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Hey Rebel...Take a Look...

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Monsters: 17


3: Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu

2: Destiny Hero Malicious

1: Dark Armed Dragon

1: Tragoedia


2: Destiny Hero Diamond Dude

2: Deep Sea Diva

2: Mystic Tomato

1: Elemental Hero Stratos

1: Blackwing- Gale the Whirlwind

1: Plaguespreader Zombie

1: Sangan


Spells: 13


3: Mausoleum of the Emperor

2: Book of Moon

1: Gold Sarcophagus

1: Allure of Darkness

1: Destiny Draw

1: Terraforming

1: Mind Control

1: Brain Control

1: Heavy Storm

1: Mystical Space Typhoon


Traps: 10


3: Compulsory Evacuation Device

2: Bottomless Traphole

1: Call of the Haunted

1: Torrential Tribute

1: Solemn Judgment

1: Starlight Road

1: Mirror Force

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ok i would suggest dasher and grepher and minus the b ol moons and replace mind with fires of doomsday or my body as a shield




Lets teach you some basic Yugimanz logic. Why would I need Dasher if I already play the field card @ 3 and Terraforming? Its a waste of space in the deck. I run Diva and plague why in God's name would I not run Mind Control? Book of Moon stop your opp plays so why would I drop it for a card that gives me tokens when I ALREADY PLAY THE FIELD CARD. My body is not needed at all and its terribad when I have to play 2000 LP to summon my key card.

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i am a good duelist you might not ever duel me but i am not stupid. the reason my decks prbably fail is becaus i dont follow the popular stuff being ran unless i can run it.


Lol. Sigg'd.


OT: This is the proper way to run Earthbounds, thanks Mark! The build is pretty solid IMO.

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Lol. Sigg'd.


OT: This is the proper way to run Earthbounds, thanks Mark! The build is pretty solid IMO.


It depends on which Immortal the Deck is built around. Still this one looks solid.


You run Marie.


He also runs Rinyan which could easily be replaced by something inexpensive like Jain. He also butchered one of my favourite Deck Types and numerous times no less.

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