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>>Writer's Gathering<< [Fan Fiction Writers Welcome!] (CONTEST DETAILS POSTED)


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[quote name='Kyubey' timestamp='1317590474' post='5555815']
've posted my thoughts, Dante. It's good, but could use s'more spit and polish.

As for my idea, I'm drifting away from the book idea more and more. Trawling through TvTropes has given me the idea of a JRPG-esque story, mainly for setting. Would anyone be willing to read that? I'm still hashing out details, so I can't say much more yet.

I assume that you by JRPG-setting mean a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits heading out on an Epic Quest to gather the X crystals of Y, which they need to save the world.

If I'm anywhere near close, I'm gonna need a few more details.

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A good amount, really. I've divided Season 3 of Hidden Legacy into four main arcs, and I know how I want them to play out for the most part. I'm somewhat indecisive though, so sometimes I end up changing things as I'm actually writing. That said, I've already started to lay very, very basic groundwork for Season 4 so I have a good idea of where I'm going.

[b]Edit[/b]: Since posting this, I've posted Episode 19, which features the return of a well-known character.

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Hmm, funny that everyone has said get your beginning and end sorted, then do everything else in between as ideas come to mind. I've actually planned most of the first half of the story, and hadn't really thought about the end at all!!! (Fail). Will have to do that next, although since the end obviously concerns the baddies, I really need to work out their motives and how much stuff is in danger (i.e. the lives of one town/country/world). Basics of the environment and bit of history regarding the pivotal (not lead. pivotal) character needed to.


Thanks chaps (and chapesses)

Dante: Will read fic later this week when my home Bband is in. Star and Aggro will try to get round to yours during my booked holiday at end of month,

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[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]Perhaps slightly later than I originally stated, but now, [i]Writer's Gathering[/i] presents:[/font]


[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]The first [b]Official Club Contest[/b] is one designed to help both writers, and readers have something new and exciting to enjoy! With the Fan Fiction community being rather small, and nothing like what it used to be back in its hay-day, here's hoping this first contest will slightly increase the activity, allowing writers who have exceptional Fan Fiction to have their talents noticed! And for those of us who don't, to get some advice and criticism to help us get there![/font]

[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]In addition, since no contest would be a contest without a prize of some sort, I'm working on finding a Graphic Designer who will design a Prize Tag for the winner, and you'll have your name mentioned in the first post under the "PRIZE WINNERS" section that has yet to be added, as well as a spotlight on your FanFiction (if you have one).[/font]

[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]So here's how it works:[/font]

[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][i]If you wish to enter this contest, you have until October 8, 2011 (Friday) to do so. All you need to do is post in the thread that you want to enter, and you'll be added to the list of people in the first post who will be doing so. Once everyone had entered, the official Contest Hours will begin on October 9, 2011, which is a Saturday.[/i][/font][list]
[*][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][i]Each Fan-Fiction you review will earn you three points.[/i][/font]
[*][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][i]A review must consist of a well-thought out, at least a paragraph long critique, praise, or some combination of the two of a story.[/i][/font]
[*][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][i]No, you cannot review the same story twice and earn six points.[/i][/font]
[*][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][i]No, you cannot review your own story and earn any points.[/i][/font]
[*][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][i]Each time you review a story, provide a link to that review here in this thread, so it can be checked by the Official Contest Judges to ensure it meets the qualifications.[/i][/font]
[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][b]Note: Earning the most points does not mean you win, by any means. The top three points-earners will be placed into a poll, and voted on by the members of the club to determine who provided the most thoughtful reviews. For example, someone can review a ton of stories but not provide any real assistance, and that doesn't help the writers at all, so to make this fair it's going to be done in a democratic manner. [/b](Thanks Umbra)[/font]

Like I said, just reply to this post letting me know you want to enter, and I'll add you to the list! I'll be keeping this post here, with a link to it in the first post of the thread so you can find it easily and see the current standings!


~ Umbra
~ Kyubey

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Hopefully my home Bband will be sorted by then, and will sign up if it has been.

Going back to my question about pre-planning, I think what I'm planning by its nature has to be planned out in a lot of detail in advance, to the hour... Just the way it is I think...

The Numbers are counting down...

24:00... 24:00... 24:00...

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[quote name='Dante v. Nero' timestamp='1317757968' post='5560432']
Why are we counting down the Numbers, Matt?

Double meaning. I was refering more to Numbers of something else.

