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Unity of the Universe [BEN 10 RP/Started/Accepting via OoC]


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[quote name='~Renegade~' timestamp='1320596781' post='5621339']
OOC: Mongolian Death Worm!? SERIOUSLY?! For one I congratulate you on knowing of its existence(in mythology that is) on the other hand did you have to pick one of the toughest guys?

Nullify had heard of the Mongolian Death Worm. It was a powerful creature that was known for its surprise attacks in the desert. Even if it wasn't a sentient species it would be plenty hard to beat. The acid that it could emit through its mouth and its speed underground were indeed things to worry about. [i][color=#800080]"I am not equipped for this kind of battle. The Mongolian Death Worm's corrosive acid would melt me in a matter of seconds. You don't have much to worry about, because you do not have a metal exterior. I'll try to confuse it from up here with my telepathic powers. I suggest you and Surge go after that beast. Lent, I fear that you might be in danger if you go into battle. Klaus, you should probably stay here and try to fix the ship's Hyperdrive."[/color][/i]Nullify was taking charge. Despite Kyubei being their target being killed by a Mongolian Death Worm would not suit them. Something told him that Dux wanted this done by the bounty hunters not some unintelligent, rampaging worm. Nullify reached out with his mind and entered the mind of the Death Worm. He was surprised to see that there was a quite large telepathic defense on the beast's mind. Nullify went to work on breaking it down, this would be a bit harder than he thought.

He agreed with Nullify. Klaus could not fight this big a foe. His most useful cause would be to fix the ship. With that Klaus rushed over to the main control room to repair the ship.

Surge didn't understand. But he was good at under standing orders. Beat the worm but not kill it. Surge roared and pounded his fists and jumped on top of the best and got it in a choke hold. He would be careful to avoid the acid. "Uggh! Attack!" He roared as he struggled to maintain the hold.

Zero narrowly dodged the attack. The weird sand creature was like Dux.... physical attacks couldn't beat it. Maybe Water could bog it down! "Aqua - jet" He called in watery voice as he morphed into the Oyster like alien and shot three pillars of water at Desert Storm.

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Desert Storm saw the three pillars of water at him and knew that his attacker had deduced his weakness. Will was forced to split, literally. He split into 3 different clumps of sand to avoid the water. Will/Desert Storm launched a blast of super heated air the oyster alien and then reformed back into Desert Storm.

He was weaving throughout the monster's mind. It was so simple minded that it was hard to find a chink it this wall of rage that was protecting its mind. Nullify decided to take a chance. He smashed into the wall and was hit with a blast of energy. There was more to this worm than he had originally thought.

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[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Lent nodded at the group as the all went to fight. "I must agree with you, I have not the power nor the knowledge to help either cause, however." Lent said, walking over to a wall on Kyubii's ship and plucking from it an energy rifle. "I will do my best to shoot it, although I have never shot a gun-let alone an energy rifle-before, I am confident that at this range I will be able to hit it." Lent slammed the butt of his new energy rifle into a button that opened up a window of the ship; he aimed down the scope of this new hardware and took a shot at what he believed to the beast's sensory organs. Lent noticed that the blast from the rifle wasn't necessarily powerful and he looked about it to see what he could do. "I see, this knob controls the output level of the energy blast." Lent reached his left hand, the one not with the Ultimatrix, and boosted the power of the rifle to sixty percent. Lent aimed at the creatures body and fired, almost falling down with the guns power, but making a good hit on the worm nonetheless; it growled in pain as Lent was going to take another shot. "This rifle is certainly more powerful than I would have expected..." Lent said, firing off another blast of energy but missing.[/font]

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Nullify was vaguely aware of what was happening in reality. There was a war cry from a large, hulking figure and a smaller figure was firing what looked like laser beams. He didn't have time or energy to spend on this. He was in trouble, the beast's rage was overwhelming. It acted as a solid barrier between it and its mind. It would take all of Nullify's power to tame this beast through telepathy. There had to be another way. And there was...
Nullify left the worm's mind. It was a lost cause. Without giving anyone notice he zoomed out of the ship, all 12 of him, and went straight for the enraged monster. Once he reached it he began to circle it. Slowly gaining speed until it was just a whirling blur of motion. He was going to take control of this monster. It was a desperate attempt, but it had to be taken. Each of Nullify's eyes began to glow with a strange hue of purple and then so did the Mongolian Death Worm's. He felt the wall of rage break inside of the worm's mind. He was almost done.

