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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (PG13/Started and Still Active/Not Accepting/Year 1)

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[quote name='Aesirson' timestamp='1312850119' post='5426178']
Why did you post my app again? xD

[quote name='Fake' timestamp='1312848633' post='5426095']
Fail have you posted your app, can't see it =/.

That's why.

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[quote name='Blud' timestamp='1312848960' post='5426113']
[spoiler=Aesirson's App]


@Fake: It was on the first page. Learn2look4things.
I asked for Fails app, but I saw it now anyway.

Learn2look4things :')

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[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace]Alright guys, I'm putting up the IC Thread! We're starting at the hogwarts express, and the six who applied first will wind up sharing a cabin in the Hogwarts express, those who apply later will interact with the group after the Hogwarts Express touches down.[/font][/size]

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[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Username:ThefirstMohican[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Name: Lukanad Kullywumpe (Or Luke)[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Age: 11[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Gender:11[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Blood Status:Alright, this is gonna be wierd, and don't ask how it happened, but could i be half Basilisk. I'll wear a protective contact and such, and it will only be stunning if you look in my eye. If not, Pure-Blood[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]House: (DON’T fill out until the ceremony! I will decide who goes into which household…)[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Year: 1[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Owl: Awsgan, then Australian Masked Owl[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Wand: 1 foot long, Great Myrtle Wood, with Basilisk Skin Core[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Personality:(By the way, I swear, I don't know what mmatchings are, ecept by the basics.)[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000] Luke is a very nice person, and very smart, sometimes, though, he can be extremely stubborn. He is on an avergae scale on bravery, though he is scared of heights, and spiders. Especially Acromantulas. He does not like to be in a high place of power, but prefers to share it with others. When challenged with a task, he prefers to do it himself, rather than to have someone help him. He can be leader, but he prefers not to be. When troubled, he prefers to lock his troubles away, and keep them there. But once he locks to many, he lets them out and just explodes, no matter who it's on. He gets in trouble alot because of it. He is not easily suprised, unless of course, if it is by a spider, or pheraps walking out of a tall building and realising how high up he is.[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Appearance: Lukanad has a very tall stature, and has average size muscles. He is a little bit more on the chubby size, though not too chubby. His eyes are a peircing gray color. His hair is dirty blonde during the autumn and spring, Brown in the winter, and very light blonde during the summer[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Biography:Luke was born into a family and never really knew his mother or father. He had lived with who he had assumed were his parents friends. He had lived happilly with them, until one day, he had heard his parent's "Friends" talking, when he had gotten out of bed to get some water. He pressed his ear againstt he door, and heard this: "So, when are we gonna kick the runt out?" "Soom. I'm so glad that we're getting rid of that freak of a man's kid!" Well, that's all he needed to hear. He packed up his wizarding stuff, and left. [/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]He found an old abondoned home, and lived there, alone, for most of his life. It was near a forest, so that was his source of food. He had found that his parent's had left a small sum of money, enough to go school supply shopping. When he got his letter, he went straight to (What's the equivlent to Daigo Alley in Hungary?). There, he got his school supplies, and headed for the train station. There, people stared at him, bewildered. Then, he realised he was filthy, so he left, and found a fresh water stream, bathed in it, and came back to the station, ready to start his new life![/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Other: Neville is Voldewart's Boggart![/color][/font][/size]

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reserve please..

[spoiler=WIP APP]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Name: Kazuya Torvald[/color][/font][/size][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Age: 12[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Gender: Male[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Blood Status: Pure-Blood[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]House: [/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Year: 1[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Pet: Pheonix, Named Toshiyuki by his family when it became their pet, has been in the family for 2-3 life cycles[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Wand: Pheonix feather core (1 of various molted feathers from Toshiyuki), Wood used is ebony, exactly 30cm in length[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Personality: Kazuya is usually quiet around groups of people, not trusting many of those around him until he knows them and even then not saying much if he can get away from the group without saying anything or much unless he knows and trusts everyone in the group. When learning a subject Kazuya is usually even more quiet then usual, most likely quietly working on what their task is.[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Appearance: Kazuya has dark black hair going down roughly halfway down his neck, his face with average features being one of those 'easily forgettable' faces. Kazuya is roughly 5'0 tall, his body fairly skinny due to lack of any real physical activity. When not wearing his school robes Kazuya usually wears a long sleeved Dark Black Shirt (even in summer) and black pants with black Tabi (socks) on his feet.[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Biography: Kazuya was born in asia his parents having been one of the wizarding families who roginated in those countries, not really able to remember which he had livd on due to how quickly they moved travelling to London and finding one of the Wizarding settlements nearby there living with Kazuya in a house inside this town, buying the house with some of the money they had from teir savings they made before travelling to England. [/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]As Kazuya grew inside his family's house he grew attached to their pet pheoniz who was named Toshiyuki, the magical bird allowing him to 'play' with it chasing it around the house as it flew around. When Kazuya reached the age of 12 when his parents had took him to get his wizarding supplies he chose not to get an owl or other magical ceature of those sorts wanting to have Toshiyuki with him, his parents allowing him this aslong as he let Toshiyuki fly back a few hours after he artrived if it preferred to wanting the bird to be around their house rather than at theschool full of people they had no knowledge of whatsoever having not talked to even the wizarding families who lived around them in their time their keeping very much to themselves.[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Other: Neville is Voldemorts Boggart[/color][/font][/size]

