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Unity of the Universe [BEN 10 RP/Started/Accepting via OoC]


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"Nothing quite like holidays, except the homework..." Ann was 'chilling' at home, doing homework.
"I need a break. These may be easy, but they're too much for me. Too many, so much, yet so little time. I need more time, lets try..."

Ann stood up, then slammed down her watch. She went through the awesomest transformation sequence ever. Her clothes were broken down by nanomechanisms. Next, her body was sealed in an odd metal, followed by her head growing more spherical with a blue clock in place of her left eye, although she did retain her red right eye. Her hands grew knives in place of fingers.

"Killing Time! With this guy, I'll be done before I even started, literally! Problem is, how do I even hold a pencil..."
Killing Time attempted to hold a pencil. Surprisingly, he could, despite his flawed fingers.

"Cool. Now, lets get cracking..."

After a split second, she was done. Thanks to Time manipulation, every single bit of her holiday homework was complete. For the rest of her holidays, its chilling all the way.

Thus, Killing Time morphed back into Ann, then went out of the house for a short walk. She decided that even heroes needed a little fresh air once in a while. Fearing that the locals would criticize about her 'genetic problem', AKA her different eye colours, she put on her Kamina-like shades to hide her odd irises.

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Yuzaki was back at his cave/workshop still trying to understand the pod he found some time ago. "Man, even I'm having problems with this thing," said Yuzaki a little frustrated, "but maybe I can just make things a little easier for me..." He grabbed his watch/gauntlet and it popped up a dial which revealed a humanoid gelatinous hologram. He then slammed the hologram and dial, and started to slowly change completely. He started to change into a blue gelatinous form, his clothes melted, and the blue substance splattered on the floor, after a milli-second it rose and took a humanoid appearance, Yuzaki's hazel eyes turned golden in this form and they did not have any pupils. "Biomorph! I never get tired of that," said Yuzaki amused, "since this guy is a genius I can easily understand the workings of this pod." Biomorph shifted into Yuzaki's human form but he was still in alien form. After working on with the pod and extracting and fixing some stuff he reverted back to Biomorph and pressed the plate on his chest turning back to the real human Yuzaki. "Well that's enough for today," said Yuzaki happy with what he had done, "I'll just go out for some fresh air." He exited the cave and behind him was the strange pod he had mentioned, it was very large but it seemed to be very well reconstructed. On the wall there was a lot of tools and different objects which seemed extraterrestrial. Yuzaki pressed a button and a rock covered the cave entrance sealing it completely. [i]Good thing I have been able to reverse engineer some of the technology, but I wonder...[/i] thought Yuzaki looking at his gauntlet as he strode through the forest back towards his parent's mansion, [i]What else could I transform into with this thing.[/i] He then ran towards the mansion and hopped on the motorcycle that was next to the entrance. "I'm going out for a while!" yelled Yuzaki as he sped off to the city on his motorcycle; his blue jacket and big, black spiked hair were completely flat out because of how fast he was going, he never wore a helmet because it wasn't obligatory where he lived and he didn't really like wearing one. [i]I'm still wondering if there are others like me, I mean it's totally possible and I'm sure there isn't just one of these devices,[/i] thought Yuzaki to himself as he swerved around a couple of trees since he decided to take the scenic route. As he arrived near the city the gauntlet started beeping rapidly for no apparent reason. He looked at it and stopped his motorcycle just on the outskirts of the city. [i]Now what,[/i] he wondered as he hit it with his hand, [I]what the heck is wrong with this thing?[/i]

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An Orca whale started to swim in the area. "Perfect, exactly as planned..." it surprisingly spoke in a Hongkong accent. As he reached shore, an odd beeping noise was heard. In a flash of red light, a panda-like being appeared. "I love this. And I'll love it better with the real deals..." He took out a radar of sorts from his pocket. "Level 20 tech in the vicinity, far, really far. Stupid watch... Won't recharge... well, I'm walking there..."