Especially the number in last post. *SutbleHintIsNotSubtle*

I've got enough sense to know a lot of people are going to use Numbers as central plot device in fics over the next few months/years. So it'll be a challenge to make mine stand out, especially as a slow start was cited by many as a problem for Armageddon and not hooking as many readers as it might have done. And I had a riot and a break in in the first chapter for christ's sake!!! But given the rate of early planning I think this next one will start a lot more... dramatic (although I expect I will be sued by someone I won't divulge the name of for spoilers sake).

If I could I would start writing it tomorrow, but I need more Numbers/Xyz in general/4th gen cards for decks in general. Can't wait for Order of Chaos to be released in six weeks.

23:00... 23:00... 23:00...

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[quote name='Star' timestamp='1317651532' post='5557252']
[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]Perhaps slightly later than I originally stated, but now, [i]Writer's Gathering[/i] presents:[/font]


[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]The first [b]Official Club Contest[/b] is one designed to help both writers, and readers have something new and exciting to enjoy! With the Fan Fiction community being rather small, and nothing like what it used to be back in its hay-day, here's hoping this first contest will slightly increase the activity, allowing writers who have exceptional Fan Fiction to have their talents noticed! And for those of us who don't, to get some advice and criticism to help us get there![/font]

[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]In addition, since no contest would be a contest without a prize of some sort, I'm working on finding a Graphic Designer who will design a Prize Tag for the winner, and you'll have your name mentioned in the first post under the "PRIZE WINNERS" section that has yet to be added, as well as a spotlight on your FanFiction (if you have one).[/font]

[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]So here's how it works:[/font]

[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][i]If you wish to enter this contest, you have until October 8, 2011 (Friday) to do so. All you need to do is post in the thread that you want to enter, and you'll be added to the list of people in the first post who will be doing so. Once everyone had entered, the official Contest Hours will begin on October 9, 2011, which is a Saturday.[/i][/font][list]
[*][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][i]Each Fan-Fiction you review will earn you three points.[/i][/font]
[*][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][i]A review must consist of a well-thought out, at least a paragraph long critique, praise, or some combination of the two of a story.[/i][/font]
[*][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][i]No, you cannot review the same story twice and earn six points.[/i][/font]
[*][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][i]No, you cannot review your own story and earn any points.[/i][/font]
[*][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][i]Each time you review a story, provide a link to that review here in this thread, so it can be checked by the Official Contest Judges to ensure it meets the qualifications.[/i][/font]
[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][b]Note: Earning the most points does not mean you win, by any means. The top three points-earners will be placed into a poll, and voted on by the members of the club to determine who provided the most thoughtful reviews. For example, someone can review a ton of stories but not provide any real assistance, and that doesn't help the writers at all, so to make this fair it's going to be done in a democratic manner. [/b](Thanks Umbra)[/font]

Like I said, just reply to this post letting me know you want to enter, and I'll add you to the list! I'll be keeping this post here, with a link to it in the first post of the thread so you can find it easily and see the current standings!


~ Umbra
~ Kyubey

I dunno....I haven't done a review before...^^;

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Okay. Another character drabble. This is a random [i]in medias res[/i] scene coming from that other fic idea I mentioned. I hope it's generic enough to be taken out-of-context: all you have to know is that Ever (short for Everard) is the main character and Ariceli is his friend. Please tell me if the transition from comedy to drama goes too quickly.

[spoiler="Whoop whoop."]The cedars of the Siocha Forest were unfathomably tall, with their green crowns nearly out of sight up above, but they were so slender that even the slightest wind sent them trembling and a faint shower of needles raining down. Their fragrance saturated the air while sunlight filtered through the treetops, relaxing Ariceli as she wandered down the dirt path cut in between. However, she was on edge for... other reasons.

“Remind me again, Ever,” she started as her companion strode a few steps ahead of her, “why we need to be taking this godforsaken road instead of just going one stop further. It’s not like we were short on money or anything. I mean, really. We’ll be trudging through the city in a few days, so to have to walk along for any longer than we need to is completely unneed—”

Her rambling was cut off by Ever giving a quick “hush.” He didn’t explain whatever he had brought their little party of two out here for, but the unseen furrows of his eyebrows would’ve told Ariceli that he was intent on finding [i]something[/i]. “I’m sure it’s around here somewhere...” he muttered.

“What’s around here?” the girl spat, obviously a bit upset at her partner’s evasiveness.

