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White text, black background.

Dismal Euphony

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This is an extremely random topic, but I wanted other opinions on this matter. I can NOT stand when webpages use white text against a black background. It's not that it doesn't look good, but it absolutely KILLS my eyes and I have a hard time reading anything. Does anyone else have this problem? I find it rather irritating because one of my favorite webpages consists of that color scheme.
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[quote name='Κelsey' timestamp='1300736629' post='5087823']
What bothers me more is like colorful text on white backgrounds. It's often like bright yellow or blue and is hard to read. White text on black hurts the eyes, but at least it's legible. :]
This is true... Luckily, for me anyway, bright colors on a bright background don't come up all too often. I seem to encounter the white on black scheme A LOT.
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That makes no sense. White on black and black on white are supposed to hurt your eyes as little as possible. White on black shouldn't be giving you any headaches because you still have two contrasting colors.

When I think of visual-induced headaches, maroon on black and yellow on white come to mind first.
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[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1300743297' post='5088045']
That makes no sense. White on black and black on white are supposed to hurt your eyes as little as possible. White on black shouldn't be giving you any headaches because you still have two contrasting colors.

When I think of visual-induced headaches, maroon on black and yellow on white come to mind first.
I don't get it. White on black has ALWAYS hurt my eyes. I can't read it for any longer than like five minutes. Luckily, most websites that use something like that give users the option of using alternate themes and such. I personally love black text on a light gray or an off-white background.
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