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Lent observed as Nulify encircled the beast and he frowned at this action. Lent then slung the energy rifle over his left shoulder and waited for Nulify's attempt at controlling the beast to either succeed or fail. Lent did not have the skill nor the knowledge over this weapon to fire at the beast and guarantee he wouldn't hit Nulify, he had worked so hard to keep things civil that he didn't want to end that by trying to be the hero. The only thing he could do was sit there and watch Nulify do his thing, he would step in and help if this didn't work but hew was kind of leaning towards the success of whatever Nulify was doing...

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[quote name='♥ Chii ♥' timestamp='1320563259' post='5620852']
"O... K... you want a taste of me, eh?" Ann's voice emerged from Diety X. Diety X made a circular formation with his hand, creating a ring that pulsated itself towards Dexm. It didn't do anything, yet.
Diety X snapped its fingers. "Thousand Sonicbooms!"
Suddenly, Thousands of sonicbooms appeared out of nowhere, booming and exploding near Dexm. "Oh I just love that skill."

Dexm was strongly affected by the loud sounds and his physical form seemed to fade in and out because of the pain. "Aaahh!" he yelled in pain and whipped his arm, pushing Deity X backwards with extreme force. "I don't think so," emerged Yuzaki's echoing voice from Deity X as he stopped in mid-flight, "my turn!" He held up his hand and a pulsating ring formed around it while his hand started to glow and a beam of light shot straight from it. Dexm tried to stop the attack but the combined reality shifters' power was too much and pierced through his fiery body. Deity X snapped his fingers in a victorious gesture, "Right on target!" Said Deity X as the light ray slowly faded out and Dexm stood there, his body smoking from the intense heat of the ray. "Arrgh," he exclaimed with pain and then started to reform the hole that had been formed, "you... Lowlife... You are a disgrace to our race!!!" Yuzaki thought to Ann inside the current transformation. [b][i]Is this guy talking about the transformation? He seems to be taking it personal...[/i][/b] A flash of pulsating light emerged between the Deity X and Dexm. Slowly, a familiar white fiery figure with an aqua green flame aura materialized in front of them. It was Najm, the Naljian that had referred to Yuzaki as her son. Dexm seemed to acquire a mixed expression of hatred and fear, even without a mouth. "Mother..." He said in a low and hateful tone.

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He could feel it. The process was nearly complete. This simple minded, hulking beast was simple to control after the wall of rage was brought down. Nullify stopped the rapid spinning, the Mongolian Death Worm had stopped its rampage and was now calmly burrowing its way back into the sand. Killing it would have taken much longer, it had already taken up too much time as it is. [i][color=#800080]"Surge, you can stop looking for it. It is gone."[/color][/i][color=#800080] [/color]Nullify said to the hulking alien. Surge amused him with his low intelligence and go get'em attitude. [i][color=#800080]"Thank you Lent. Your help was much appreciated." [/color][/i]Nullify communicated gratefully. [i][color=#800080]"How close are we to getting up and running, Klaus?" [/color][/i]

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Klaus mingled with the ship. After obtaining control he was exhausted. It wasn't easy to control large ships like this. Klaus knew Nullify was taking and playing the role of an ally but things needed to be done. He initiated hyperdrive and left the controls. "Nullify I need to talk to you privately...." said Klaus as he closed the door when Nullify floated in. "I'm gonna land this baby the we need to attack them!" Whispered Klaus. "Acting time is up, our plan starts now."

