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Ranger ϟ Henshin "To rescue and protect"

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[quote name='Lovely Warrior ❤ Fairymon' timestamp='1319938786' post='5607017']
cmon guys... dont be so silent![/quote]
Ehhh.... I sort of lost my place in this club, and are only knowledgeable of like 10-ish episodes.

Though I should watch a bit of that Pirate Ranger series.
Despite the fact I sort of "out-grew" Power Rangers, Pirate Rangers actually looks interesting.

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MIDNIGHT! the poll is closed and the winner is fanfic! so now all we have to do is decide on a name for our ranger and once we are done i (or if someone wants to help me) will start writing it!

as for the name of my ranger i will go with [color=#ff0000]Zoe[/color]

and since Pink and Yellow have no member using them i will name them to their names are [color=#ffff00]Jenna[/color] [color=#ffd700] [/color]and [color=#ee82ee]Amy[/color]

now you guys need to choose yours you don't need a last name and please keep the names at least kinda normal names nothing like Shinomaru or anything since its power rangers it kinda has to be an American name to.

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