“You’ll find out~”

“I swear, if you don’t give a straight answer, your head’ll roll.”

Ever just rolled his eyes at that last threat and continued his march. He knew what he was looking for, and he knew he’d look rather stupid if he didn’t find it. After all, dragging a girl off of a rather comfortable train car in search of some undisclosed place wouldn’t sit well with anyone, especially not Ariceli.

“Trust me,” he said. “I ran across this when the train broke down here a few years ago. It’s not that easy to forget.”

“Whaddya mean...?” Ariceli asked, her voice trailing off. Maybe it was just her imagination, but she swore she could hear the faint trickling of... a stream?

Ever’s face lit up as he heard the same noise. [i]‘Bingo.’[/i] He suddenly darted off the raised trail and disappeared into a thicket.


Ariceli had no clue what Ever had been so intent on showing her until it came into view. A bubbling spring appeared, dividing itself into multiple rocky pools that tumbled down the slope and veiling itself in curls of steam. “A hot spring...?”

Ever grinned. “Yep. Excited?”

“I... don’t know? I mean, it’d be nice, but I didn’t bring a bathing suit or anything—”

“And?” In the time it took her to say that, Ever had already yanked off his shirt, with his pants soon to follow.

Ariceli sputtered. “N- not like that!” She tried to cover her eyes.

“Then how?” Pants followed. “We saw each other naked as kids, y’know!”

“But we were [i][i]kids[/i][/i]!”

“Whatever!” Shoes, socks, and everything else topped it off. “If you’re gonna be that touchy, there’s another pool down the hill. I’m not stopping, though.”

“Fine!” Closing her eyes so she didn’t have to see anything... unfortunate, Ariceli felt her way down to the second hot spring pool, using the sound of water to guide her. Once she was confident she was far enough away, she opened her eyes to find she was. She stripped off her clothing, hanging them on a convenient low-lying branch, and set her bow and bag aside for easy access. Finally, Ariceli slipped tentatively into the water and let out a sigh of relaxation. “Ahh... Feels good.”

“Told ya so.” Ever’s voice echoed up from above, and Ariceli swore he was sticking his tongue out. “This is the first time I’ve come back here in a while.”

“How the heck do you find something like this in the first place? I couldn’t see it from the trail.”

“I tripped.”

The way Ever said it was so deadpan that Ariceli clammed up and looked down into the slightly cloudy spring water. Her flesh was starting to turn pink from the pleasant heat, and any scent of sulfur was masked by the cedar’s sweet aroma. It was intensely relaxing.

She leaned her head back against the rocks lining the pool and began to slink further into the water, only to jump up in fright when she saw Ever’s grinning face sticking out over the stone wall. “Jeez, Ever!” she exclaimed, scrambling to cover herself with her arms. “You’re gonna give me a heart attack!”

Ever only rolled his eyes again. “C’mon, Ari,” he teased. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”

Ariceli pouted. She noticed that his arms, which were hanging over the ledge, were notably thicker than last time she’d seen him like that, which was when they were kids at least. [i][i]‘Ever’s really grown up,’[/i][/i] she thought quietly. [i][i]‘We’ve really drifted apart... ’[/i][/i]

“You wish we were still kids?” she blurted, suddenly inspired by her train of thought.

Ever raised an eyebrow. “Why d’you ask?”

“...Iunno.” Ariceli cast her eyes down. “I... just don’t feel right. As an adult.”

Now it was Ever’s turn to be confused. “What do you mean?” he asked.

“We’re growing up too fast!” Ariceli blurted, as if something had snapped. Her abruptness startled Ever. “I mean... I don’t want all this responsibility! I want to be carefree again!” Her words were now stilted, almost throwing themselves out of her mouth. “All of our friends are still back home, Ever. They’re able to choose what they want to do... they have their whole lives in front of them! I know I sound like a fucking [i][i]hypocrite[/i][/i] saying that, but I love Anise and I... I love your family and I don’t want Iona and Thyme and Rosemary to be hurt.”

She trembled. “Just look at the two of us, Ever. You’re a ranger, you’re putting yourself at risk every day. I’m a courier, and I’m doing just that as well! It makes me sick, literally sick to my stomach some nights to just [i][i]think[/i][/i] of what the world’s putting us through. I just wanted to help so...” Ariceli paused here, her head drooping a bit more. “...so we can be normal again. I’m not gonna change the system; you know that as well as I do. But, I think that if I can get Anise back, wherever she is, then we can be... normal.” Tears started to tumble down her cheeks.