He was at a loss for Ideas. Desert Storm could evade three skinny strait pillars of water but he had no other ranged attacks... Except for Sludge.... He pressed his omnitrix button. "Slu..!" Called an angry voice. Zero had not morphed into Sludge but instead was now a fiery ghost like figure wearing a chest plate of armour.
"YEA! Awesome!" Yelled the Lava alien. "Wild Fire! Inferno Scythe!" He roared as he blew out a flame that widened covering a large radius.

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He wasn't sure at what just happened. One minute he was facing an oversized oyster and now a fiery demon...yeah things were not looking up. Desert Storm released a powerful gust of heated wind that stopped the flames in midair. The attack slowly disappeared. This was definitely going be tough. He needed some real help here, but he knew he wasn't getting any. Desert Storm/Will created a large wave of sand. He was going all out. He launched the tidal wave right at the flaming creature. It was now or never.

[i][color=#800080]"Agreed. I am growing tired of this charade. I'll tell Surge our plan." [/color][/i]Nullify telepathically communicated to Surge what was going to happen. He wasn't sure if the neanderthal would understand, but he would have to hope for the best.

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[quote name='~Renegade~' timestamp='1320705727' post='5624644']
He wasn't sure at what just happened. One minute he was facing an oversized oyster and now a fiery demon...yeah things were not looking up. Desert Storm released a powerful gust of heated wind that stopped the flames in midair. The attack slowly disappeared. This was definitely going be tough. He needed some real help here, but he knew he wasn't getting any. Desert Storm/Will created a large wave of sand. He was going all out. He launched the tidal wave right at the flaming creature. It was now or never.

[i][color=#800080]"Agreed. I am growing tired of this charade. I'll tell Surge our plan." [/color][/i]Nullify telepathically communicated to Surge what was going to happen. He wasn't sure if the neanderthal would understand, but he would have to hope for the best.

Wildfire stood in his metal armor, undaunted. His ghostly figure flickered faintly as he was hit by the wall of sand. When it all cleared. There stood a wall Wildfire, covered in glass. "RRR!" He roared as he burst from the glass suit made from heating the sand. "Inferno Pike!" He roared as he shot a fiery beam at Desert Storm.

"Bam!" The landing was rough. Klaus meant for it to be. His voice crackled over the intercom. "This is your captain speaking." chuckled Klaus. "It appears as if we have crashed. I'm going to have to ask you to exit this craft. Leave with your hands up. You've officially been captured..."

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Lent dropped to a knee when the ship crashed into the sand of the desert landscape again, he didn't want to go back into that harsh environment but what could he do. Reluctantly, Lent exited the space craft but didn't put his hands up, what were they going to do, kill him? He was already dead inside and why would they waste time capturing them if they were just going to kill them, it didn't make much sense. "Whatever you want, or whatever you need, just take it and go; I have no quarrel with either of you so I don't see why you would capture us at all." Lent said to the space "pirates" and then waited for them to answer...

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Will/Desert Storm was hit with the fiery attack. He was getting weak now, the battles were getting to be too much. Turning into an all powerful being and then rushing into a battle was not high on his to do list. Desert Storm weakly shot a clump of sand at the fiery alien, but knew it would do know good. He was surrounded by a flash of light and was transformed back into his human form. His eyes flickered open and shut. Everything was going blurry, then he slipped into unconsciousness.

[i][color=#800080]"I'm pretty sure, he said to put your hands up." [/color][/i]Nullify said, directing his thoughts towards Lent. He was having a growing suspicion about who Lent really was. [i][color=#800080]"You too fox demon," [/color][/i]Nullify said, to the fiery plumber.

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[quote name='Final Fantasy Revolution' timestamp='1321201946' post='5637543']
Lent dropped to a knee when the ship crashed into the sand of the desert landscape again, he didn't want to go back into that harsh environment but what could he do. Reluctantly, Lent exited the space craft but didn't put his hands up, what were they going to do, kill him? He was already dead inside and why would they waste time capturing them if they were just going to kill them, it didn't make much sense. "Whatever you want, or whatever you need, just take it and go; I have no quarrel with either of you so I don't see why you would capture us at all." Lent said to the space "pirates" and then waited for them to answer...

