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over powered... i think so


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[spoiler=Lore]All face-up Spell cards on your opponents side of the field are destroyed, your opponent cannot play Spell or Trap cards as long as this card is face-up on the field. If you have 3 or more Fiend-type monsters on the field with "Demonfiend" in there name your opponent cannot choose this card as an attack target, this card is sent to the bottom of your Deck after 3 turns after its second effect is activated.[/spoiler]
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OCG fix:

All face-up Spell [b]C[/b]ards on your opponent[b]'[/b]s [s]side of the[/s] field are destroyed[b].[/b] [b]Y[/b]our opponent cannot play Spell or Trap [b]C[/b]ards as long as this card is face-up on the field. If you [s]have[/s] [b]control[/b] 3 or more Fiend-[b]T[/b]ype monsters [s]on the field[/s] with "Demonfiend" in the[b]ir[/b] name[b],[/b] your opponent cannot choose this card as an attack target[b].[/b] [b]T[/b]his card is sent to the bottom of your Deck [s]after 3 turns after its second[/s] [b]during your third End Phase after this[/b] effect is activated.

The effect is kinda confusing in a couple of ways. First, when does the first effect activate? When it's summoned? Once per turn? Another thing is that last effect. Since none of it's effects are ever actually activated, it doesn't make sense.
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"All face-up Spell cards on your opponents side of the field are destroyed,"
This effect by itself is okay, depending on the monster, and makes me think you're going for an anti-spell theme with this card.

"your opponent cannot play Spell or Trap cards as long as this card is face-up on the field."
Already you just entered OP'd territory. But there's more, so maybe you balanced the card out somehow.

"If you have 3 or more Fiend-type monsters on the field with "Demonfiend" in there name your opponent cannot choose this card as an attack target,"
My balanced theory was just shot down. Don't get me wrong though, this effect is good, but doesn't match the anti-spell/trap thing you had going on before.

"this card is sent to the bottom of your Deck after 3 turns after its second effect is activated."
I'm assuming the second effect was refering to the unable to be attacked, amirite?

Over all: You are right, this is over-powered. Don't worry, you can fix this.

First off, an ocg fix: "When this card is Summoned, destroy all face-up Spell Cards in your opponent's Spell and Trap Card Zone."
This also weakens it so that they keep their Field Spell if they have one.
Then you go into preventing your opponent from using any Spell or Traps cards that aren't already on the field. This is a lvl 6 monster. On your second turn you can screw your opponent over. My advice would be to wipe this part out. Or you could change it so that your opponent can only activate 1 Spell Card per turn, but if yo udo this I would raise the level a bit.
Now you're restricting your opponents' ability to attack him by swarming the field. This is good IF you take out the part where your opponent can't use spells/traps.
Then you attempted to balance out all this with by putting a limit on your monster. But you said "the second effect" which is either the one about your opponent not being able to use spells/traps or the one about them not being able this monster. Either way, neither of these effects are activated, they're passive. The only one that's activated is the first one, when it's summoned. If you want to change the wording so it matches, you could have it say
"If you have 3 or more Fiend-type monsters on the field with "Demonfiend" in there name your opponent cannot choose this card as an attack target. During your Stand-by Phase of the third consecutive turn that this effect is in place, shuffle this card into your Deck."
I think that's right.
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Well, the card idea's pretty cool, I don't find it too OP. Even though when you have 3 demonfiends it can't be attacked, but that's not too bad, a little hard to get it's effect to work. When you don't, it has 0 defense, which makes it vulnerable. The attack isn't very high either. So even though it gets rid of continuous/field spells and disallows traps (unless your opponent has cathedral of nobles), it has a couple of downsides too, like the last effect.
So, if anything, it's perfectly balanced.
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[quote name='MechaSanphred' timestamp='1300923248' post='5092438']
Well, the card idea's pretty cool, I don't find it too OP. Even though when you have 3 demonfiends it can't be attacked, but that's not too bad, a little hard to get it's effect to work. When you don't, it has 0 defense, which makes it vulnerable. The attack isn't very high either. So even though it gets rid of continuous/field spells and disallows traps (unless your opponent has cathedral of nobles), it has a couple of downsides too, like the last effect.
So, if anything, it's perfectly balanced.
This person does not know how to play Yu-Gi-Oh!. At all.

It's Naturia Bambooshoot, but without that pesky problem of deck dedication. Who cares about attacking it? OP'd as all hell.
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