Ever was stunned. Ariceli Mores, the tough-as-nails girl who he grew up with, who could throw him to the ground as a child, was crying?

“Umm...” he started hesitantly, turning away and slipping down so that he couldn’t see Ari’s face. “I know that finding Anise is as important to you as it is to me. But we can’t run ourselves sick over it.” Ever thought of Iona’s face, wrought with a mix of sadness and anger, as he said that last sentence. “We get to her when we can.” He sighed and splashed his hand in the water, defeated.

“But when is that?!” High on her emotions, Ariceli’s voice swung to hysterics. “When are we gonna get anywhere?!”

“I don’t know!” It was now Ever’s turn to be angry. “I didn’t want to even have to imagine something like this in the first place!”

“But we did.” Ariceli dropped down. “We did, and we’re doing it.”

The two of them sat in their respective silences, the only thing buffering them being the combination of the wind against trees and the water against rocks.[/spoiler]

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[quote name='Kyubey' timestamp='1317763488' post='5560636']
Okay. Another character drabble. This is a random [i]in medias res[/i] scene coming from that other fic idea I mentioned. I hope it's generic enough to be taken out-of-context: all you have to know is that Ever (short for Everard) is the main character and Ariceli is his friend. Please tell me if the transition from comedy to drama goes too quickly.

[spoiler="Whoop whoop."]The cedars of the Siocha Forest were unfathomably tall, with their green crowns nearly out of sight up above, but they were so slender that even the slightest wind sent them trembling and a faint shower of needles raining down. Their fragrance saturated the air while sunlight filtered through the treetops, relaxing Ariceli as she wandered down the dirt path cut in between. However, she was on edge for... other reasons.

“Remind me again, Ever,” she started as her companion strode a few steps ahead of her, “why we need to be taking this godforsaken road instead of just going one stop further. It’s not like we were short on money or anything. I mean, really. We’ll be trudging through the city in a few days, so to have to walk along for any longer than we need to is completely unneed—”

Her rambling was cut off by Ever giving a quick “hush.” He didn’t explain whatever he had brought their little party of two out here for, but the unseen furrows of his eyebrows would’ve told Ariceli that he was intent on finding [i]something[/i]. “I’m sure it’s around here somewhere...” he muttered.

“What’s around here?” the girl spat, obviously a bit upset at her partner’s evasiveness.

“You’ll find out~”

“I swear, if you don’t give a straight answer, your head’ll roll.”

Ever just rolled his eyes at that last threat and continued his march. He knew what he was looking for, and he knew he’d look rather stupid if he didn’t find it. After all, dragging a girl off of a rather comfortable train car in search of some undisclosed place wouldn’t sit well with anyone, especially not Ariceli.

“Trust me,” he said. “I ran across this when the train broke down here a few years ago. It’s not that easy to forget.”

“Whaddya mean...?” Ariceli asked, her voice trailing off. Maybe it was just her imagination, but she swore she could hear the faint trickling of... a stream?

Ever’s face lit up as he heard the same noise. [i]‘Bingo.’[/i] He suddenly darted off the raised trail and disappeared into a thicket.


Ariceli had no clue what Ever had been so intent on showing her until it came into view. A bubbling spring appeared, dividing itself into multiple rocky pools that tumbled down the slope and veiling itself in curls of steam. “A hot spring...?”

Ever grinned. “Yep. Excited?”

“I... don’t know? I mean, it’d be nice, but I didn’t bring a bathing suit or anything—”

“And?” In the time it took her to say that, Ever had already yanked off his shirt, with his pants soon to follow.

Ariceli sputtered. “N- not like that!” She tried to cover her eyes.

“Then how?” Pants followed. “We saw each other naked as kids, y’know!”

“But we were [i][i]kids[/i][/i]!”

“Whatever!” Shoes, socks, and everything else topped it off. “If you’re gonna be that touchy, there’s another pool down the hill. I’m not stopping, though.”

“Fine!” Closing her eyes so she didn’t have to see anything... unfortunate, Ariceli felt her way down to the second hot spring pool, using the sound of water to guide her. Once she was confident she was far enough away, she opened her eyes to find she was. She stripped off her clothing, hanging them on a convenient low-lying branch, and set her bow and bag aside for easy access. Finally, Ariceli slipped tentatively into the water and let out a sigh of relaxation. “Ahh... Feels good.”