OOC: I initiated Hyperdrive and we're on earth.

Wildfire demorphed into Zero. He walked over to the now unconscious Will. But he couldn't do it. He couldn't take this kid in. He knew his friends, he had helped them and had promised them he would come back. He would have to do it later. He transformed into Wolfsbane and picked Will up and placed him next to his ship.
"Alright Dux, got the kid but my ship is broke. Over." Growled Wolfsbane into a Walkie Talkie like device and uploaded his co-ordinates to Dux. He then sat down and waited.

Klaus & Surge:
Surge stepped out with Klaus on his back. Nullify was already waiting with Kyubeii and Lent. "Alright. I want you guys to come back into the loading bay!" smirked the Vire. "Nullify will watch you while I fly us back to our base of operations. Don't even think about escape. Nullify can detect even that."

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[quote name='Admiral Tim' timestamp='1321213640' post='5638057']
OOC: I initiated Hyperdrive and we're on earth.

Wildfire demorphed into Zero. He walked over to the now unconscious Will. But he couldn't do it. He couldn't take this kid in. He knew his friends, he had helped them and had promised them he would come back. He would have to do it later. He transformed into Wolfsbane and picked Will up and placed him next to his ship.
"Alright Dux, got the kid but my ship is broke. Over." Growled Wolfsbane into a Walkie Talkie like device and uploaded his co-ordinates to Dux. He then sat down and waited.

Klaus & Surge:
Surge stepped out with Klaus on his back. Nullify was already waiting with Kyubeii and Lent. "Alright. I want you guys to come back into the loading bay!" smirked the Vire. "Nullify will watch you while I fly us back to our base of operations. Don't even think about escape. Nullify can detect even that."

[color=#800080][i]"You have that much faith in me? Well if I could blush I would."[/i] [/color]Nullify said jokingly. [color=#800080][i]"So, Lent, tell me about yourself. I checked through my database of knowledge and have never heard of you, but if we were with Kyubeii here then you must be somewhat important."[/i][/color]

He couldn't figure out where he was. One second he was battling a bounty hunter and the next he was here. The room was completely white. From what he could tell it was a cube. There was nothing there, except for him. He wasn't even wearing what he had last remembered. Last he knew he was wearing jeans and t-shirt, but here he was wearing little more than rags. He wore simple shorts, made out of some brown material. They were ripped in many places and were very uncomfortable. He wore no shirt, just a strange pendant. And of course the Ultimatrix. It was a sickly yellow color right now. He tried to turn the dial but nothing happened. Looks like he was timed out. "Where am I?" Will asked out loud.

"Inside your mind," A voice said. Will turned around. Standing right behind him was an odd figure. Will couldn't really make him out, it was like he was masked by a veil and Will was only seeing his silhouette. "Who are you?" Will asked.

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Lent walked with Kyubii until they were back inside the ship and then into the cargo bay. "Seems a little strange to have us exit the ship and then enter the ship again." Lent said, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his trench coat. "As I have said, my name is Lent and I'm merely a desert wanderer that was found by Kyubii and was offered a ride by Kyubii. I have no connection to him, nor do I owe him any favors." Lent explained to Nulify, after Lent helped Kyubii with Wildbearer, or whatever his name was, he assumed that his debt for saving him from the harsh desert was repaid. "I think it best that you have no information on me; would you want me having information all about yourself, Nulify" Lent said to Nulify and looked over to Kyubii than back at Nulify, wondering what would happen if they tried to do something.

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[quote name='Final Fantasy Revolution' timestamp='1321286089' post='5640856']
Lent walked with Kyubii until they were back inside the ship and then into the cargo bay. "Seems a little strange to have us exit the ship and then enter the ship again." Lent said, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his trench coat. "As I have said, my name is Lent and I'm merely a desert wanderer that was found by Kyubii and was offered a ride by Kyubii. I have no connection to him, nor do I owe him any favors." Lent explained to Nulify, after Lent helped Kyubii with Wildbearer, or whatever his name was, he assumed that his debt for saving him from the harsh desert was repaid. "I think it best that you have no information on me; would you want me having information all about yourself, Nulify" Lent said to Nulify and looked over to Kyubii than back at Nulify, wondering what would happen if they tried to do something.