He did walk. Next, he saw a man near his motorcycle. "Ultimatrix, over there... I'm stealthy. Lets see how he fares against this guy..." With that, he slammed down his watch. In a flash of green light, he had morphed into a Three-different-coloured-eyed purple beast. "CHAMALIEN!" He said in the mix of a German and Chinese accent as he became invisible. The invisible lizard then tackled the Ultimatrix wielder, wanting his prize...

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Yuzaki was knocked back by an unseen force but being an expert martial artist he rolled back and quickly regained his footing; he looked around to see nothing he was very confused but he could feel that someone or something was still there. Instinctively he activated his watch and slammed it with the first hologram that came out praying that it could be something that could help him. He started to change, his body lost all of it's muscle and skin; his leg bones bound together and formed a skeletal tail; his face which had become a skull, lost his eyes and he only had a hole for his mouth; the blue jacket he had, turned black, shifted and cloaked the entire body except for his skeletal arms and hands. "Phantasm! Whoah, this is new," he said with a strange warped, raspy voice as looked around with his new thermal vision and could see a strange form where he was tackled; the ground below he became icy cold and everything in the nearby region seemed to be drained of heat energy, "you want to play hide and seek? I'll let you seek!" He chuckled slyly as he became completely transparent and intangible as he circled around the strange being that he could not visualize. [i]What is this thing?[/i] thought Yuzaki, [i]it must be after my gauntlet thing... This form seems a little bit stranger than my other one... I don't know why it seems like it's trying to control me; tough luck bud I'm not an easy pushover.[/i]

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Qwerty flew about, exploring this strange new planet, using the camera he possessed as an eye. He had never seen anything else, so he was especially curious. Then, he met another intelligent life form: a human. Qwerty adjusted his camera lens to examine this specimen, how it moved freely detached from the ground unlike the green life forms he had previously seen everywhere. The human moved her lips, but Qwerty had no hearing device to examine her language. However, after that she collapsed to the ground in horror. Qwerty formed an arm from nearby trash and pebbles to drag this random citizen into a tunnel that led to a secluded area of a sewer to examine the being further. Unlike many other objects, this entity was quite softer. This left Qwerty pondering her purpose. Strangely enough, he didn't ponder his own purpose.

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"William, are you still reading?" Jennette, the house keeper called up the stairs. Will closed his book and set it down beside him, "Yes. I have already finished my homework," Will called back. "Well alright, dinner will be ready soon." Will grunted in acknowledgement and continued reading his book.

WOOF! The sudden bark made Will jump, dropping his book on the ground. WOOF! Will made his way over to his window and looked out onto the small yard below. A big, black dog sat under Will's window looking straight up at him. WOOF! The dog barked, seeing Will in the window. Will opened the window and stepped out onto the roof. "Jenette, I am going out for a little while," Will shouted.

"Okay, I'll save you a plate of dinner."

Will continued onto the roof and then jumped to the ground, grunting as he hit the ground. "What is it boy?" Will asked the dog, as he scratched him between the ears. The big, black dog had been coming around ever since Will had found the watch.

At the thought of the watch, Will looked over to his wrist. A memory came flashing back to Will, his body was shifting. A bright orange fur started to over take his body. His canine teeth started to enlarge...Will shook his head, trying to get rid of the memory. The experience of transforming into something else had scared him considerably and he had not attempted it since.

WOOF! The dog barked again. This time as Will looked at the canine, its head was firmly set in one direction and his tail motioned for Will to follow. As soon as the dog saw Will had understood he took off at a fast walk. Will jogged to keep up. He felt slightly foolish for following a dog, but stranger things had happened...he should know. Before long, Will heard a crash and a disgruntled yelp.

