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Roleplaying Club- Come and Improve Your Skills

Jake the Sage

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"Death, pain, and pride. Humanity has proven once again it is flawed." Dane was currently deep into a debate with a certain Bobby Pendragon, and had been irritating Pendragon since the start. Not because he was wrong, but because Pendragon didn't know how to respond. "You say they need to be able to make their own choices, yet the people of Second Earth will always choose the easy way. Getting rid of the weaker people." He walked over to the stage, where Alexander Naymeer had recently made a speech to the many attendees to the Ravinian Conclave. Making his way up the stairs to the stage, he looked at Pendragon once more. "What's wrong? Have you nothing to say to me?" He listened as Pendragon burst out into a normal response. 'It's wrong to control others. You want to play god. You don't know what you are talking about.' Dane smirked as he kept going, and for the thousandth time, said, "Pendragon. Your little group of friends don't have a hope anymore. You can't stop it. The people made their choices, and this is their new path. Goodbye." With this, Dane took a single step, and disappeared off Second Earth, and reappeared on Quillian. Watching as the many uninspired people walked up and down the street, he turned his attention to a large billboard with a large television screen placed inside of it. Many geometric shapes were just floating on it, until a sharp three-note jingle was played on it. As this took place, everyone turned their attention to it.

A lady who seemed to look slightly Asian looking appeared on the screen. She quickly addressed the fact that the Quillian Games would no longer be able to take place, due to the majority of people who are in deep poverty. Blok had to close down the Games, and anybody who currently had bets placed upon them would be sent directly to the Tarz. Dane smiled as she said this, his work here was over, and he had no need to return to Quillian. [/spoiler]

I honestly had no idea what to write...

If you're wondering about things like the Tarz and Quillian games, just search for 'The Quillian Games.'
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Okay, Jake, this Draft is something you might end up seeing in the Supernatural Hunters RP. This is from my natural RPing ability.

[spoiler=Draft]In the innermost regions of the forest, lies a figure, wearing a supposed black hood with his hands behind his back, walking in a very slow-like pace. He was only about a half mile from Joey and Lady Saturday's location, but he had the time. Although he may be walking very slow, he was used to. The figure was in fact H, the Supernatural Hunter of Fire. As his hood blew by the soft breeze, he felt closer and closer to his main destination and first mission altogether. He continued walking, feeling as though his first mission will be a success.[/spoiler]

I know it's short, but I'm pretty sure it works, right?
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Creator I really don't feel like giving each teacher more than one student atm- until they get familiar with their jobs.

Swift, if that IS off the top of your head, still a New Rpger.

chedbonlahor is has to, as I've stated in the opening post and many times again, be off the top of your head. Also make note that if you post it here you'll be included in the school roster- meaning I WILL send a teacher to your doorsteps
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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1285195025' post='4646540']
Creator I really don't feel like giving each teacher more than one student atm- until they get familiar with their jobs.

Swift, if that IS off the top of your head, still a New Rpger.

chedbonlahor is has to, as I've stated in the opening post and many times again, be off the top of your head. Also make note that if you post it here you'll be included in the school roster- meaning I WILL send a teacher to your doorsteps

I dont quite understand this teacher business dont include me with teacher and student stuff, just could anyone tell me if I am any good here it is:

I gaze upon the strife and madness that spreads atop the hill, tears from my eyes begin to grow into moist bags of anguish that suspend my eyes in pain. The pockets of salt water begin to swell and sway and grow heavy with anguish. They swing and droop until they fall, dejected like the crisp harshness of a winter leaf; dead. They plummet slowly as aching time drearily moves onward until they fall and spread unpon the virgin grasslands untainted by the immorality atop the hill. The two droplets of moist light twinkle in the harshness of the sun as they burn alive and squirm beneath its scrutiny. Straining, they wriggle together and merge as a poigniant act of defiance and sweep a most insolent flash towards the all so magnanamus sun above. A piercing silence echoes through the valley and the smallest patches of water quiver now as I do. Ripples ebb and flow, are born die die and reborn again, the quiver rises into shaking and the droplets edge closer to eachother bound by some fated magnetism. With ever more violence the shaking merges into rumbling as divine anger blasts the foot of the hill. Rumbling swells into quaking as those upon the hill can only look on and despair as the water thrusts up the hill. Slithering and restraining its venomous bite the posessed water snakes up the hill. Pace becomes a valuable ally as the stream becomes the mature river, onwards and upward, the goal atop the hill shall be reached at any cost. The river builds purposeful momentum and jumps into a vicious surf which crashes through the lip of the hill, scattering rock and debris as the water deviod of pity and patience leaps upward into the sky rising high above the hill. Innocent clouds fally prey to it's wrath as it continues its accent. Those atop the hill can only look into the sky and see their fat and gluttonous sun encased by a glorious sheet of water. The wave reaches its highest point in the sky and is overwhelmed by a sharp sense of stillness, peace and love, before rousing itself, looking down and rememebering the immorality below. It falls. The angels and heavens offer a blissful hand and shower the wave with drops kisses and love, fueling the hate. An ominous shadow looms overhead until......a..l....lf..e....go....ne....aw..ay....b.g.n..ag....an. Nothing is left, no chirping of the swallow is heard, nor is the laughther of children nor is the clashing of sword and wit, nor is my weeping. I step forth onto virgin land once again and climb the hill of salvation. With the summit reached I arrive at the centre and look upwards into the sky eyes firmly closed, wind brushes my cheek, I am at peace....
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[quote name='TheCreator94' timestamp='1285194852' post='4646531']
If I may ask, how is that anything but something from a new RPer (just asking, give me a good reason and I'm good no trolling).

I'm not sure what you're referring to at all. Can you explain before I answer?

[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1285195025' post='4646540']
Creator I really don't feel like giving each teacher more than one student atm- until they get familiar with their jobs.

Swift, if that IS off the top of your head, still a New Rpger.

chedbonlahor is has to, as I've stated in the opening post and many times again, be off the top of your head. Also make note that if you post it here you'll be included in the school roster- meaning I WILL send a teacher to your doorsteps

Okay, I understand, but I know I can do better. Just saying.
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Swift he meant that you should have known what level you where at by what you wrote.

As for you can do better, then why not show it!!! If you want a higher level you acctually have to put the effort into it. If do something at the level of a new rper then expect to be ranked like that if you do something at a level of a decent you will be rewarded the same. It's not all that hard to write a decent post, all it takes is 1: A spell cheker, 2: Minimal Grammar to good Grammar, 3: A good amount of details. If you can manage those three you pretty much a decent roleplayer if not then in my book you would be rated as a new Rper.

Anyways; Ice you wanna start learning in the School or through PM?
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[quote name='PrimalFear' timestamp='1285196997' post='4646629']
Swift he meant that you should have known what level you where at by what you wrote.

As for you can do better, then why not show it!!! If you want a higher level you acctually have to put the effort into it. If do something at the level of a new rper then expect to be ranked like that if you do something at a level of a decent you will be rewarded the same. It's not all that hard to write a decent post, all it takes is 1: A spell cheker, 2: Minimal Grammar to good Grammar, 3: A good amount of details. If you can manage those three you pretty much a decent roleplayer if not then in my book you would be rated as a new Rper.

Anyways; Ice you wanna start learning in the School or through PM?

Through the school.

Or PM.

I can care less. But if it's via PM it may take me a while to respond.

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I still sense a bit of sarcasm in your post and I don't like it. I never claimed to be the best I know I am not as good as I should be and or want!!! Even to prove my point I even asked to be a Teacher and a Student when I applied though I have yet to be informed if I can be both. I would categorize myself as a decent to Moderate level Rper though others might have a different opinion which is totaly fine.
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[quote name='PrimalFear' timestamp='1285197356' post='4646647']
I still sense a bit of sarcasm in your post and I don't like it. I never claimed to be the best I know I am not as good as I should be and or want!!! Even to prove my point I even asked to be a Teacher and a Student when I applied though I have yet to be informed if I can be both. I would categorize myself as a decent to Moderate level Rper though others might have a different opinion which is totaly fine.

...Was this directed to me?

Because I wasn't being sarcastic.
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