“Told ya so.” Ever’s voice echoed up from above, and Ariceli swore he was sticking his tongue out. “This is the first time I’ve come back here in a while.”

“How the heck do you find something like this in the first place? I couldn’t see it from the trail.”

“I tripped.”

The way Ever said it was so deadpan that Ariceli clammed up and looked down into the slightly cloudy spring water. Her flesh was starting to turn pink from the pleasant heat, and any scent of sulfur was masked by the cedar’s sweet aroma. It was intensely relaxing.

She leaned her head back against the rocks lining the pool and began to slink further into the water, only to jump up in fright when she saw Ever’s grinning face sticking out over the stone wall. “Jeez, Ever!” she exclaimed, scrambling to cover herself with her arms. “You’re gonna give me a heart attack!”

Ever only rolled his eyes again. “C’mon, Ari,” he teased. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”

Ariceli pouted. She noticed that his arms, which were hanging over the ledge, were notably thicker than last time she’d seen him like that, which was when they were kids at least. [i][i]‘Ever’s really grown up,’[/i][/i] she thought quietly. [i][i]‘We’ve really drifted apart... ’[/i][/i]

“You wish we were still kids?” she blurted, suddenly inspired by her train of thought.

Ever raised an eyebrow. “Why d’you ask?”

“...Iunno.” Ariceli cast her eyes down. “I... just don’t feel right. As an adult.”

Now it was Ever’s turn to be confused. “What do you mean?” he asked.

“We’re growing up too fast!” Ariceli blurted, as if something had snapped. Her abruptness startled Ever. “I mean... I don’t want all this responsibility! I want to be carefree again!” Her words were now stilted, almost throwing themselves out of her mouth. “All of our friends are still back home, Ever. They’re able to choose what they want to do... they have their whole lives in front of them! I know I sound like a f***ing [i][i]hypocrite[/i][/i] saying that, but I love Anise and I... I love your family and I don’t want Iona and Thyme and Rosemary to be hurt.”

She trembled. “Just look at the two of us, Ever. You’re a ranger, you’re putting yourself at risk every day. I’m a courier, and I’m doing just that as well! It makes me sick, literally sick to my stomach some nights to just [i][i]think[/i][/i] of what the world’s putting us through. I just wanted to help so...” Ariceli paused here, her head drooping a bit more. “...so we can be normal again. I’m not gonna change the system; you know that as well as I do. But, I think that if I can get Anise back, wherever she is, then we can be... normal.” Tears started to tumble down her cheeks.

Ever was stunned. Ariceli Mores, the tough-as-nails girl who he grew up with, who could throw him to the ground as a child, was crying?

“Umm...” he started hesitantly, turning away and slipping down so that he couldn’t see Ari’s face. “I know that finding Anise is as important to you as it is to me. But we can’t run ourselves sick over it.” Ever thought of Iona’s face, wrought with a mix of sadness and anger, as he said that last sentence. “We get to her when we can.” He sighed and splashed his hand in the water, defeated.

“But when is that?!” High on her emotions, Ariceli’s voice swung to hysterics. “When are we gonna get anywhere?!”

“I don’t know!” It was now Ever’s turn to be angry. “I didn’t want to even have to imagine something like this in the first place!”

“But we did.” Ariceli dropped down. “We did, and we’re doing it.”

The two of them sat in their respective silences, the only thing buffering them being the combination of the wind against trees and the water against rocks.[/spoiler]

I don't think the transition from comedy to drama was that fast. It's a girl character, what did you expect? Well, I mean, typically that's how all girls are....

Yea, I'm gonna stop there. And besides, everything is serious when you are listening to Disturbed's latest new track.

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hmm....thinkin of joining

Know what?

I will

Can re review ANY fanfic that isn't ours, though?

And is there a limit to ones we review?

Honestly, amount of reviews and quality of reviews is very different.

I'd suggest making it everyone who enters reviews 1 fic

And then the judges decide the best 3

Then the rest get voted

But I suck at politics anyway

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Add me to the contest. It seems interesting, and will give me motivation to try and write more thoughtful reviews. However, would line-by-line reviews work? I don't think it'd really be how I'd do it, but I've been meaning to try it, and for some stories where there's something to critique or comment on at least every two or three lines, it would be the better way to go about it.

Also, can we review the fics of members in this club?

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The goal is to get more reviews out there, though; if everyone would just write one review, that would kind of go against the point, wouldn't it?