The dog began to run in an all out sprint, quickly followed by Will. "What the..." Will gasped in surprise. He had come out of the forest of trees that the dog had led him through in time to see a man that had been standing by his vehicle be tackled to the ground by an invisible force. Will looked around in wonder, then he saw it. A shadow, a shadow that had no body. [i]Someone or something is invisible.[/i]

Just when Will thought things couldn't get weirder, the man slammed his hand down onto his wrist and transformed into a bizarre creature. "There are more like me..." Will muttered in amazement. Something was wrong here. He felt like he should be helping the man who had shifted into the crazy organism. Before Will could call out though he had turned invisible. Will ducked behind a nearby rock to try and get a chance to think. He looked down at his watch and an idea started to form in his head.

WOOF! Will peeked over the rock and saw the big, black dog charge right where Will had saw the shadow.

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Many many light-years away, a man sit within his castle made of solid ice. He was perched on a throne that was also made of ice and with his right had he was twirling multiple small perfect spheres of ice as he used his left hand to rub his chin in a decisive sort of manner. "Go, my minions, go and do destroy anything that might stand the slightest chance at getting in my way..." The man said with a soft and dark tone as he flicked his wrist and the perfectly spherical shards of ice whizzed fast and powerfully out of his castle and straight towards earth traveling at many more times the speed of light.

After entering earths atmosphere each one connected to a different atmosphere, this made the man smirk as his eyes started glow the most disturbing color of dark blue. One of the crystals, which landed in a man-made lake located within Singapore, instantly froze the water within it and then suddenly burst into the air, morphing and changing it's shape into that of a giant flying reptilian beast some on earth might call a dragon. It took to the top of a nearby building and slammed into it, causing debris to fall from that building down to the streets below where there were many people screaming for their lives...


Two more of the spherical pieces of ice happenstance upon a sewer with a small river connected to it, they also freeze the water and become two giant sea serpents. Within a sewer entrance the notice not only a human woman but some sort of blueish green energy floating with her, they would undoubtedly attack them within the next few moments...


The other pieces of ice landed in multiple streams throughout PR Beauty-Mountain, like the other pieces these too froze the water around them and became three ferocious lions which started prowling in a pack about the area until they all came to surround a boy who was sitting against a rock looking at his wrist watch. Their mouths were drooling and at any moment they'd pounce on him...

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Qwerty quickly identified the two serpents as enemies. The danger he sensed in them was far too great for him to ponder this creature's slim body shape, unlike the human he had put away before. He quickly gathered all objects near him made of the substance "iron"- much more sturdy than his previous stone arm. He created a somewhat big iron golem, then with this new body he rammed into the two creatures.

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One serpent managed to slither right under the golem's legs but the other was slammed onto the ground and started to crack throughout it's body. The other one quickly slammed it's tail into the golem, knocking it a few feet away allowing the other serpent to stand, they both hissed at the golem menacingly. They both opened their mouths and spat to jets of freezing water straight at the iron golem in hopes of dissolving this threat towards their master.

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The waters of both sources collided with much fury and force causing all the water to explode upwards and than cause "rain" to come fllowing down from the sky. The serpents knew they wouldn't be able to stop this creature as two separate bodies, so they coiled together and made one big dual headed serpent, they roared in unison. The serpent's two heads then breathed two clouds of cold fog, normally the fog wouldn't be cold enough to freeze anything but since it had been raining the water that the being was now coated with made a nice ice encasement around him. The serpent was satisfied with his victory and started slithering through town; icing over anything in it's path.

ooc: You are not frozen to the core, your encased in a slight layer of ice that made the serpent think he defeated you.

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Qwerty quickly broke through the ice. Weakened from the battle, he had to discard his current form for the shaking waters to wash away. Soon, when he finally caught reach of his camera, Qwerty saw the sewer was crumbling, both from the battle and him taking iron from the sewer structure. He quickly used some of the rubble to hold a grasp on the human specimen he had captured. He flew into the air, retreating to a forest where he saw new life forms here and there. He finally settled in a clearing in the forest, laying down the human carefully. Despite in her extremely weak state, Qwerty observed that she made a sudden movement every now and then. Then, she opened her eyes.

