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The Shadow Games


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This card's effect cannot be negated. A player who looses the game is looses the match, and players cannot resign. Then, if either player has activated a "Shadow Games" card during this game, draw 1 card.

And in the manga the effect would be:
This card's effect cannot be negated. The soul of the loosing player is sent to the Shadow Realm, and players cannot resign.
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I think this would fall under popculture cards, since it's base of the anime show. But the card is to OP in my case.
1. If they lose the duel they lose the match? Kinda unfair don't you think?
2. If it can't be negated then have it have a drawback like paying life points or something?
3. On top of all that, you get to draw a card, now where's the drawback there?

In this case I would like to give this card a 2/10
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[quote name='Demon wolf' timestamp='1299981049' post='5069948']
I think this would fall under popculture cards, since it's base of the anime show. But the card is to OP in my case.
1. If they lose the duel they lose the match? Kinda unfair don't you think?
2. If it can't be negated then have it have a drawback like paying life points or something?
3. On top of all that, you get to draw a card, now where's the drawback there?

In this case I would like to give this card a 2/10

It is not a "popculture" card, it is a realistic card based on the anime. Many cards are like this. Remember the card "Penalty Game"?
1. How is that unfair. if you loose, you loose the match, and it is a minus one, so it makes you more likely to loose.
2. Ok, perhaps it should have some drawback, or something that adds to the whole feel of the card. I am still thinking about that, like a cost that you must pay every turn and if you don't you loose the match. But I still think that even as it is it is not OPd.
3. You only get the card if previously the card has been played. So that is just so people can play 2 or 3 copies without the 2nd or 3rd being completely useless.
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That is for exactly that reason. The reason they are illegal is because they are too hard to judge, not that they are too broken, at least in my opinion. Taking the resignation element out, it seems more reasonable, and easier to judge. Is the card too unbalanced, too uncreative, or does it just not meet the norm of the game? Because if it is the last, it does not make sense. If it is one of the first two, then you have a point.
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Funny thing is that, Victory Dragon is less broken than this card is. You don't need to Summon it, and it's a Quick-Play Spell Card, making it even more broken. Pretty much, all FTK decks would run this.

Really thekazu4u, do you even think about the cards when you make them or do you just make 1000 monkies bash random letters to make a card?
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This MIGHT run, if it weren't a magic card AND if were negatable. And its quick play, so its even faster and more annoying. Stuff like this always gets banned during the next list. Nice art, good job. Overall: 5/10 Just because this is ban worthy and your picture is awesome sauce
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[quote name='Zandaa Roaisu' timestamp='1300646553' post='5085501']
Funny thing is that, Victory Dragon is less broken than this card is. You don't need to Summon it, and it's a Quick-Play Spell Card, making it even more broken. Pretty much, all FTK decks would run this.Really thekazu4u, do you even think about the cards when you make them or do you just make 1000 monkies bash random letters to make a card?

Really guy, is there a need for insults here. So he made a bad card, no need to bash him/her about it. Just tell him/her what's wrong with it and try to help, not insult.

[quote name='thekazu4u' timestamp='1300652061' post='5085800']
So should it be a trap card instead? I think I should drop the draw 1 effect, not one of my smarter ideas.

I think it would work as a negatable normal trap card since it doesn't really have a drawback. But its up to you overall.
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[quote name='thekazu4u' timestamp='1300652061' post='5085800']
So should it be a trap card instead? I think I should drop the draw 1 effect, not one of my smarter ideas.

It doesn't matter if it's a Spell or a Trap Card. This being a Trap Card just means you have to set it a turn earlier. Sure, FTK's wouldn't use it, but OTK's would. Nothing good would come of this card.

Also, just let this thread die; this card cannot be balanced.
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