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Bye Bye Damage [MANGA]

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[i]Activate only when one of your monsters would be destroyed by battle. Negate the attack and inflict damage to your opponent equal to twice the Battle Damage you would have taken.[/i]

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Oh, good...

Damage Interest
[quote]Activate only when you take Battle Damage from a direct attack. Inflict damage to your opponent equal to double the damage you took.[/quote]

Reflect Burn officially wins at lief.
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[quote name='-Dae-' timestamp='1300632391' post='5084988']

That was the trap Yuuma declared to have set (He actually said i set a trap card!) and that he forgot to activate...XD

If astral have had any p`hysical form I swear he would have choke Yuuma to death...XD

Yuma starts the series by sucking?

This might not be half bad...
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[quote name='Canadian' timestamp='1300626613' post='5084846']
Oh noes, please don't attack my Spirit Reaper with your F.G.D., what ever will I do?

You'd lose, the card only doubles back damage when the monster would be DESTROYED BY BATTLE... spririt reaper and marshmellon are not aplicable to use this card
that is basically the only nerf-ed portion of the efect, but this + magical synlendar is all you need to win a duel, lol
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