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Vongola Headquarters [A KHR Organization] "Ready for a Mafia Summer!"

Super Chaos Sonic

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So somehow I never really got into Trio of DEF. I understand that it involved people from YCM as characters and that others have made several spinoffs about it because the idea was so popular, but I don't actually know the plot or anything. Would anyone happen to have a link to the original? It sounds like a mighty fine read.

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lol I was totally joking. I haven't ever written anything on this site, despite many tries. I just don't have the motivation to do it alone. I've even stopped trying to make RPs. I can come up with material, but never go through because of time constraints and inability to prioritize :/

I'm going to go look up that link though.

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From my mom? Wonderful, I got more than I feel I should have.

From my dad? I didn't think I was gonna get anything, cause I haven't spoken to the thieving ass in a year. But I was wrong...

I got a card telling me how he spent 100 bucks wrth of books around the world to kids in poor countries, hoe good a person he is for that, and how I was lucky I got even that,

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Sorry to hear that Wham. Hope New Years goes well for you at least.

And huh, my uncle did something similar: he told me to pick 3 charities and he'd donate $50 to each in my name.
Glad your dad did a good deed, but sounds like he went about it in a really bad way and that's not cool.

My Christmas was good, got a TV to bring back to college. And I had some nice bonding time with some of my family that I didn't even realize I needed.

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@Wham: I'm sorry about that.

@Black: Oh man, sorry dude.

@Fuse: Awesome! ^^

My gifts consisted of: 3 Swords (2 katanas & Altair's blade), 3 throwing knives, Crimson Red 3DS, KH 3D, a Kindle Paperwhite (with all the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for free ^^), gift cards out the ass (so getting some other stuff with them)...and that's about it. ^^;

On another note, Renji made the fic logo. Tell me what ya think of it.

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[color=#0000CD]Logo is just meh. Incredibly meh. I could have gotten Kaka to make you one.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]Anyway, my Christmas was okay. Slept in until 11 or so. Accidentally locked my door so I don't know if my mom did try to wake me up or not. Don't think she tried though so whatever. From her and my uncle I got clothes, earbuds (which gave me the resolution to just save up for a new laptop), and a dart gun (because apparently I'm 7). But I got a $1000 car for my birthday from my mom so I'm okay with this even though I still want to pay her back for it. Then I ended up getting about $185 worth of money and giftcards which I spwent a portion of in order to buy Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Gravity Rush, and Persona 4: Golden so quite frankly that made everything a pretty good catch.[/color]

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[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1356919054' post='6106647']
Well if everyone thinks the same, I could try and ask Renji to fix it up a bit.

Gotta agree with Desu somewhat on this. It's incredibly meh. It's not bad. It just looks so... plain. And boring. Needs more pizzazz.

As for my Christmas, it's pretty much the same as my birthday, which is to say it's boring. I hate to complain because I know others are much worse off than I am. But based on the gifts I got, I can say undoubtedly that my family cares enough about me to acknowledge my interests, but not to support them. They'd rather just give me random fact books and DVDs in an attempt to make me a walking encyclopedia that will have no trouble in school, while they all enjoy lavish artsy gifts and tickets to plays/operas/etc and buy new laptops for themselves. It really sounds childish now that I'm typing it, but maybe that's because I'd like just one day a year where those closest to me can let me know that I don't have to shoulder their expectations 24/7 365, and that I can have a day off to just be what I am: a kid.

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[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1357075365' post='6108377']
Eh a good idea, Jaz.

I gave him suggestions on a silhouette of the Vongola crest or maybe just flames...told him to experiment with it.
[/quote]I have an idea building off that.

[spoiler='Take the silhouette of any of these:']

So take the silhouette of any of those, but leave the flames, the eyes and the whites of the eyes the same. Then use a tight typset, maybe something metallic and have it branch of the silhouette.

My suggestion's on using the second to last one.

[quote name='jazzyTurtle' timestamp='1357083475' post='6108496']
i want a ost

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