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[MTG] Monoblack Control


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3 Bloodline Keeper
3 Phyrexian Obliterator
2 Grave Titan

2 Liliana of the Veil
1 Sorin Markov

4 Dismember
4 Go for the Throat
4 Lashwrithe
3 Despise
3 Tezzeret's Gambit
3 Tumble Magnet
2 Black Sun's Zenith
1 Life's Finale
1 Sorin's Vengeance

19 Swamp
4 Inkmoth Nexus
1 Ghost Quarter

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[quote name='-Venser el Transeúnte-' timestamp='1316787576' post='5534592']
- lolrandom mimicvat
I'll be honest. I wanted to add another Vat. It's not as random as it sounds, it makes a lot of nice plays. I can either copy my Titan or Keeper, or steal some of opponent's good s***. I just like it too much.

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[quote name='Noel Vermillion' timestamp='1316787845' post='5534594']
I'll be honest. I wanted to add another Vat. It's not as random as it sounds, it makes a lot of nice plays. I can either copy my Titan or Keeper, or steal some of opponent's good s***. I just like it too much.

It just doesn't go with anything else in the Deck at all...XD

Meaning: Decks that run Mimic Vat are built around Mimic Vat

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I was going to say cut the Vat too. It's nice, but you have better things to play.


-3 Doom Blades (you have enough removal with the GftT and Dismembers)
-4 Phyrexian Ranger
-1 Mimic Vat

+3 Phyrexian Obliterator (your mono black and not running this, what?)
+1 Go for the Throat (again, 8 spot removal is good)
+1 Life's Finale (imo, creature decks will be big and more field clearing ins nice)
+2 Lashwhrite (a big problem that keeps growing. also fun with nexus)
+1 Swamp (control decks want to hit their land drops)

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[quote name='Noel Vermillion' timestamp='1316813397' post='5535314']
lol, ninja edits are ninja. I edited the post a moment before you posted. Re-check please? :3

Also, do I REALLY have to drop Vat? :(
Yes. It's nice, but you have better things to do.

-2 Doom Blades (you have enough removal with the GftT and Dismembers)
-4 Phyrexian Ranger
-1 Mimic Vat

+2 Go for the Throat (again, 8 spot removal is good)
+1 Life's Finale (imo, creature decks will be big and more field clearing ins nice)
+2 Lashwhrite (a big problem that keeps growing. also fun with nexus)
+1 Swamp (control decks want to hit their land drops)
+1 Despise (great for this kind of deck)

If you REALLY don't want to axe the Vat leave it and forget the Despise.

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[quote name='Flame Dragon' timestamp='1316814887' post='5535348']
-2 Doom Blades (you have enough removal with the GftT and Dismembers)
-4 Phyrexian Ranger
-1 Mimic Vat

+2 Go for the Throat (again, 8 spot removal is good)
+1 Life's Finale (imo, creature decks will be big and more field clearing ins nice)
+2 Lashwhrite (a big problem that keeps growing. also fun with nexus)
[b]Yeah, was consdering maxing it as well[/b]
+1 Swamp (control decks want to hit their land drops)
+1 Despise (great for this kind of deck)
[b]Well, as I'm not dropping Vat...[/b]

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[quote name='Noel Vermillion' timestamp='1316827090' post='5535777']
*obssession (Grammar nazi >3)

Told you, I like abusing it. Stealing opponent's Wurmcoil/Solemn/whatever is fun as hell :3

OK...doesn't care coz I run No creatures...XD

But still you are reducing consistency by adding techs that shouldn't be there

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[quote name='Noel Vermillion' timestamp='1316827388' post='5535792']
You can't stack on Cockatrice :P

It is called Hacking...XD
But seriously you shouldn't be able to pull it of as usual...nor you would rely on what your opponent plays...also really you should run something that goes more to the win condition...As suggested (Sorin's Vengeance or Army of the Damned)

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[quote name='-Venser el Transeúnte-' timestamp='1316827546' post='5535797']
It is called Hacking...XD
But seriously you shouldn't be able to pull it of as usual...nor you would rely on what your opponent plays...also really you should run something that goes more to the win condition...As suggested (Sorin's Vengeance or Army of the Damned)

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