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Earth..... Nothing at all!


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When you think about the Twin Towers, they were amazingly big. Then, you think about the state/county you live in, huge. Then, Earth. Isn't it amazing how big it is? But, then compared to Jupiter. Then, compare Jupiter to the Sun. Its a speckle. But then, the Sun compared to other things, man, you wont believe it! Yes, I know that his belongs in the the Youtube Notable video thing, but, I just want everybody to see this.






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Look at the first one and tell me we are the only intelligent life in the universe. :?


Think about it.


"We are the only intelligent life in the universe"

... that wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it would be :/

I thought a genie would appear, or something...

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Look at the first one and tell me we are the only intelligent life in the universe. :?


Think about it.


"We are the only intelligent life in the universe"

... that wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it would be :/

I thought a genie would appear' date=' or something...



The genie only appears if your statement is true. :? :lol:

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i am the genie... what the *beep* do you want :lol:


anyways... DJ-Osiris has raped the Realistic Cards section... so mind if i spam here a while XD


just to tell you... we are made up if atoms.. how do you think they feel? being the smallest creatures alive...; in a big wide open universe of completely nothing except black holes and my mum :l

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