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Sexual Orientation Question


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What do you guys think:


Do you think that you are born heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual?


Or do you believe that it's something that happens during your lifetime?


In other words, I'm asking whether you think it is possible to change your sexual orientation during your lifetime or not. What do you think?


And for those of you who are wondering why I posted this, no... I am not considering changing my sexual orientation. I'm just curious to see what you all think.


Please keep it orderly here. If you have something against heterosexuals, or against homosexuals, or against bisexuals, please refrain from posting here. The topic will get locked and you could [and probably will] get banned.

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What do you guys think:


Do you think that you are born heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual?

Or do you believe that it's something that happens during your lifetime?


In other words' date=' I'm asking whether you think it is possible to change your sexual orientation during your lifetime or not. What do you think?


And for those of you who are wondering why I posted this, no... I am not considering changing my sexual orientation. I'm just curious to see what you all think.


Please keep it orderly here. If you have something against heterosexuals, or against homosexuals, or against bisexuals, please refrain from posting here. The topic will get locked and you could [and probably will'] get banned.


No, we're not born anything but we're given the choice of which path we'd like to pursue. I don't know if it's possible to change though...

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I think we're born with a high probability of being a certain orientation.


But, I mean, in reality, how in the hell would I know. I'm straight, so I have no idea whatsoever what it could possibly be like.


How would I know if it's a choice or not?

I mean, I don't think I could be gay if I wanted to :/

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Yes, people are born that way. People have no real choice on what they find attractive. We can try to fool ourselves by pretending to be something we're not. But the way your brains functions determines what you find attractive, wether it be men, woman, old, young, white, black, skinny, fat, tall, short, etc. Sometimes we just can't explain what we find enjoyable in another human being.


I have heard countles stories (In my world issues class) of kids pushed to suicide attemtps in High School from being harassed by other students about being gay. One notable quote from a bulied student was something like, "What really gets me angry are when people say it's my fault for CHOOSING to be this way. Look at what I am going through! Who would CHOOSE this kind of life?"


To conclude, I don't think we really have a choice. We like what we like and some times can't explain it.

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Yes' date=' people are born that way. People have no real choice on what they find attractive. We can try to fool ourselves by pretending to be something we're not. But the way your brains functions determines what you find attractive, wether it be men, woman, old, young, white, black, skinny, fat, tall, short, etc. Sometimes we just can't explain what we find enjoyable in another human being.


I have heard countles stories (In my world issues class) of kids pushed to suicide attemtps in High School from being harassed by other students about being gay. One notable quote from a bulied student was something like, "What really gets me angry are when people say it's my fault for CHOOSING to be this way. Look at what I am going through! Who would CHOOSE this kind of life?"


To conclude, I don't think we really have a choice. We like what we like and some times can't explain it.



You have just summed up my next point ive personnally had 3 friends whove almost killed themselfs becouse of perscution from straght guys what they dont relise is that homosexuals and bisexual are the exact same as themselfs but just have different prefreces. its the same persacustion that the jews suffered throughout history the thing of the matter is that straght men thinkl its there responibilty to purge the world of everything not christian

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well bhim yes Genetic Manupilaton is the reason for homosexuallity the only reason why people cant accept it is becouse peoples minds are still warped around worshipping a all powerful devinity that tells them that homosexuallity is wrong and inmoral


Well, to me, your wrong on my reason why I think it's a decision.

Lets just say, i'm not a big believer...

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sexual orientatin, is more or less a believe,

and this hand

it is not a sin, for those who deem it fit, to call it a sin, based on what a book says.

and therefore, if you arent born smart, or born a genius, you born to be your sexual class.

your grow, and become what you are, thats all there is to say.

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Anyone who thinks it's a choice, READ:


Sexual orientation, may I remind you, is more than just "heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual". MUCH more. Don't forget there are some people, who, by today's REDICULOUS standards, are considered weird for "choosing" other paths. There are people out there who like animals/children/deceased persons/etc. (I need not list more), which, since, believe it or not all the people who are most likely close-minded hetero's (who think you "chose" what we are, when in fact, you just believe you did because our heterosexuality is considered the most "normal", when it is merely the most common), was not their choice, and, despite being less common, should not be considered "weird" at the least. You are not born into a sexual orientation, nor do you choose such a thing, but often it is rather determined through your earlier years depending on on a number of things, those who are sexually abused tend around this age tend to attain a desire to do this to other's themselves, as well as things as simple as if somone of a certain gender is particularly kind or influencial in another way towards you, (Start of explanation parenethesis) which can influence you to develop an attraction (at that age, it's often subliminal, but depending on the upbringing of the particular child developing (may have been brought up in an open sexual way, by possibly witnessing fornication or even pornography) said attraction, it may not always be this way) towards this particular person, who you will likely eventually lose contact with, but the attraction to this gender may remain simply for nostalga reasons of you remaining close to this type of person. Eventually, you'll hit adolescence and this subliminal attraction may not be even in your memory anymore, but still affect your orientation (End of explanation parenethesis). Also, you can be influenced by peers, family, other people who also are a certain orientation. Of course, there is a little thing called a fetish, which is merely one exploring and testing certain things, which could explain beastiality. These can stick, and people pick up this and other orientations.


It's a big, BIG thing. Do you nearly get it?


"Simplists", as I will call you, who have very closed minds, on this forum are spreading like WEEDS.

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Hmmm, well Frunk, while I get what you say, but, um, what about if theyare abused as you say, isn't their choice then to either go with, or against the sex of the person that did that? Plus, you make it sound like it happens all the time in which the person does that after they are abused or somthing, but alot of the time, it turns out that they where just abusedm and it didn't effect the way they felt twoard the opposite sex. I'm not exactly the best at this, in fact, i'm so tired right now that everything seems to be tilting to the left lol, but, I think, even if there is alot of pressure to do that, and how you are reaised, I seem to remember a little human trait called free will...

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Well im gonna


Go with the most off topic thing here and just simply say


I really dont care lol It wouldnt bother me if i was born gay or turned gay later in life, for myself, i actually have always been gay, since i could remember, never ever had an attraction to females.


Thus, im gay and lovin it ^_^ lol

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Hmmm' date=' well Frunk, while I get what you say, but, um, what about if theyare abused as you say, isn't their choice then to either go with, or against the sex of the person that did that? Plus, you make it sound like it happens all the time in which the person does that after they are abused or somthing, but alot of the time, it turns out that they where just abusedm and it didn't effect the way they felt twoard the opposite sex. I'm not exactly the best at this, in fact, i'm so tired right now that everything seems to be tilting to the left lol, but, I think, even if there is alot of pressure to do that, and how you are reaised, I seem to remember a little human trait called free will...



Whilst not being abused myself, can you imagine how traumatic it would be? Seriously? Trauma removes all logical thought. Also, don't you realise that both men and women can abuse and be abused? Girls can be abused by women, boys can be abused by men, and vice versa. I'm not refering to the gender a victim of abuse chooses, but the fact that they sometimes ('you ever seen one interviewed?) have an odd, uncontrolable desire to do it to someone as it was done to them. It matters not whether they were abused by a man or a woman, nor whether they themseleves are male or female, and sometimes even nor who they are abusing. Free will is usless when trauma is involved, it becomes involuntary.

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