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Certain Jokes


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[spoiler=Warning. Immoral Joke.]You should stop telling Holocaust jokes. They're immoral. Anne Frankly, they should be taken seriously.[/spoiler]

I feel pretty bad for laughing at this joke, but the play on words is too much.

Discuss jokes that you don't want to laugh at, but end up doing so anyway. Or just dark jokes in general.
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Holocaust jokes I just can't stand, because honestly, my family had to go through that time, and it wasn't something to make into a joke.

However, racial jokes, when pertaining to my own ethnicity, I laugh nonstop. And then when there are racial jokes pertaining to others' ethnicities, I'll still laugh too. And that I feel bad for, but sometimes racial jokes are funny because they're true. And enjoyable.

I'm in no way racist, btw. Don't fire at me.
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[quote name='Marisa Kirisame-ze' timestamp='1300423803' post='5080403']
However, racial jokes, when pertaining to my own ethnicity, I laugh nonstop. And then when there are racial jokes pertaining to others' ethnicities, I'll still laugh too. And that I feel bad for, but sometimes racial jokes are funny because they're true. And enjoyable.

Doesn't help when my circle of friends each represent something different:
Asian Jackass
Black Man-hoe
Emo Jew
Stupid Redneck
Lazy Brazilian
Big/Loud Italian
"Rich" White Kid (me)
Plenty more where that came from..
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well this is kinda funny in some way

i have to explain it a tad
in welding class (yes he had a welding class in high school) and you get to weld alot so you need welding equipment (strong work boots leather gloves deniem wrok jumsuit sort of thing welding hat safety googles)

this one kid had big black boots (this one class had just white and latinos in it) some one in the class (while we was in the changing room) said he had nazi boots (boots that look like nazi boots) (they really was not nazi boots just look like em) so he got a nick name : nazi boots

he was short dirty blonde hair some of the other kids haze him a little (not like bully but like just playing around) he was one of those poeple who do not care what people think of him so kids beings kids we was cracking jokes (not apporite racial jokes i will not mention here)

he said hey hey the holocaust is not funny at all my great grandfather died in aueswtiz (he got drunk and fell off a guard tower) it was a old joke but it was still funny every time it was told
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I love immoral jokes. Don't get me wrong, NO traumatic events are funny, but some jokes are just so clever that it makes them funny.

[spoiler=Immoral jokes. Don't read if easily offended]"Did you hear about the party on the 52nd floor of the Twin Towers?"
"I heard it got crashed."
"That sucks. I heard they had pizza and everything."
"Really? What kind of pizza?"
"Two plains."[/spoiler]
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[quote name='Halubaris Maphotika' timestamp='1300469961' post='5080931']
HEY JAPAN DO THE WAVE :D Oh wait you already did...

I hate it so much but its funny and I love holocaust jokes and Dead baby jokes....

Hitler... Killed 7 billion jews... F*CKING CAMPER!
Emo Hitler- He killed 7 billion jews just to see if he could feel something...

XD I have no morals
I'm sad that I laughed at that for 2 reasons
1. Its a holocaust joke
2. I hate shooter games!

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[quote name='Larxene' timestamp='1300467522' post='5080871']
Snorlax used Earthquake!

Super effective!

The earthquake barely did a thing. It's more like El Mundo using Earthquake, Japan taking minimal damage, then El Mundo uses Surf, Japan takes super-effective damage, and Japan counters with Nuclear Release.

It just sickens me when people think the Earthquake was super-effective.

OT: I laugh at everything, so long as it's funny.
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[quote name='Halubaris Maphotika' timestamp='1300469961' post='5080931']
HEY JAPAN DO THE WAVE :D Oh wait you already did...

I hate it so much but its funny and I love holocaust jokes and Dead baby jokes....

Hitler... Killed 7 billion jews... F*CKING CAMPER!
Emo Hitler- He killed 7 billion jews just to see if he could feel something...

XD I have no morals

wtf there aren't even seven billion people on Earth.

Don't care about racist jokes unless it's somebody who belongs to one of those Christian branches saying a joke about Jews and being greedy because then I can ask why a few of their ancestors may have begged for that money they insult us for. Et cetera, et cetera.

Anyways, if I'm insulted like that I just say something back in a joking manner that is an equivalent.
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[quote name='Wang Fire' timestamp='1300487034' post='5081562']
I'm sad that I laughed at that for 2 reasons
1. Its a holocaust joke
2. I hate shooter games!

beside me some one hates shooter games ???

that worth a rep my friend

i know alot of dark humor jokes (some are really really mean and or offensive) i heard em form school
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Someone called for offensive jokes?

[Spoiler=Abandon Morals All Ye Who Enter Here]
Why are camels called the ships of the desert?
They're always filled with Muslim semen.

What do you call a baby with no arms and no legs floating in a swimming pool?

Why did Prince Harry cry at Christmas?
He got Scalectrix.

Why did Prince Charles laugh at Christmas?
He got Scalectrix.

What are the three things a black man can't get?
A fat lip, a black eye, and a job.

My Japanese girlfriend broke up with me.
Oh well, plenty more fish in the sea.

What's the national Indonesian sport?
Body surfing.

Have you heard about that new band from Haiti?
They're called "New Blocks on the Kid"

What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?
The Holocaust.
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Auschwitz Inspection day

Hitler is inspecting the jews, when he reaches a little girl.
Hitler: How old are you, little girl.
Girl: 5, but I turn 6 in two days!
Hitler: *smiles* No you don't.

*Ba'al is shot*

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I love tasteless jokes.

The other day, I trolled the Reviewtopia livestream by posing as Valis77 and asked about Let's Eat videos, then I posed as Linkara to make an "I AM A MAN" reference. I also posed as Nostalgia Chick and joked about her abortion before getting banned.
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