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The Anime-tion Club of YCM

Shadow Zero

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But Soul Eater is still going, right?

Death Note is finished, and is one of the big names of the manga world.


And add Dokuro-chan to your anime list, after Soul Eater.

It's 12 episodes, and each episode is half the length of a normal one.

It's the violent version of Love Hina.
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I've heard different things on the continuation of Soul Eater. On one hand I've heard no. On the other it's a maybe. No because of simple no stuff. Maybe because the anime was just going to fast and had already caught up with the manga so the manga needs more time to get ahead and they'll make more when there's more of the manga.

[quote name='Daisuke L. Hirako' timestamp='1290591705' post='4806886']
@6-Shot - Basically, this guy, Kenji, and his friends used to have all sorts of fun adventured when they were kids, and they even created a "Book of Prophecies" that they said one day the bad guys would try and use to destroy the world.

The thing is, since it was so long ago, Kenji's memory, and his friends', are blurry considering they were kids in elementary school, then. So when what they wrote in their Book of Prophecies slowly begins happening, one by one, it's up to kenji and his friends to try and remember what they wrote next, and find the one using their Book of Prophecies to try and destroy the world.

Sounds interesting. I'll check it out.
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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1290746955' post='4810745']
Does anyone think Yusei will duel Yugi by the series' end, or no?
He might even duel Jaden instead, I dunno.
But I think 5Ds will be ending soon, so I feel it's time to make conjectures on those.
If I recall correctly there is currently a movie in the works where all three main characters, meaning Yugi Jaden and Yusei, meet up and after that I have no idea what is supposed to go on in it. Most likely a team up against some world-threatening evil or something because Duel Monsters must always decide the fate of the planet, especially when the three main characters are brought together by some logic-defying power.

Anyway, big side-note aside, I don't think Yusei will meet either of them but that all depends on just how far into the future 5Ds is from GX because an accurate time frame on that is never really given.
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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1290747226' post='4810760']
Wait, do you mean the movie where Paradox steals Stardust Dragon and goes back in time, with Yusei bringing Jaden to Yugi's time where all 3 fight him?
Because that's BEEN out.
In Japan.
And not ONE person bothered to sub it and put it on the net..
...Shows how little I keep up with that stuff. I didn't even know it was out.

No one subbed it? Tough. Means you'll have to wait for 4Kids to get on the dub for it. So have fun waiting for the next, what do you think, 2-3 years?
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Oh goody, YGO discussion.

Anyway, Fusion, no comments on Dokuro-chan being a VIOLENT version of Love Hina? D:

[spoiler=what is this I don't even...]
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