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Constructive criticism only, please.

Battle Fader X3
Fortress Warrior
Necro Gardna
Swift Scarecrow X3
Zero Gardna X3

7 X3
Dark Hole
Final Countdown X3
Hand Destruction X2
Level Limit Area B
Magical Mallet
Nightmare’s Steelcage X2
Pot of Avarice
Spell Absorption X2
Swords of Revealing Light

Defense Draw
Gravity Bind
Magical Cylinder
Mirror Force
Negate Attack X2
Rainbow Life X2
Scrap-Iron Scarecrow
Solemn Judgment

Deck Total: 41

Side Deck(15):
Draining Shield
Emergency Provisions
Jar of Greed
Judgment of Anubis
Mask of Restrict
Metal Reflect Slime
Morphing Jar
Negate Attack
Royal Surrender
Scrap-Iron Scarecrow
Spirit Reaper
Trap Reclamation
White Hole
White Magician Pikeru
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[quote name='Emerald Fan' timestamp='1300521703' post='5082499']
Constructive criticism only, please.

Battle Fader X3
Swift Scarecrow X3
Zero Gardna X3
Spirit Reaper

Final Countdown X3
Level Limit – Area B
Swords of Revealing Light

Gravity Bind
Scrap-Iron Scarecrow X2

Something closer to that
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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1300540088' post='5082674']
1. Run 40 cards

2. Run multiples of good cards

3. Don't run bad cards
1. I'm working on it as we speak and it may go down to 42.

2. Why do you think Battle Fader is at 3 and Scrap-Iron Scarecrow is at 2?

3. OK, what do you mean by "bad cards"?

[quote name='<}Alpha Frogodile{>' timestamp='1300540853' post='5082684']
-3 Kuriboh
-1 Draining Shield
-1 Magical Mallet

just for starters.
Why am I taking out 4 of my defenses and one of my ways to get Countdown?

[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1300543652' post='5082735']
Defender is NEVER a good card, in any deck.
Why would you say that? it has 2700 DEF, which I think is pretty good for protecting me while my turns go by.

[quote name='Expelsword' timestamp='1300562362' post='5083325']
Something closer to that
You do know that is 20 cards, right? And Spirit Reaper is Semi-Limited now, so I'm running two.
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[quote name='Emerald Fan' timestamp='1300521703' post='5082499']
Battle Fader X3
Zero Gardna X3
Swift Scarecrow X3
Necro Gardna

Clock Tower Prison X3
Final Countdown X3
Level Limit – Area B
Nightmare’s Steelcage X3
Swords of Revealing Light
Upstart Goblin X3

Gravity Bind
Waboku X3
Magic Cylinder x2
Mirror Force
Scrap-Iron Scarecrow X3
Negate Attack X3
Jar of Greed X3
Rainbow Life X2

[/quote]This is better, probably not the best, but better.
You want to not run more than 40 cards so that you can get Final Countdown quicker. I also added in some filler cards so your deck is equivalent to 34 or so cards.
[quote name='Emerald Fan' timestamp='1300664280' post='5086327']
Why am I taking out 4 of my defenses and one of my ways to get Countdown?
So that you can get Countdown more efficiently while getting your more advanced defenses.

[quote name='Emerald Fan' timestamp='1300664280' post='5086327']
Why would you say that? it has 2700 DEF, which I think is pretty good for protecting me while my turns go by.
Letting your opponent get 2 draws a turn is a [i]very[/i] bad idea.
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This is terrible. Run something like this:

3 Battle Fader
3 Zero Gardna
3 Swift Scarecrow

3 Pot of Duality
3 Countdown
3 Upstart Goblin
3 The Warrior Returning Alive
3 Gold Sarcophagus
1 Reinforcement of the Army

3 Threatening Roar
3 Frozen Soul
3 Waboku
3 Thunder of Ruler
3 Negate Attack

Not perfect but decent.
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I used to run Final Countdown on duel simulators like KCVDS for fun. I don't remember the exact deck, but here's what I remember:

1. Lots of stall cards. This is the main focus of your deck. Use it.
2. Lots of draw cards. This is a huge focus in your deck, to draw into your stall.
3. You can't control with this deck. It just doesn't work.

This means 3 of the following are almost required: Battle Fader, Swift Scarecrow, Zero Gardna, Threatening Roar, Rainbow Life, Waboku, plus staples (Mirror Force, etc.
Other stall cards: Frozen Soul, Gravity Bind, Level Limit - Area B, Swords of Revealing Light, Scrap-Iron Scarecrow
Draw cards: Upstart Goblin, Pot of Duality, Legacy of Yata-Garasu, Jar of Greed, Cyber Valley

I also had Return from the Different Dimension for teh lulz (return 2 Cyber Valley and 2 Fader to +3)
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[quote name='iHop' timestamp='1300713635' post='5087180']
This is terrible. Run something like this:

3 Battle Fader
3 Zero Gardna
3 Swift Scarecrow

3 Pot of Duality
3 Countdown
3 Upstart Goblin
3 The Warrior Returning Alive
3 Gold Sarcophagus
1 Reinforcement of the Army

3 Threatening Roar
3 Frozen Soul
3 Waboku
3 Thunder of Ruler
3 Negate Attack

Not perfect but decent.
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[quote name='iHop' timestamp='1300820264' post='5089707']
You know, that is the most helpful comment I've heard in a while. Thank you.