[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1317776758' post='5561255']
Just a regular review, like Foe-Fiction, or something like Roxas' reviews with other characters putting their input in the review.

Just for the record: Foe Fiction was actuallly the first review-thread on YCM, and the one that started the trend of side-characters. And you don't have to do a separate thread about it; just posting in the story's thread itself should be fine.

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I understand what you're saying with the "1 review per person", but as Umbra said that defeats the whole purpose. We want to improve the activity of FanFiction as a community so that writers who actually write good stories can get criticism, feedback, anything, really. I've been writing here since 2007 and I know from experience that the more people follow you story, the more inspiration you have to write it.

There is no limit to the reviews, and the only rule is that they must be at least 1 paragraph. However, if you write poor reviews, even if you make it to the final 3, there is a very small chance you would win.

Also, yes, you can absolutely review stories of members of this club; it would be preferred as a first, actually. I mean why not? If we're all doing this together, we might as well get to know one another's stories first and then go from there.

I'll add everyone to the list (remember you can find the post from the first page).

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I'd love to enter the contest, but I don't think I have any time or patience to do so now.

Oh, and for anyone else who cares, the next chapter of my fic is up, would like comments and suggestions. [spoiler='Link']http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/261201-yu-gi-oh-the-wanderer-chapter-7-is-up/[/spoiler]

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I wrote up a quick template for anyone who doesn't know where to start on reviewing. It's broken up by section, with various questions to answer.

[b]Organization:[/b] How are the posts visually structured? Is there an easy way to access other chapters? Is everything neatly formatted within chapters? Are custom cards (for YGO) given details in an easy-to-read method?

[b]Premise:[/b] Does the plot summary that is provided (if any) sound logical instead of far-fetched? Does the opening hook you in? Do characters develop over the course of the story? Are there enough plot twists to keep readers interested?

[b]Characters:[/b] Are you actually interested in what happens to them? Are they well-written and fleshed out instead of being flat and clichéd? Given the context of the story, is there a decent balance between various temperaments? Is dialogue realistic-sounding or forced?

[b]Syntax:[/b] Is the spelling and grammar correct, or are there major flaws? Are sentence structures varied? Is there proper spacing between paragraphs and dialogue?

[b]Prose:[/b] Does the author show instead of tell? Can you envision various descriptions in a way that the author most likely intended? Are there different and varied types of adjectives, verbs, adverbs?

[b]Duels:[/b] (YGO fics only, of course.) Do duels go on for the proper duration, to fit the plot of the specific chapter, or do they conclude too quickly/slowly? If there are custom cards, are they properly balanced and do they feel like they could be actually published?

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[quote name='Kyubey' timestamp='1317861142' post='5563216']
I wrote up a quick template for anyone who doesn't know where to start on reviewing. It's broken up by section, with various questions to answer.

[b]Organization:[/b] How are the posts visually structured? Is there an easy way to access other chapters? Is everything neatly formatted within chapters? Are custom cards (for YGO) given details in an easy-to-read method?

[b]Premise:[/b] Does the plot summary that is provided (if any) sound logical instead of far-fetched? Does the opening hook you in? Do characters develop over the course of the story? Are there enough plot twists to keep readers interested?

[b]Characters:[/b] Are you actually interested in what happens to them? Are they well-written and fleshed out instead of being flat and clichéd? Given the context of the story, is there a decent balance between various temperaments? Is dialogue realistic-sounding or forced?

[b]Syntax:[/b] Is the spelling and grammar correct, or are there major flaws? Are sentence structures varied? Is there proper spacing between paragraphs and dialogue?

[b]Prose:[/b] Does the author show instead of tell? Can you envision various descriptions in a way that the author most likely intended? Are there different and varied types of adjectives, verbs, adverbs?

[b]Duels:[/b] (YGO fics only, of course.) Do duels go on for the proper duration, to fit the plot of the specific chapter, or do they conclude too quickly/slowly? If there are custom cards, are they properly balanced and do they feel like they could be actually published?
You're the best Kyubey, though I think it's important to mention that, as reviewers, we should be taking into account how much gravity each section has on our review as a whole, and how each of us may view it differently. For example: I would take more consideration towards reviewing a fic positively if the Premise, Characters, and Prose were excellent, rather than worry too much on the Format and Syntax. The Duels are an outlier, seeing as not all fanfics are yugioh fan fics.

Other reviewers may view them differently, but the point is is that it's important to point out that we should not be looking at all the categories as if they carry the same weight.

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