[i][color=#800080]"You see, there is a difference there. I am the one holding you captive, not the other way around. Now tell me about yourself, or I swear I will delve into your mind and wrench your secrets from your brain in the most painful matter possible," [/color][/i]Nullify said with a cold, steady voice. He knew that he could kill this welp at anytime, but Dux probably wouldn't want extra casualties. As for exiting and then reentering the ship, he was not sure as to why the Vire did that as well but he figured it needn't matter.

He was growing impatient the battle was taking far too long. "Why don't we jussst get in there and take them down?" He asked Jade.

"Because if we did we would erased from existence. It is time to pull out for now, we will return at a later date." Jade grabbed the communication device from the console and began to speak into it. "Dux, we can't apprehend the target, as of now. Orders?"

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He was getting incoming transmissions from Jade, Zero and Klaus. Two had accomplished their goals. Jade and himself had not. "Initiate Hyperdrive Mr. Rose. We have to pick up the child. So the huge transport ship sped across earth to a empty field. They landed and got Zero and Will aboard. "Put Will in an immobilization chamber. So the deed was done. Will was placed in a tube that interfered with all technology. Making the omnitrix useless. We'll wait for him to slip into consciousness. Then the questioning begins.

He had led them outside to scan for any guns or quick draw weapons. Once safely scanned they set off into space. He sailed them into the cargo bay doors and opened the doors to imprison the plumbers....

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"My name is unimportant, what is important is why I brought you here." The ominous figure said.
"Okay then. Why did you bring me here? Why I am wearing this clothes?" Will asked, firing one question after another. He wanted answers and he wanted them now.
"Those clothes are what the human slaves on my planet wear, is that not what you wear on Earth?" The being asked.
"No, not at all." Upon saying those words, Will felt a slight tingling sensation throughout his body. When he looked down he was wearing the same clothes he was wearing before he lost consciousness. "How did you do that?" Will asked the being.
"I did not, you did," It said, upon seeing Will's confused look he explained farther. "This is your mind, what you imagine happens. I just set up the basis for the interaction."
"So you have telepathy then?" Will asked, when he said this his mind turned to Nullify, but he quickly pushed those thoughts away.
"Oh no, I do not have telepathy." The being said simply.
"Then how..." Will began, but was cut off.
"The Ultimatrix is connected to your brain as well as your arm. Since I live inside the Ultimatrix, I can contact you when I need to you. I have been trying for days, but he have not entered a deep enough sleep until now."
"Wait, you are in my Ultimatrix? Then how come I can't turn into you?" Will asked. He may not know the full details of what or who this thing was, but just judging by the contour of it he was sure that he had not transformed into anything like it before.
"There are many things about your Ultimatrix you have yet to discover, I cannot explain right now. I am running out of time, any minute now you could wake and then the connection will be broken. I have come with a warning, the other beings inside your Ultimatrix are growing restless. If you are not careful, then they will so try to take control of you." The figure began to blur, even more so than before. The room started to turn dark and then was gone.

A strange smell penetrated Will's nose. It was the smell of a doctor's office. You know the smell of something really clean, but cleaned with chemicals. It was that smell. Will's eyes flickered open, at first he couldn't make sense of where he was, but it looked like the interior of a ship. He tried to sit up, but banged his head on something. On closer inspection, Will realized that he was stuck in a tube. Things were not looking good.