OOC: Miki chooses the girl's role because I don't like godmodding.

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"Gah, where are you?" the invisible chameleon-like beast was stunned. "Lets see you phase through [i]THIS![/i]" The invisible being jumped up high, then grabbed a wire-cable thing from behind, extracting it from the ground, aiming electricity in all directions, then putting it back in where it belonged.

"Oh, so Primitive, I knew how to do that when I was a baby," the mix of a German and Chinese accent spoke. Suddenly, there was a beeping sound, as the invisible being revealed itself to be a Panda-like creature.

"Greetings child, lets see how you like THIS!" the bear-beast put on some metallic glove of sorts he took out from his pocket, which sparked with electricity. "Any closer and you'll be in for a SHOCK!"


Ann had walked all the way towards a river, witnessing screams, pain, and dragons [s]on motorcycles[/s]. "Seriously? Dragons? OK, it froze the water, so its the element of ice. So my obvious approach is..." Ann then

As Ann slammed down her watch, an awesome transformation sequence was triggered. Her clothes were broken down by nanomechanisms, followed by her body literally being on fire. Slowly, the body was encased in a paper-like substance as a single red eye grew. A long tongue protruded as a lantern-like beast appeared. "PURGATORY!" It wailed. "Lets see how it deals with this..." With that, Purgatory flung its extremely stretchy long infernal tongue at the ice beast on the lake, exerting strong amounts of heat energy that could possibly overpower a volcano...

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It took Will a second to decide. He had become very fond of the dog and now knew that he must save it despite his fear of the strange happenings that seemed to be going on. He quickly dialed through the options on his watch and slammed down the dial. Instantly, his clothes started to melt away revealing a shining brown exoskeleton. In an instant he had transformed into a giant ant. "HMYZ!" Will shouted. Without a second thought he instinctively knew what he must do. Hmyz instantly broke apart into 100's of ants. The ants raced towards the black dog and soon caught up with him. By the time they had got there electricity was raining down from the sky and he had to be careful not to get hit. The ants surrounded the dog and took him deep into the forest. After dropping off the dog Hmyz returned to the rocks that he, as Will, had hid behind previously. The ants started to reform into the one giant ant, but before he could so much as blink he felt the chill in the air. Hmyz looked around and then spotted them. Three lions made of ice had surrounded him. Will, Hmyz, leaped into action. With the antennae on his head, Will sent out a sonar that was sure to mess the lion's hearing. Then Hmyz charged the lions.

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Yuzaki, or Phantasm, seemed please that he decided use a means of energy since the powers of Phantasm included absorption of energy; or at least that was the information he was transmitted once he transformed. He saw the form of a dog charge at the form that had shifted into a bear like form. Phantasm returned to his visible form but changed to an intangiable form and phased through the electric glove, the electricity that was sparking seemed to be absorbed by Phantasm and the glove seemed to have a little frost on it after Phantasm passed through it. "Thanks," said Phantasm with it's creepy voice, "that really hit the spot." Yuzaki looked around and noticed that there was a heat signature that seemed humanoid hiding in the same place where the dog came from; the humanoid figure changed into a lot of tiny heat signatures and carried the dog away from the bear thing. Then he noticed three low temperature heat signatures that seemed to have feline forms. [i]Who is that? And what are those?[/i] thought Yuzaki and Phantasm's personality started to butt in again, [i]stop trying to take over! I'm using you now so if you don't want to die too you'll help me![/i] For the first time the actual other presence made itself known and responded to Yuzaki. [i]I will allow you to use my powers for now... But this is not going to be the last you hear from me Boy![/i] Suddenly the form felt more usable as if the other personality fell dormant allowing Yuzaki to access all of its power.

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OoC: So... I play the role of the girl Qwerty kidnapped, I presume that's what you said? If you don't mind a plot link, OK...

