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Fushioh Richie

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[quote name='-Dae-' timestamp='1299806865' post='5065600']
If it only wasn't so f***ing hard to get on the field...


it would be AWESOMENESS!
Better yet, just make Dezard a Zombie-Type, and leave the rest of it as is.
[i]THEN[/i] it would be more playable.
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Huh, that's a pretty potent ability with good stats. I've never actually read the entire card text. Wait, what's Great Dezard's condition.

...it's a 1900/2300 Level 6 Spellcaster that needs to kill 2 monsters in battle.

Not...the worst thing I've ever heard, but what the hell?
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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1299808388' post='5065668']
...it's a 1900/2300 Level 6 Spellcaster that needs to kill 2 monsters in battle.

Not...the worst thing I've ever heard, but what the hell?
Yea, exactly.
It has the weirdest stats ever, and for some reason is a Spellcaster-Type.
...At least the 1st time it beats something in battle gives it Spell/Trap target immunity.

Also, Magician's Circle could be a bit of lulz
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