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[quote name='Kazekage dragon' timestamp='1320630362' post='5622918']
Dexm was strongly affected by the loud sounds and his physical form seemed to fade in and out because of the pain. "Aaahh!" he yelled in pain and whipped his arm, pushing Deity X backwards with extreme force. "I don't think so," emerged Yuzaki's echoing voice from Deity X as he stopped in mid-flight, "my turn!" He held up his hand and a pulsating ring formed around it while his hand started to glow and a beam of light shot straight from it. Dexm tried to stop the attack but the combined reality shifters' power was too much and pierced through his fiery body. Deity X snapped his fingers in a victorious gesture, "Right on target!" Said Deity X as the light ray slowly faded out and Dexm stood there, his body smoking from the intense heat of the ray. "Arrgh," he exclaimed with pain and then started to reform the hole that had been formed, "you... Lowlife... You are a disgrace to our race!!!" Yuzaki thought to Ann inside the current transformation. [b][i]Is this guy talking about the transformation? He seems to be taking it personal...[/i][/b] A flash of pulsating light emerged between the Deity X and Dexm. Slowly, a familiar white fiery figure with an aqua green flame aura materialized in front of them. It was Najm, the Naljian that had referred to Yuzaki as her son. Dexm seemed to acquire a mixed expression of hatred and fear, even without a mouth. "Mother..." He said in a low and hateful tone.

Najm looked at him and then looked at Deity X. A strong pull was felt by the Deity part of the fusion, apparently being close to not one, but two aliens of the same reality-bending species did not allow the sustaining of the fusion function. "Argh!" Yelled Deity as it was separated from Alien X, falling on his knees, or fiery cloak. "Najm," said Deity as he looked up at her, "who is this guy?" Dexm tried to strike down Deity but Najm stopped him in mid-attack, being older meant having more control over the younger Naljians apparently. "My other son," she said simply, "your older brother..." This caused a grand surprise to both Dexm and Deity/Yuzaki. "Whoah, whoah, whoah," said Deity regaining his footing, "so your telling me you really ARE my mother?! I never knew her!" At the same time Dexm interrupted by also making some inquiries. "This pest is my sibling," he said apparently in disgust, "that is not even possible! When, how?!" Najm calmly waved them both down and started to explain everything slowly. "Your father was a plumber," she said towards Deity/Yuzaki, "he had opened a rift into the Naljian dimension by attempting to fix a faulty Null Void projector. I met him while I was still young, only 4 million years old, and well emotions that were not supposed to surge within me came out and we concieved you." Deity/Yuzaki was really confused, his family had always been well-off, in other words rich, but he never knew his mother and his father dissapeared when he was still a preschooler. Another thing that he was curious about was how the hell did his mom and dad... Well she was made of fire and about ten feet tall... It was pretty weird how they could have a kid. "Wait,'' said Dexm, "so he really is my brother, half-brother?" Najm nodded and something strange happened to Dexm, the same thing that happened to Najm when she met Yuzaki's father, he felt love. (brotherly love) Deity/Yuzaki, however, was having a hard time gathering all this data and started to remember his time lapses and started to notice that his eyes felt different for some reason. "So... why this transformation?" he asked very confused, "if I'm half alien can't I turn into this on my own, in fact why do I even have an Ultimatrix?" Najm calmed him down and Dexm also started to help calm him down due to his sudden change in character. "You are still a youngling, your powers will develope over time," she said slowly, "the reason that you have that Ultimatrix is because our DNA is locked in the Codon Stream and cannot be accessed by any other Ultimatrix; I personally helped Arthrop create it." Deity looked at Najm once more and tilted his fiery head to the side. "Codon Stream?" She waved it off to try and avoid revealing too much about the Ultimatrix. "We'll talk about that later," she said as she started to slowly fade away, "being half-Naljian may feel good; but please retain your humanity, it will help you much more than your Naljian half in some occassions. Take care, son." A tear seemed to fall from the fiery head as it faded into nothingness and that same tear seemed to fall from Deity himself. "Bye... Mom..." Dexm rushed towards Deity and at first Yuzaki raised his arms instinctively in order to defend himself but Dexm kept approaching and hugged him. "So you're my smaller sibling," said Dexm with a changed almost cheerful tone, "I believe this third dimension is not as bad as I first perceived. I must go now as well, mother will most likely have a punishment. But I will watch over you, do not worry... brother." Then Dexm also dissapeared into nothingness. Deity reverted back into Yuzaki and started to go back to his ship which had been moved from the recent crash site. He didn't know if Ann was still transformed and somewhere behind him; he just wanted to get to the ship to see if Will and Sarge were fine and also to get some rest because he was really beat up. He felt heavy pressure on his head and with each step it became heavier until he collapsed on the ground and was completely immobile, having that much power... came with a price.