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[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Username: Alex C. Exodia[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Name: Lucifer Featherpot[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Age: 12[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Gender: Male[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Blood Status: Half-Blood[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]House: (DON’T fill out until the ceremony! I will decide who goes into which household…)[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Year: 1[/color][/font][/size]
[font=courier new, courier, monospace](Replaced with a Parakeet) Pet: A Alexandrie Parakeet named Hallow[/font]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Wand: A 9-inch broad one made from Maple, entwined with cuts off of a Strong Plant Root, the core is made from a Bird's Feather.[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Personality: He is usually a rule abider, but will go as far to break an important rule if it's to save another. He is usually quiet, unless he has something to say. He will chat to himself, in his mind. Usually, when not called upon, he trails off in his own little world until snapped back into reality. Sometimes, he doesn't care what somebody from the same year or lower says, but will occasionally listen.[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]He is rather lazy at times, and will be seen relaxing when everything is done, but will need a jump start to get him going. He doesn't really have a temper, being rather laidback, but will flare when something happens to someone he knows. He is very innocent, and will not get any bad jokes made. This will change later on, but for now, he will just laugh randomly with everyone; he tends to follow the crowd during jokes, and nothing else.[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Also, he doesn't feel cold as much as most others; he will wear shorts and Short Sleeves in light snow.[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Appearance: He has chestnut brown hair with Blue eyes, an odd combination, with a normal, curved nose, small lips, and a slightly prominent chin. He has no bulging muscles, as he doesn't work out. He is of Average height of his age, 4'9. He wears, outside of his robes, either a black T-shirt with a light over shirt, with Khakis and Sandals; or, for heavy days, a heavy Yellow Jacket over the Black T-shirt, with thick Jeans, and Nike Shoe.[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Biography: He was born on Halloween, a very interesting day for wizards. His father, a wizard, works at the Ministry, in the Office. His mother, a Muggle-born, works outside the Wizarding World at a Book Store, not using her powers, instead running the bookstore that's in her family. Lucifer travelled between worlds, with the scheme that he was Homeschooled; which he was, by his mother in Regular World Subjects, by his father in Basics of Wizardry. It was a happy family, with four older siblings, all but one done with Hogwarts, with the last one on his last year. They came home with new things each year, which would be stored for Lucifer's enjoyment.[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Oh, the stories told to him. The odd things that happened during their times at the School, only made him want to go more. His mother was Ravenclaw, his father Slytherin(Doesn't mean he will be different, though.). The Quidditch, the accidents in the school, even some of the teachers gave him a idea of Hogwarts. Each child was inclined to a different parent. The older ones more to their father, but Lucifer had a perfect mix. As he grew older, he went to gaining a little more knowledge in the school, but got his, "I probably won't do it, and set my new goal." Attitude. It might help his appearance to the teachers, maybe not. He just wants to try it and see.[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Other: Neville is Voldemort's Boggart[/color][/font][/size]

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[quote name='The First Mohican' timestamp='1312996207' post='5430405']
Alex, thought I'd point this out. You said that your mother was a Muggle, but was in Ravenclaw.
Hermoine has muggle Parents but went to... oh. I just messed up, huh? I don't really get the different between Pure Muggle and one that went to Hogwarts; that made me confused.

*Looks it up* Let me change that. Edited.

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[size=3][font=courier new,courier,monospace]Accepted, since the others have already been informed about their houses, I'll inform you which house you belong to now.[/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new,courier,monospace][color=#daa520]Hufflepuff[/color][/font][/size]

[size=3][font=courier new,courier,monospace]You are responsible for posting your encounter with the Sorting Hat...[/font][/size]

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