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Roleplaying Club- Come and Improve Your Skills

Jake the Sage

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I would like to get a rating on my RP'ing skills then decide if it's necessary for me to join... what to write?

Kyosuke sat at his desk, reading a book entitled [u]Brave New World[/u]. His smooth, brown hair had gotten in his eyes but he did not move it. The book had caught his attention in a library a few days ago, he was there originally to finish a project he had long forgotten about since his dog died. His dog, Max, was the only thing that kept him happy through the past cold months of Winter. When he died of a rare disease, Kyosuke went into a downward spiral of depression and procrastination. Kyosuke used to be the top of his class, but between his Parent's divorce and his dog dieing, he lost the will to care. The project he was to work on was a World History one where he had to create a presentation on Japan's History during the Edo Era.

After finishing his project he found the book on the book return rack and decided to check it out using his library card. He read it for three hours the first night, it was an interesting read, but at one point he began to look at his own life. He was bullied constantly, his family, broken up. His girlfriend had died in a car accident two months ago as well. Nothing was looking up as his grades were steadily declining. But this book also told of troubles of the future. [i]"Will the rest of history always be filled with tragic figures? Or will happiness come to those who suffer?"[/i] Kyosuke had thought to himself that night.

The second night of reading the book, Kyosuke had gotten to a slightly more optimistic part, this caused him to think some more of how his life was and where it was heading, he still had the support of his friends, and he still had the love of his parents, divided as they may be. His teachers even understand the declining grades and want to work it out with him. Kyosuke then decided to begin trying again the next day.

The third night of reading the book, Kyosuke did not read much as he was catching up on work he missed due to his "situation". The teachers all agreed to give him extra time, he only read a few pages that made him fall asleep.

The fourth day of reading the book he had brought the book on the bus with him. One book had changed his thoughts and feelings. He enjoyed it but someone else had a different Idea. The book was pulled from Kyosuke's hands by the Jock of the buss, Russel Martin. "Heh, look at this! Kyosuke, what kind of book is this huh?" Kyosuke did not answer. Martin then asked again, "What kind of book is this dork?" Kyosuke just sat there, thinking that the problem would go away if he ignored it. "Hey!" Martin yelled, picking Kyosuke up while the bus was moving, "Answer me when I talk to you!" Kyosuke just store down at the jock.
"Why?" Kyosuke asked in a relaxed tone.
"Because I said so!"
"Why should I answer to one who cannot comprehend the true alpha of the human race. One who seeks brute violence to compensate for an inferior brain and a poor social class." Kyosuke store down at the boy who was picking him up by his shirt collar.
"Poor social class? I have more friends then you! And way more chicks want to go out with me than a wimp like-" Kyosuke then interupted the misguided soul.
"Yes but do you know why they want to go out with you? Because you are muscular, not because they like you as a person, not because your 'cool' or smart, not because they think your sweet, not because you have a great personality no. Women only want you for your body and that is all. You are nothing more than a pile of muscle that has a brain capacity of a pin head." Kyosuke then became quiet as the jock's hand began to shake, the Jock then made a fist with his free hand and punched Kyosuke in the gut, "SHUT UP!" and sent Kyosuke flying back into his seat, his head slamming into the metal bus wall. "Gah!" Kyosuke yelled in pain, he then Kicked the bully away and the bus driver pulled over and yelled at the both of them. When they reached school Martin and Kyosuke were "interviewed" and Martin dressed up Kyosuke as the bad guy while Kyosuke simply stared at the floor. He was then suspended from school and rumors began to spread, all because he brought his book to school...[/spoiler]
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~Cherry~ and MKA- Decent Rpgers.

I see some grammatical erros still but otherwise you both do a well job of the details.

And Black I figured you'd enjoy having Twig as your first student- as you WILL be getting more to teach at the same time later on.

As for WHAT to do. I already explained it in one of my earlier posts.
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[quote name='Tainted Black' timestamp='1285118730' post='4645265']
Cherry is way beyond decent >_> Maybe not by that sample... but, she did a 6-7 paragraph post during a DUEL in a Yugioh RP. She makes my descriptions look useless.

I got lazy.
And I thought it had to be on the spot for Students and Teachers.
If I had went back and re-read the first post again, I would've copy/pasted my app for the RP Club.

Anyway, who's my teach?
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Black I had stated I would like the students to PM their teachers samples of their works; preferably ones they are making in rpgs atm. You will then pick it apart and send it back explaining what need to be improved.

OR, a more favorable option, the teacher and the student does a one-on-one rpg via pm; or possibly even here.

And see that is why I ask for a sample on the spot- so I do not take into account how they posted in the past.