"Where am I? What is this? WHO ARE YOU?" She saw the energy being in front of her. She screamed at first, astonished by the sight of the beast.


"Huh? But how? This is... impossible!" the bear-like beast spoke. The glove then made his body too, become intangible. "This is great! Lets try..." With that, he grabbed Phantasm and performed a piledriver on him. "Can't phase through, eh? You're no match for my strength if you can't phase through..."


A blue, wired generic being landed in a mysterious area - a desert. "Hmmm... this is the place to plot my plan... The Ultimatrixes, all ten, must gain..."
He then took the form of a spaceship before flying away once more.

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Within a unknown ship orbiting the Solar System, several signal were being given off in various locations depicted on a holo-map. Most of them were concentrated in two separate continents on the third planet from the sun. A computerized monotone voice echoed through the near-empty ship.

[font=courier new,courier,monospace]Ultimatrixes Detected. Number Detected: 4. Planet Location: Earth.[/font]

A single character stood alone in the ship, his body obscured by shadows. "Excellent. Most of the targets are in a single continent. Securing them will be that much easier," he spoke in a disguised voice. With an unseen gesture, the ship's computer displayed a second holo-map showing the ship's current location and Earth, along with a dotted line and arrow connecting the two.

[font=courier new,courier,monospace]Destination Set. Destination: Earth. Estimated Time Of Arrival: 1 Standard Minute.[/font]

The obscured figure watched as the stars just outside of the ship's front window appeared to stretch and whiz by with great speed. A large blue and green sphere came into view next, a cloud-cover reentry following. Above the area known as Singapore, his ship descended into an open park. Foregoing the conventional methods of cloaking his means of transportation from wandering eyes, the figure simple allowing the city he was in to marvel and question it's sudden appearance. Most onlookers would refuse to believe the ship was real, instead seeing it as large prop for an upcoming monster movie. They further believed this theory when the ship's cargo doors opened with the figure slowly emerging in front of steam and a blinding light. As he came into view, his form could be finally be seen. Navy blue armor, robotic in appearance with various metallic plates adorning it, completely veiled the individual's true form.

From beneath his visor, a series of number and statistics flashed before him that scanned the area at large. They were of average nature to him: the planet was inhabitable, the air breathable, the threat levels of the species minimum, and so on. What drew his attention was the presence of an Ultimatrix in the vicinity, along with a creature foreign to the planet's historic database. The figure rushed into town with great speed, arriving to Ann's location in a matter of moments. She was currently in Purgatory's form, fending off a large draconic ice creature.

[font=courier new,courier,monospace]Ultimatrix User Archived. Original Species: Homo Sapien. Female. Current Species: Chochinobake. [/font]
[font=courier new,courier,monospace]Creature Species: Unknown. Material Composed Of: Ice. Origin: Unknown.[/font]

Preparing two pistols at his sides, the figure aimed both toward the ice creature, firing off several rounds of shots where it would attempt to dodge Ann's attack.


Traveling down the streets of New York at a brisk pace, a teenager was cursing out a certain object at his wrist. Behind him in hot pursuit was a pair of police officers, demanding he stop in his tracks. "Yo, you stupid watch!" the lad shouted. "I admit, I wanted to run today. Drill past the crowds in Central Park, y'know? Show my moves to the fine urban ladies." A fist began to pound the device on his left wrist, a strange watch-like object. "But no. Instead going Raikor and speeding off, I was welcome to blacking out as Thorma and waking up being chased by the cops! You got me into this, so help me get out!" A steady hand turned the dial on the watch, revealing a series of holograms of different alien forms. When the form of a draconic being was revealed, he smirked and pressed down on the dial with his palm. Instead of shifting his form, the watch gave off a silent signal. "Really?" he said angrily. "Forget you then. I'm on my own."