[(OOC: Huge plot twist right? I'm/He's not dead just in a comatose state at the moment. Not sure where Sarge is so if you want, Will/Renegade, he can go back into the ship with Yuzaki/me and help Yuzaki/me track Will or whatever. Later on the ship's AI will find me and bring me aboard, that's when Sarge may also come in if you want to add him, and afterwards I will regain conciousness. (Relatively long time-span though shortened in the posts.)]

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[quote name='Kazekage dragon' timestamp='1321419779' post='5645820']
Najm looked at him and then looked at Deity X. A strong pull was felt by the Deity part of the fusion, apparently being close to not one, but two aliens of the same reality-bending species did not allow the sustaining of the fusion function. "Argh!" Yelled Deity as it was separated from Alien X, falling on his knees, or fiery cloak. "Najm," said Deity as he looked up at her, "who is this guy?" Dexm tried to strike down Deity but Najm stopped him in mid-attack, being older meant having more control over the younger Naljians apparently. "My other son," she said simply, "your older brother..." This caused a grand surprise to both Dexm and Deity/Yuzaki. "Whoah, whoah, whoah," said Deity regaining his footing, "so your telling me you really ARE my mother?! I never knew her!" At the same time Dexm interrupted by also making some inquiries. "This pest is my sibling," he said apparently in disgust, "that is not even possible! When, how?!" Najm calmly waved them both down and started to explain everything slowly. "Your father was a plumber," she said towards Deity/Yuzaki, "he had opened a rift into the Naljian dimension by attempting to fix a faulty Null Void projector. I met him while I was still young, only 4 million years old, and well emotions that were not supposed to surge within me came out and we concieved you." Deity/Yuzaki was really confused, his family had always been well-off, in other words rich, but he never knew his mother and his father dissapeared when he was still a preschooler. Another thing that he was curious about was how the hell did his mom and dad... Well she was made of fire and about ten feet tall... It was pretty weird how they could have a kid. "Wait,'' said Dexm, "so he really is my brother, half-brother?" Najm nodded and something strange happened to Dexm, the same thing that happened to Najm when she met Yuzaki's father, he felt love. (brotherly love) Deity/Yuzaki, however, was having a hard time gathering all this data and started to remember his time lapses and started to notice that his eyes felt different for some reason. "So... why this transformation?" he asked very confused, "if I'm half alien can't I turn into this on my own, in fact why do I even have an Ultimatrix?" Najm calmed him down and Dexm also started to help calm him down due to his sudden change in character. "You are still a youngling, your powers will develope over time," she said slowly, "the reason that you have that Ultimatrix is because our DNA is locked in the Codon Stream and cannot be accessed by any other Ultimatrix; I personally helped Arthrop create it." Deity looked at Najm once more and tilted his fiery head to the side. "Codon Stream?" She waved it off to try and avoid revealing too much about the Ultimatrix. "We'll talk about that later," she said as she started to slowly fade away, "being half-Naljian may feel good; but please retain your humanity, it will help you much more than your Naljian half in some occassions. Take care, son." A tear seemed to fall from the fiery head as it faded into nothingness and that same tear seemed to fall from Deity himself. "Bye... Mom..." Dexm rushed towards Deity and at first Yuzaki raised his arms instinctively in order to defend himself but Dexm kept approaching and hugged him. "So you're my smaller sibling," said Dexm with a changed almost cheerful tone, "I believe this third dimension is not as bad as I first perceived. I must go now as well, mother will most likely have a punishment. But I will watch over you, do not worry... brother." Then Dexm also dissapeared into nothingness. Deity reverted back into Yuzaki and started to go back to his ship which had been moved from the recent crash site. He didn't know if Ann was still transformed and somewhere behind him; he just wanted to get to the ship to see if Will and Sarge were fine and also to get some rest because he was really beat up. He felt heavy pressure on his head and with each step it became heavier until he collapsed on the ground and was completely immobile, having that much power... came with a price.