[quote name='jushirouki' timestamp='1300843084' post='5090625']
I used to run Final Countdown on duel simulators like KCVDS for fun. I don't remember the exact deck, but here's what I remember:

1. Lots of stall cards. This is the main focus of your deck. Use it.
2. Lots of draw cards. This is a huge focus in your deck, to draw into your stall.
3. You can't control with this deck. It just doesn't work.

This means 3 of the following are almost required: Battle Fader, Swift Scarecrow, Zero Gardna, Threatening Roar, Rainbow Life, Waboku, plus staples (Mirror Force, etc.
Other stall cards: Frozen Soul, Gravity Bind, Level Limit - Area B, Swords of Revealing Light, Scrap-Iron Scarecrow
Draw cards: Upstart Goblin, Pot of Duality, Legacy of Yata-Garasu, Jar of Greed, Cyber Valley

I also had Return from the Different Dimension for teh lulz (return 2 Cyber Valley and 2 Fader to +3)
1. If you didn't look at the deck, I run tons of stall, unless you think things like 3 Swift Scarecrow, 3 Zero Gardna, 2 Nightmare Steelcage and Mirror Force are not worthy of being called stall.
2. Magical Mallet and 2 Upstart are enough draw since, after I get Countdown, I don't feel I'll be drawing that much, unless you think that my deck doesn't need all the cards it can keep for 20 turns.
3. No control, huh? Spatial Collapse reduces the entire field for both players to just 5 cards. No? Ground Collapse foces my opponent to be unable to summon more than 3 monsters to the field. No? Anti Spell Fragrance keeps my opponent from unleashing those pesky spells during their turn. No? Non Aggression Area makes my opponent unable to summon for a turn. Need I continue?

I know you people have good intentions, but if you want to help, figure out a way to make my goal for this deck work better. If I wanted the same old countdown deck, then I wouldn't have changed the theme. Good day to you.
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Tag force? Run Jurrassic Impact.

@OP: Run 1 for 1 stall cards. They are much better for stalling in a final countdown deck than field restrictions.

@Everyone Else: Give him a break guys. Also, would CED be a decent tech in this deck to bounce Fader's + Opp. Monsters?
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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1300543652' post='5082735']
Defender is NEVER a good card, in any deck.
Ojama Country = Drop a 2700 ATK beatstick... but that is all i can think off, and even that is pretty situational...

[quote name='tonto851' timestamp='1300560599' post='5083252']
I like this deck :) its using old cards as well as new ones
NOOOOOOOOOOBSLY, dude, u need to play the game (which coming from me means nothing), but get better

[quote name='iHop' timestamp='1300820264' post='5089707']
I Laugh...

[quote name='jushirouki' timestamp='1300843084' post='5090625']
I used to run Final Countdown on duel simulators like KCVDS for fun. I don't remember the exact deck, but here's what I remember:1. Lots of stall cards. This is the main focus of your deck. Use it.2. Lots of draw cards. This is a huge focus in your deck, to draw into your stall.3. You can't control with this deck. It just doesn't work.This means 3 of the following are almost required: Battle Fader, Swift Scarecrow, Zero Gardna, Threatening Roar, Rainbow Life, Waboku, plus staples (Mirror Force, etc.Other stall cards: Frozen Soul, Gravity Bind, Level Limit - Area B, Swords of Revealing Light, Scrap-Iron ScarecrowDraw cards: Upstart Goblin, Pot of Duality, Legacy of Yata-Garasu, Jar of Greed, Cyber ValleyI also had Return from the Different Dimension for teh lulz (return 2 Cyber Valley and 2 Fader to +3)
Oh So true...

[quote name='iHop' timestamp='1300902147' post='5091650']
I Laugh... again...

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[quote name='iHop' timestamp='1300902147' post='5091650']
NO! I thought this was the best deck ever(<--Insert Sarcastic Tone Here). That's why I'm trying to make it better. In case you haven't noticed, I don't like running the same old deck and I am trying to get this deck to work. So, from now on, unless anybody has anything to contribute to making the Field Lockdown/Countdown Deck work, than you can all just stay silent.

To Canadian: Compulse wouldn't help with Battle Fader. When I drop it to defend me, once it leaves the field at all, it is removed from play.
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[quote name='Emerald Fan' timestamp='1300906837' post='5091787']
To Canadian: Compulse wouldn't help with Battle Fader. When I drop it to defend me, once it leaves the field at all, it is removed from play.
Oh right. Hmph, I never really noticed that secondary effect.
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[quote name='Canadian' timestamp='1300881704' post='5091367']
Tag force? Run Jurrassic Impact.

@OP: Run 1 for 1 stall cards. They are much better for stalling in a final countdown deck than field restrictions.

@Everyone Else: [b]Give him a break guys.[/b] Also, would CED be a decent tech in this deck to bounce Fader's + Opp. Monsters?
I would if he didn't say no to almost everything, because making it better ALWAYS changes the theme, in his opinion.
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Why are you running Ojama's? Yes, King is a massive defender, but you need 4 cards in your hand/on the field to pull it out. That can create a major disadvantage.

Defender gives your opponent hand advantage. The only time it should be run is if you're trying to thin your opponent's deck, and I can't think of a deck outside of empty jar that does it somewhat decently.

Magical Mallet should only really be considered if there's something that you'd rather keep in the deck. If you want more draw power, try hand destruction or something.

This is what I think.
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