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Necronomicon - The Ultimate Horror Club

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[quote name='LightningCloud' timestamp='1301962614' post='5115123']
This is creepy and just so you guys know it was 3 girls.

@FTW a sequel is going to come because

[spoiler= spoiler alert!]
1 of the girls survives. Really my cousin watched the ending and he said it was pretty much yelling sequel.[/spoiler]

OBJECTION! It was 2 girls, and a guy that was in front.
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[quote name='Live777' timestamp='1301962536' post='5115119']
Same reaction at first, but the concept grew on me. Saw the trailer, read the plot summary, sounds pretty solid. Their also makin' a sequel in London, and this time with 12 people. Awesomesauce.

EDIT: FTW got to the sequal before me.

It was hard to see with 3 people and now 12!!! Who's going to be the madman this time?
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[quote name='Live777' timestamp='1301962726' post='5115129']
OBJECTION! It was 2 girls, and a guy that was in front.
Can't quite remember it so I'm just trying my best to try and figure out the moments again.
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[quote name='FTW (For The Wynn)' timestamp='1301963684' post='5115178']
Honestly The Ring doesn't affect me much.

Speaking of scary movies, anyone here watch The Last Exorcism? That was good. I wasn't as scared as I thought I would be, but it was still freaky.

I haven't had much of a chance to watch movies or TV, at all.
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[quote name='FTW (For The Wynn)' timestamp='1301964059' post='5115198']
I've read books on the ideas behind it, so I was a little used to that idea.

Sorry, I don't spoil plots :P

I watch a lot of Haunted and A Haunting so I'm used to it to but this one was just a little more extreme.

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