[(OOC: Huge plot twist right? I'm/He's not dead just in a comatose state at the moment. Not sure where Sarge is so if you want, Will/Renegade, he can go back into the ship with Yuzaki/me and help Yuzaki/me track Will or whatever. Later on the ship's AI will find me and bring me aboard, that's when Sarge may also come in if you want to add him, and afterwards I will regain conciousness. (Relatively long time-span though shortened in the posts.)]

OOC: Woah, did not see that coming...at all.

The battle looked like it was over. Sarge had remained hidden in a nearby patch of bushes when his master, Will, had left the scene. He knew his master would be back, but right now there were other things of greater importance to deal with. Sarge was not just a dog. He was half canine, half Loboan. Of course no one knew that but him, not having the ability to make actual words can difficult things. Sarge made his way out of the bushes and crept towards a familiar human. He believed his name was Yuzaki, and he knew that his master was quite fond of him. Something was wrong though. Yuzaki had collapsed on the ground. Sarge ran over to the fallen human. He nudged him with his nose, hoping he had just tripped. Unfortunately, that was not the case. It seemed that he had lost consciousness all together. Sarge made a quick decision, he knew the ship would offer better protection than out in the open. The dog grabbed the fallen human's shirt and began to pull. After a few minutes of tugging and pulling the human was in the ship. His master, Will, had mistakenly left the cargo bay door down which in turn provided Sarge a way to pull Yuzaki into the ship. Sarge sat down next to Yuzaki and waited.

Something had happened. She wasn't sure what but all was quiet, and in the past hour or two her ears had been filled with taunts, explosions, and yelling. The sounds of battle, but now they were gone. She looked up from her nails and looked out the ship's cockpit. As thought the battle was over. She caught a glimpse of a huge dog, dragging one of the Ultimatrix users inside the ship and the other wasn't too be found. Oh well, the time to act was now. She powered up the ship and told Naga as too what was happening. The true hunt was on.

OOC: Kazekage, feel free to take a few more posts or so to say that Yuzaki is still in a comatose like state. If I have Jade and Naga arrive before he wakes up, Sarge will protect him until he wakes up.

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Lent closed his eyes and let out a big sigh as if not wanted to do something but settling for it. "I suppose there's no other way to get through this." Lent said, taking both of his hands out from his trench coat's pocket and then raising his right hand up to his chest. There the device sat on Lent's wrist, already popped up as if on some telepathic cue set by Lent. "I do not wish to harm you, truly, and I actually detest using this device. I will do what I must if you decide to follow." Lent explained and then pressed the dial on the device to start changing into a creature. Lent got down on all fours, his body was elongated and he grew a tail and a medium sized horn on top of his head. After the device was finished transforming Lent he looked like a silver horse with a long bronze mane of hair; some would refer to this creature as a "Unicorn". "This creature goes by the name of "Uniforce", and it's powers will do me nothing but usefulness." Uniforce's horn started glowing all the colors of the rainbow and fire of a powerful beam of energy that blew a huge hole in the wall of the ship; the force of the explosion could easily blow back a fully sized person. Unicorn dipped his head down and hoisted Kyubii up onto his back and flew out of the hole it had just made in the ships wall and were soon lost in the clouds.

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Nullify raced out of the ship, following Lent and Kyubeii. Perhaps it was time to take a more direct approach. Nullify conjured up a force field sphere with one of his eyes, using it like a cannonball, he launched it at the fleeing prisoners. Right now this was all he dared do. He didn't want to damage the targets too much, in case Dux wanted them alive. The new Ultimatrix user was indeed an interesting development.

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