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Ranger ϟ Henshin "To rescue and protect"

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[color=#FF0000]Username: [/color]Armadilloz
[color=#FF0000]Why you want to join: [/color]For teh lulz
[color=#FF0000]Favorite Ranger:[/color] Evil Green Ranger from MMPR
[color=#FF0000]Ranger color:[/color] See above. YES. I WANT TO BE THE EVIL GREEN RANGER OF THE CLUB.
Reason being, because he is badass, and pilots mecha-godzilla.

....Also, I vaguely remember anything passed MMPR, and even then, its been ages since I've seen an actual episode.
(So don't expect me to really know much about the series)

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acceoted.... you can pretty much create your own ranger you don't have to be an already made one...

[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1319313838' post='5594094']
@Lovely: Yeah...her, Adam(Johnny), and Rocky got into the movie...must've not like the other three XD

@Armadilloz: The Evil Green Ranger...*smirks* So apparently...I'm the good side of that. LOL

there were contract issues so they couldn't be...

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[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1319313838' post='5594094']
So apparently...I'm the good side of that. LOL[/quote]
Hell no.
The Evil Green Ranger was a seperate ranger all together.

Also, the Dragon Zord could combine with the original Megazord, AND that carrier guy and be part of the same Ultrazord.
Could the Tigerzord do that? No, no it could not.
.....Though I did like the Shogun Megazord. It was pretty badass.

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