Quick on his feet, Kel ducked behind a building and went straight for an alleyway. Jumping over a steel fence that guarded the alley, he escaped the pair of cops and gave a sigh of relief. Kel wiped the sweat from his head and gave his Ultimatrix a glare. "I know how it goes. I'm sorry for yelling at you. Please let me go alien." On cue, his Ultimatrix flashed a green light to transform him into whichever form it decided on. His skin began to rapidly grow fine black and white hairs, arranged in a zig-zag pattern. His head distorted until it became that of a horse's while his feet followed suit by becoming hooves. His clothes were broken down and reformed over his new equine body, adding on a pair of headphones and cool-looking visor. "EZBro don't mess with flow. Diggin' the choice, but we gotta groove. Daylight's young, so let's bust a move." EZBro jumped between the buildings and made his way to the roof, stretching in place before going roof hopping. Unknown to him, his Ultimatrix was still giving off a silent signal.

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Phantasm got hit by the bear who had somehow become intangible as well. He was able to break free and he floated a good distance even though he knew the bear would most likely have the strength to jump at him. [i]I need something, anything to get stronger.[/i] Thought Yuzaki realizing that his current strength wasn't enough against this guy. He felt the hourglass medallion that was on his chest and remembered that his other form also had this; accidentally he pushed it and four spikes emerged from the chest plate. Phantasm changed from a black cloak to a white/gray cloak and he now had two golden eyes on each shoulder, his hands formed into very large claws and his skeletal mass increased. "Ultimate Phantasm! Oh man, now what's this," said Yuzaki completely confused by the new transformation, "it's like the same thing I was only better." Ultimate Phantasm opened up it's claws and assumed an attack position. "Okay bear panda thing," said Yuzaki since he could now see what the bear actually was, "let's see you may be strong but now I'm stronger and if you have the bad fortune of falling on my claws... You would have to say bye bye." Yuzaki was not himself, normally he wouldn't threaten to kill anyone even if that person tried to kill him. However, this transformation was stronger and a little more overwhelming than his original form. Ultimate Phantasm slowly disappeared into nothingness as it drained the energy of all of it's surroundings making everything much colder. It appeared just behind the panda and tackled it with it's skeletal tail and disappeared once again as if taunting the bear. [i]He may be a bit stronger, but if I rip the glove off with my new claws he'll be at a grave disadvantage. Or I could drain all of the glove's energy causing it to become virtually useless.[/i]

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"Ugh, no, not [i]THAT![/i] The Ultimate Forme was the last thing I expected! This creature, so much power... Lets see how you fare against my minions!" He slammed his glove on the ground, creating a tiny tremor. The Ultimatrix wielder was levitating and probably didn't feel it.
Suddenly, numerous terracotta warriors rose from the ground, except that their faces resembled pheonixes, not humans. "I will see how you deal with my Terracotta warriors! Plus, with added intangibility, adapted for the situation."
The brittle beings, while being made from rock, were good with offense and speed. Due to the added intangibility from the glove, the terracotta warriors could actually damage Ultimate Phantasm.

But this was all a distraction. The panda-like beast morphed into a blue-and-black being in order to run away at beyond-hyperspace speed. He was escaping, like a coward. He already got what he needed - This Ultimatrix's energy signature. 1 down, 9 to go...

OoC: Wanna give chase? Like, appear before him?


"Ooh look, here comes the cavalry..." Purgatory said as it was wrapping its infernal tongue along the ice dragon. "Melting under the intense heat. Just like a snowman, eh? Prepare to perish..." the lantern yokai being released a flamethrower from his single eye, incinerating the ice beast, expecting it to melt. It appeared that Purgatory was getting out of control, like Ann wasn't controlling it, and it was controlling her.
"Talk about snowing near the equator! Why can't people find their own way to beat the heat? 'Cos you can't!" with that, Purgatory exerted more pressure on the ice beast, further burning it.

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OOC: A chase sounds good... I'd have to use the fastest alien I have though. Or whatever you think would be best for the situation.

