards or follow our shamelessly self-plugging links/spoilers (or post your own).


(And it's 'Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman')

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Fish[spoiler=Image] Phoenix Fish


Bear [spoiler=Image] Ulvenwald Bear




Owl[spoiler=Image] Owl


A small little kitty, like rescue cat, except lightning floating round.[spoiler=Possible Images] I Know You are watchin details http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/091/3/4/white_lightning_by_letsseeaction-d3d0a8a.png http://th02.deviantart.net/fs31/PRE/f/2008/234/c/3/Cat_and_Mouse_by_xSheepi.jpg


Ogre[spoiler=Possible Images]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs25/f/2008/034/1/1/Ogre_by_thegryph.jpg http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/040/7/d/7d1e6a8b681b19b06ee228955e3ce019-d395658.jpg http://fc09.deviantart.net/images/i/2002/34/0/b/How_to_Be_an_Ogre.jpg http://th05.deviantart.net/fs50/PRE/f/2009/337/9/b/Forest_Ogre_Character_Design_by_firecrow78.jpg http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/047/b/1/ogre_ravager_by_loztvampir3-d39ntlq.jpg


mermaid[spoiler=Possible Images] Mermaid http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/195/9/9/mermaid__by_moni158-d36xddf.png http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs48/f/2009/210/4/6/Siren_by_GENZOMAN.jpg


human[spoiler=Possible Images] the hunter Hekeo the Hunter tracking the hunter


WIth all those above, except if you can, find lightning floating around all of them, so like a lightning tiger, which I found.....

If you need to, you can find them as renders without white, I can always add the rest.....especially when I know how to get lightning.


If these won't do I'm sorry tried my best, if worse comes to worse I will work on custom images but I hope they are alright.

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Hey guys. I'm back from my hiatus.

Welcome back, whoever you are


As in, 'Structure Deck: Dragons Collide', or something fan-built?





Welcome back.


3 structure decks, and some other important cards like gorz, tragodia and other cards.

Know any place where i can get them cheap, preferable in europe?

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3 structure decks, and some other important cards like gorz, tragodia and other cards.

Know any place where i can get them cheap, preferable in europe?


Amazon/Greylight are good. eBay is also quite reliable for Structure Deck cards (and indeed Structure Decks).

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Amazon/Greylight are good. eBay is also quite reliable for Structure Deck cards (and indeed Structure Decks).

Well, im looking for so close to home as possible because otherways the sending costs are high,but thanks i'll take a look.

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@Max: I'm trying to get an english sub of part 2 of yugioh zexal 33 and I can't, could you maybe either find one to that or at least do yugioh zexal 44 parts 1&2 on up to the last as all those links they have keep directing me to same first video, except the raw and I really wish I could understand japanese, but atlas cannot nor can afford to through any of those language teaching tools out there....I'd really appreciate it.


@sorry, just can't remember your name when its not on the page......


Thanks for finding the pics, they will do, I have an image editor at home......I got gimp on dads computer, maybe if you felt like helping me out, see if you can add an fiery reddish/blue or reddish/yellow glow around the owl, the fish, and the bear pictures themselves, not the picture, but the animal itself....I'll try the rest, but not tonight as I have to drive home, watch movies, and do things to at home......

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@Max: I'm trying to get an english sub of part 2 of yugioh zexal 33 and I can't, could you maybe either find one to that or at least do yugioh zexal 44 parts 1&2 on up to the last as all those links they have keep directing me to same first video, except the raw and I really wish I could understand japanese, but atlas cannot nor can afford to through any of those language teaching tools out there....I'd really appreciate it.


Have you tried Animea? They're usually relatively quick with subs. I usually go for them before branching out.



@ Anyone: Four support cards for four of the Sub-Types.




Effect: Target 1 Union Monster you control: Special Summon 1 monster written in the card text of that target (from your hand or Deck); Equip that target to the Special Summoned monster.





Effect: You can banish this card in your hand: Target 1 Equip Spell Card in your Deck, and banish it; Add it to your hand during the End Phase. It can only be equipped to a Gemini Monster. This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, you can Normal Summon it to have it be treated as an Effect Monster with this effect:

* During the Battle Phase: When a FIRE Gemini Monster you control attacks or is attacked; Your opponent cannot change the ATK or DEF of the battling monsters.





Effect: Cannot be Special Summoned. During the End Phase of the turn this card was Normal Summoned or flipped face-up: Return this card to the hand. When a Spirit Monster you control leaves the field by an opponent's card: You can banish this card in your hand; Return that monster to the field.





Effect: When a "Toon World" you control would be destroyed by an opponent's card effect: You can select and activate 1 of the following effects:

* Send this card from your hand to the Graveyard: Negate that destruction.

* Return this card in your hand to your Deck: This turn: Toon Monsters you control do not have to have their effects that would destroy them activated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Uh, Okay this needs a bloody revive, I'm willing to take on the leadership of the next thread, however if you feel someone else should then I'll be happy to allow them to, as much as I'd love to allow Max to be it still, he is very inactive and as much as I respect him for that we need an Active leader. All those in favor say I.

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