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Today I have found something seriously distressing about me. I was commenting in a Thread on another Forum about how much I love using the original Japanese voices in Video Games. Suddenly from out of the blue, someone referred to me as a Weeaboo (Complete with Awesome face) At first I was confused but then looked up the meaning and I was shocked.

The Term Weeaboo describes a non Japanese person who is obsessed with Japanese Culture even going so far as to learn part of the language (I can speak basic Japanese but cannot read or write it) To make matters worse, a Weeaboo is a non Japanese member who is obsessed with Anime (Basiclly an Otaku but a lot worse) and of course Hentai. (Yep i've been called a nasty freak in other Forums for confessing my like of it.

Now I have been kind of winded, I know this is the Internet and all but it made me see the Truth of who I really am, to be honest, it scares me....
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Personally, I thought a weeaboo is someone who thinks Japan is the bestest country in the universe and that he's the biggest connaisseur of Japanese culture only because he owns tons of video games, manga and stuff like that.=/ There's nothing wrong with manga and animu, or learning the language and quite frankly, the original voices are often better than the dubs.:S But well, there's also a history and non-pinku-kawaii culture in Japan and some people study japanology because they really like the country overall.

But it's a slang word, just like when someone is called an emo but couldn't name 5 bands from the genre. As long as you know who you are, it's fine. And quite frankly, I've already called out a few people as weeaboos and they were much worse.=D I guess they're easy to notice. :lol:

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Weeaboo is a derogatory term for a good reason - being ignorant and having a borderline-autistic level of obsession is weird, as most normal people will point out. It's like being a furry but often without much sexual connotations. I once told a weeaboo that Japan was as corrupt and bad as most countries and that adult otaku were shunned and frowned upon. They responded "no, Japan is very accepting. Everyone loves Animu DESU".

See why I hate them now, perhaps?
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^Yeah weeaboos are often found in Japanese fashion communities too (and by the way I look, I can tell you). They often think that in Japan everyone walks around with fancy hair and big headbows and cosplay and that everything is pinku and kawaii over there. But some people forget that there are also school uniforms, family pressure and an even bigger sense of comformity (at least that's what I've heard from people who've been there or study the country). It's not considered "normal" to be an otaku or to run around with Hello Kitty everything, most teenagers just dash out the cosplays for weekends and only to get their pics taken by tourists.
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[quote name='Opalmoon' timestamp='1299958407' post='5069070']
^Yeah weeaboos are often found in Japanese fashion communities too (and by the way I look, I can tell you). They often think that in Japan everyone walks around with fancy hair and big headbows and cosplay and that everything is pinku and kawaii over there. [b]But some people forget that there are also school uniforms[/b], family pressure and an even bigger sense of comformity (at least that's what I've heard from people who've been there or study the country). It's not considered "normal" to be an otaku or to run around with Hello Kitty everything, most teenagers just dash out the cosplays for weekends and only to get their pics taken by tourists.

You are correct, but school uniforms are probably the worst possible example, as they are quite common within [i]certain areas[/i] of anime fandom. *Looking at you J-Max!*

Almost to the point where they're a part of Otaku sub-culture.
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[quote name='ADHD-Guitar' timestamp='1299959944' post='5069126']
You are correct, but school uniforms are probably the worst possible example, as they are quite common within [i]certain areas[/i] of anime fandom. *Looking at you J-Max!*

Almost to the point where they're a part of Otaku sub-culture.
*Holds Hands up* I didn't do anything, I swear! Oh! You mean my possible love of Girls in School Uniforms? lol nah, my love stretches to things such as Busty Nurses and also Housewives. School Girls are borderline nasty at times for me :P

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I wouldn't want any association with anyone or anything Japanese right now. They pissed off Poseidon down there, POSEIDON THE EARTH-SHAKER. Not a good idea.

[quote name="The Odyssey (edited for truth)"]
"[…] and Japan would have escaped its doom, though Athene hated it, had the Japanese not gone wildly mad and tossed out a word of defiance; for they said that in despite of the gods they escaped the great 8.8 earthquarke and the resultant tsunami, and Poseidon heard them, loudly vaunting, and at once with his ponderous hands catching up the trident he drove it against their nuclear reactor, and split a piece off it, and part of it stayed where it was, but a splinter crashed in the water and so the reactor exploded, and this was where the Japanese had been perched when they raved so madly. The explosion blasted them down to the depths of the endless and tossing main sea. So Japanese blokes died, when they had swallowed down the salt water."[/quote]
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[quote name='~ P O L A R I S ~' timestamp='1300067773' post='5072521']
I wouldn't want any association with anyone or anything Japanese right now. They pissed off Poseidon down there, POSEIDON THE EARTH-SHAKER. Not a good idea.

I'm pretty sure Poseidon's title isn't the "Earth-Shaker". Why don't you link me to a shady Conservapedia article just so I can cross-reference?

Weeaboo is a really extreme word. I'm interested in Japanese mythology because it's pretty cool and I play Okami and don't afraid of anything, but I'm definitely not obsessed with the country of Japan.

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[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1300069128' post='5072575']
I'm pretty sure Poseidon's title isn't the "Earth-Shaker". Why don't you link me to a shady Conservapedia article just so I can cross-reference?

Weeaboo is a really extreme word. I'm interested in Japanese mythology because it's pretty cool and I play Okami and don't afraid of anything, but I'm definitely not obsessed with the country of Japan.


Google poseidon earth-shaker, get results, see the light.
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