Ultimate Phantasm saw all of the 'minions' emerge from the ground. He brought down both of his hands releasing all the energy he had accumulated and the minions started breaking apart. "Weak," said U Phantasm as he raised his claws and cut a group of the terracotta minions in half with a swing of his claws, "these things are no match formy power! Ugh!" Yuzaki suddenly grabbed his head and broke free, he was being controlled by the Ultimate Phantasm's personality which was worse than the original. "Hey!" yelled Yuzaki as the bear transformed into a feline creature and ran off, "coward!" Yuzaki prepared to chase after him, not knowing the limits of his new transformation's powers or if he had something that could rival that speed creature.

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"Run run run as fast as you can, can't catch me I'm the Fasttrack man!" The panda taunted. In a matter of seconds, he had disappeared from U. Phantasm's sight...


After quite a while, he was in his original form, near the water. "Perfect timing. Now I just have to jump..." with that, he jumped into the water, followed by slamming down his watch, turning into not an alien, but an Earth animal, an Orca, to be exact. "Blackfish. Good, now time to dive..." he said as he started to dive underwater, submerging himself to the depths...

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Qwerty couldn't hear what the lady was saying, for he possessed no listening device. However, he sensed fear in the woman, probably because of him. He flew a way for a few moments, and then brought back berries on a stick after seeing animals eat them. Using his only arm, Qwerty handed it to the lady, curious to see how she would react.

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OoC: You mind if I give teh ladeh some supapowas, liek, she's part alien or something?

"Huh?" the lady was surprised by the energy creature. "Well, that's really sweet of you. Thanks..." she happily ate the berries. "I never expected a thing like you to turn out to be a good guy. So... what is your name?"
The lady's frightened appearance had transformed into a calm, composed and grateful one.


Meanwhile, in a nearby tree, an unseen creature hid in the shadows. The liquid metal beast stared at the two with its shiny mechanical eye. [i]"That looks like some sort of energy being, I see what it can do... what if he can aid me in my quests... him and I, a team... Imagine what we can do... Alright Spam, you can do this, just glide down... and talk to him..."[/i]

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OOC: I don't mind. After all, I didn't bring her out here for nothing.

Qwerty couldn't understand the creature's lip movements. He thought, if the camera could help him see, he could find a device that helped him communicate with other creatures! To keep the girl safe while he was away in pursuit of that device, Qwerty dug a small hole using his one arm and then dragged her into it. Then, he flew away into civilization, where he crashed into someone's window. He couldn't hear the alarm, so he just went on. He tried taking a monitor. He liked that it could show anything, so he kept it. The computer made a good body. He kept that too. He replaced his camera with a webcam; it was much more compact. Also, he could finally hear! When he heard the alarm, though, he smashed it because it annoyed him. He took a speaker, and he found he himself could make noises, too! He disassembled an office chair to make himself new limbs. Now, he roughly looked like the human girl. Wait, human girl? Qwerty had completely forgotten about her! She could have been eaten by that serpent thing! Quickly, (now that he was affected by gravity) he dashed into the forest to the clearing.

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"Wa-wa-woah what are you doing-" The lady was stunned by the energy creature's actions. But before she could be finished, it whizzed away. In the tree, the liquid metal beast simply smirked, knowing what would happen. However, the girl could sense an odd shade of a blue in one of the trees. "Looks runic... I'm checking it out..." she then jumped up high with agile movements, landing just outside the hole. Next thing she knew, the energy creature was behind her.
"Friend, is that you? You look slightly different..."
Next, there was a sigh of relief being heard from the tree she was about to investigate. "Stand back friend, cover your ears..." with that, the lady produced wolf-like ears and a wolf tail, then opened her mouth before releasing a sonic attack, causing a blue-and black liquid to fall from the tree.

"Hey, watch your mouth," the liquid regenerated into a liquid metal beast. "I see, you're part Loboan. But I'm turning my interest to that guy," The beast pointed to the energy creature. "I've watched you for a while and I have to say you have skill. The name's Spam, what's yours?"

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