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Stallan Exodia (needs help)

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Main Deck

Monsters (15)
5x Exodia
3x Nimble Momonga
2x Des Lacooda
2x Spirit Reaper
1x Marshmallon
1x Giant Rat
1x Sangan

Spells (15)
3x Upstart
2x Gold Sarcophagus
2x Messeger of Peace
1x Nightmare's Steelcage
1x Swords
1x Level Limit Area B
1x Scapegoat
1x Giant Trunade
1x Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Book

Traps (10)
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute
Gravity Bind
Solemn Judgment
Reckless Greed x3
Threatening Roar x3

Side Deck (Quick Conversion to Watt OTK)
1x Penguin Knight
1x Messenger of Peace
2x Trap Stun
1x Seven Tools of The Bandit
3x Twin Swords Of Flashing Light - Tryce
3x Wattkiwi
2x Wattgiraffe
2x Wattpheasant

Extra Deck
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x2
Watthydra x3
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
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alright well i took out wave motion cannon cuz it wuz stupid and added allure of darkness because I realise I forgot to put it in for sum reason

i dont know what to take out for backup soldier though i figured pot of avarice would be enough in case my exodias were discarded but i dunno thanks for the tips man you're really a wise man lol

edit: I think i should add a set of reckless greeds but i dunno wut to take out!
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If you have Pot of Dualiities, those obviously would fit into the deck. And don't use Pot of Avarice, it just screws you over in the end with Exodia.

Instead of Germ, use Momonga. You won't take damage, and it will help stall a little bit more.

Uhh... I really don't like the build of the deck overall, so I can't really give many more suggestions.
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Monsters (15)
5x Exodia
3x Nimble Momonga
2x Des Lacooda
2x Spirit Reaper
1x Marshmallon
1x Giant Rat
1x Sangan

Spells (16)
3x Upstart
2x Gold Sarcophagus
2x Messenger of Peace
1x Nightmare Steel Cage
1x Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Swords
1x Level Limit Area B
1x Scapegoat
1x Giant Trunade
1x Book
1x Dark Factory of Mass Production

Traps (9)
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute
Gravity Bind
Solemn Warning x2
Solemn Judgment
Wobuku x3

-3 germ
-2 Gravekeeper's Guard
-nightmare's steelcage
-2 tomato
-Pot of Avarice
+2 des lacooda
+3 Wobaku
+3 Nimble Momonga
+1 Giant Rat
+Dark factory of mass production

lemme kno wat u guys think, I like this build a little better
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Well i think if u add emissary of the afterlife it will help u get normal exodia pieces to your hand and dark eruption will let u get a dark monster that u need from your grave.
cyber valley, battle fader, pyramid turtle, worm linx or shiba warrior taro could help also. I would change waboku for threatening roar and three reckless greed will be ok.
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-2 Spirit Reaper
-1 Giant Rat
-1 Nightmare Steelcage
-1 Reborn
-1 Scapegoat
-1 Level Limit Area B
-1 Swords
-1 Book (Which book is it anyway)

+3 Royal Magical Library
+1 Hand Destruction
+1 Heart of the Underdog/Magical Mallet (maybe add Heart of the Underdog to the side and Magical Mallet)
+3 Toon Table of Contents
+1 Toon World
(Most if not all of these are really cheap)
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look i fuckin realize this isn't the greatest deck type in the world, but it's mainly for fun friendlies and trollan scrubs at locals. any retard can f***ing build a blackwings or sex samurai or whatever the f*** and win, I like winning with my favorites ok? And since I don't f***ing suck at this game like most people who post here I can actually pull off a fuckin win with s*** like this and have a good time. fI know there are other ways to play exodia but that's not what this topic is about.

I see dozens of other people post their shitty just for fun decks and I don't see anyone else complaining about it what the f*** guys whythe f*** do you have a problem with me? youre all a bunch of mindless idiots, now i realize why i left this place. I'm leaving and i wont be fuckin coming back, except to brag when i win nats with exodia or elemental heros or something. peace n****rs enjoy sucking each others dick for pot of duality while i win with a deck i built for 20 bucks
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[quote name='Super Yugi Go' timestamp='1300058669' post='5072117']
look i fuckin realize this isn't the greatest deck type in the world,


but it's mainly for fun friendlies and trollan scrubs at locals. any retard can f***ing build a blackwings or sex samurai or whatever the f*** and win

[b]Some of my friends can build Spamauri and get 2-0'd by Hamon CBS.[/b],

I like winning with my favorites ok? And since I don't f***ing suck at this game like most people who post here I can actually pull off a fuckin win with s*** like this and have a good time. fI know there are other ways to play exodia but that's not what this topic is about.

[b]Obviously you play against my friends.[/b]

I see dozens of other people post their shitty just for fun decks and I don't see anyone else complaining about it what the f*** guys whythe f*** do you have a problem with me?

[b]Because you're obnixous, rude, most likely retarted, and you mad.[/b]

youre all a bunch of mindless idiots, now i realize why i left this place. I'm leaving and i wont be fuckin coming back, except to brag when i win nats with exodia or elemental heros or something. peace n****rs enjoy sucking each others dick for pot of duality while i win with a deck i built for 20 bucks

[b]You'll be back. You said that last time. Also, it's you're not youre. btw this deck will never win and


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[quote name='Super Yugi Go' timestamp='1300058669' post='5072117']
look i fuckin realize this isn't the greatest deck type in the world, but it's mainly for fun friendlies and trollan scrubs at locals. any retard can f***ing build a blackwings or sex samurai or whatever the f*** and win, I like winning with my favorites ok? And since I don't f***ing suck at this game like most people who post here I can actually pull off a fuckin win with s*** like this and have a good time. fI know there are other ways to play exodia but that's not what this topic is about.

I see dozens of other people post their shitty just for fun decks and I don't see anyone else complaining about it what the f*** guys whythe f*** do you have a problem with me? youre all a bunch of mindless idiots, now i realize why i left this place. I'm leaving and i wont be fuckin coming back, except to brag when i win nats with exodia or elemental heros or something. peace n****rs enjoy sucking each others dick for pot of duality while i win with a deck i built for 20 bucks

As expected ^^
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