~Cherry~ your teacher will be Nervert.
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James hit the floor rolling. [i]That was uncalled for...[/i] he thought as he got back up. Moments before he had been discussing a rather delicate topic with his colleague. So delicate in fact it had resulted in him receiving a fist to the face resulting in his previous actions. He dusted himself off and put his hat back on. He appeared to be an average person. he stood a little over five foot, white skinned with a hint of a tan, wore a dark blue jacket and blue jeans. His blue eyes shone brightly in the light and his green hair stood out.

James walked back up to his partner, "Sam, your the one who brought it up don't go hitting me for your own issues."

"No one said you had to agree with me." Sam countered.

James sighed and returned to his previous position, him and Sam were doing recon for an underground organization. It was his first mission, and Sam's fifth. All they had to defend themselves were a set of usp .45 pistols and stun batons. The sun was setting meaning it was about time for them to get to work.

James sighed again, "Well I guess we should go." Sam nodded and they jumped off the side of the building and sped towards the street below.


can I haz a rank and teacher?
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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1285115662' post='4645037']
Sorry about not getting to you yet Clair. Just finished reading your sample, and believe me with me being sick that was a wrong idea XD

Excellent work, well thought out for being on the spot. Also the detail was amazing, eachand every single thing described in all its gory detail.

Advanced RPGer.


Oh, and sorry. I didn't know you were sick. ><

Feel better!
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Just please don't try to annoy each other to death.

And Clair its quite alright. I was really sick yesterday but now I am doing fine. And again I say you had good detail, though your grammar does stand to improve a bit.

As for you Creator I know you can do better. But from what I've seen here I'd have to place you as a Decent RPGer.

Seeing as your details are honestly generic; my teacher would have slapped me for introducing someone as you did [no this isn't a joke]. However I did see correct grammar and a good knowledge of where to place speech.

So I would like to, but no teaching position for you. Maybe a teaching assistant, but not actual teacher.
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lolpageglitch. SURE.

[spoiler=Because I HAVE too.]

"Four, five, one, nine. Four, five, one, nine." Muttered a boy under his breath as he traversed trough a factory-esque place. He had medium length blue hair and was wearing a black and blue shirt, black pants and blue sneakers. On the back of the shirt was an odd symbol. He walked through the factory halls, while looking up at each door he passed. He repeated the name of each one he passed, obviously looking for a certain room. He stopped when he got to a door with no name, but it clearly looked important. It had a number-padlock on the front of it.The boy went up to it and input 4 numbers. Four, five, one and nine. He pushed insert and the door unlocked. The boy entered the room and was greeted by a control panel of some sorts. There were computers everywhere, Each one had complicated things going on on their screens. The boy walked up to the third computer from the right. He started to type on the computer, entering certain codes until eventually the words "SECURITY SYSTEM CEASED". He started to laugh as he got out of the chair. "Leo, you magnificent bastard." The boy then went to the computer in the center. It was a layout for the whole building. Each room was either a red dot, if it was useless and unlocked, or a green dot, if important and locked. Then there was one lone room on the top floor. It was represented by a blue dot. The boy smirked, knowing that he found what he needed as he ran out of the room.

"Dammit, who the hell stopped the security system?" Said a man as he walked up a set of stairs. He was wearing a green helmet along with green armor. In his hand he had a laser-like gun. As he was walking up a set of stairs, the door he was about to enter flew open. There, Leo ran into the staircase, only to see the man. "Kid, what the hell are you doing here. It's dangerous, you kn--". The man was cut off by an odd chain knocking the gun out of his hand. It was pretty slim and had a sharp point at the end. As the man's gun hit the floor. the chain knocked him in the legs, making him fall down. Leo took another, smaller chain, and tied him up with it. He threw him in the hall, and locked him out from the outside. The boy then continued to run up the staircase, eventually hitting the top floor. There were about 6 more of those guards, each one was taken care of by Leo. Once all of them were knocked out, Leo walked up to the lone door there. He inserted a key card, and the door clicked open. The boy walked into the pitch-black room as the door shut behind him.
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He's a teacher, he's like a coleader as such.

PLUS the fact is that you defiled the rules with the app and therefore rendered the app moot.

As such it doesn't count and you do not have a rank.

Ergo, you are not yet a student.

Simply rectify this problem with a different sample and the issue itself is negated.
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*nods head and turns around in ma big ol' Dean Chair*

Nervert and Black are right Swift. At the time I had not realized you didn't use an on the spot sample so my ruling then is moot.

Also anyone who is given a teacher position you should treat with the same respect as I, seeing as it is THEY who are really going to be teaching you. I created the school and manage it, with a bit of teaching on the side though [prive "classes" and all that jazz].

CDude yes you may become a student, all you need to do is give me an on the spot writting sample. I will, or someone else will, rank you and you'll be given a teacher to study under.

AS for Ice I can't really place you specifically. Either as a New RPGer or as a Decent RPGer. May I have a teachers vote for Ice's placement, please?
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