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Yōkai Academy: Class Dismissed! (IC/Started/Not Accepting)

Kyng's Old Account

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On the way to the library, Kyo saw Kiyoshi and tried to catch up to inform him about his idea. He ended up following him to the music room where Kiyoshi took one of the Public Safety Commission flyers on the wall. Kyo approached him "Hey, I got an idea on getting information. The PSC wants strong members right? Well, I would think being an S-Class would qualify me, so I was thinking I would join as a sort of 'undercover agent' and inform you guys about the Commission's activities, that way we can know whether or not they were responsible for the missing students." [i]That sounded better in my head. Oh well, too late now, I already said it. I'll just wait to get some input on my idea instead of just acting on impulse.[/i]

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Narumi was highly embarrassed at her inability to control her kitsune side from appearing. She became even more so when Kiyoshi chuckled, as seen by the lowering of her tail and ears right before she retracted them. Though she did feel a bit better when he showed his demon ears, and then patted her on the back. Guess he wasn't laughing at her after all, but just in amusement. It was kind of funny she guessed. After Suta shared his own thoughts on the matter, expressing the idea that maybe the Music club did something to instigate the Public Safety Commission, Kiyoshi said they should head to the Music club's room. Narumi saw that Kiyoshi was geared up to star running and she was getting tired just thinking about it. It was kind of sad that she gets so tired from running, but when it comes to training with her abilities she has the stamina of a lion.

"Guess it can't be helped." She muttered and just as she was about to start running, Kiyoshi said they they would walk, making Narumi try to stop mid takeoff and causing her to fall face first into the floor. Narumi laid there comically twitching and tears running down her face, "W-why me..." Once she got a hold of herself she caught up to Kiyoshi taking this moment to look around the parts of the school she had yet to see. The walked up some stairs and soon found themselves in front of the Music Club's room door. Kiyoshi then said this was a confusing case.

Narumi tilted her head in confusion. One could almost imagine her kitsune ears and tail also perking up in confusion. "How do you mean Yamada-san?" Before Kiyoshi could answer her, Kyo, the youko demon, came over and told him of his idea. When Narumi heard 'under cover' she placed a finger to her chin and looked up at the ceiling, imaging Kyo being under an actual cover and inside of the Safety Commission's room spying.

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Senshi finally caught up to Narumi and Kiyoshi, mainly cause went back to visit the one spot where people said Hioshi was last seen...no luck on any clues. He walked up to Kiyoshi, after hearing Kyo saying something about undercover work. An S-Class student going undercover like that...it sounded good, but Senshi only thought that if anything went wrong, an S-Class student would be gone. [color=#8B4513]"T-That sounds good...but if something goes wrong...well..." [/color]Senshi said, rubbing his arm a bit. [color=#8B4513]"There would go another student being missing. A-And we don't want the list to add more students...at least not another S-Class student."[/color]

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"It's simple." Kiyoshi said to Narumi in response to her question, looking around as he let out a sigh saying "If you think about it, we're making steady progress, and there's nothing against that at all, but that's just it. I have the feeling it's been too easy, like there should be something much deeper for an intense accusation; you don't have people saying it's "corrput" unless it's something really sinister, you know what I mean?" Kiyoshi then let out a sigh ashe pouted a little, stumped from all the work and difficulties he felt like were present. He just couldn't shake off the feeling that they were missing something so damn obvious at such an early stage.

Well, anyways, Kiyoshi then picked up his mood as he smiled and said "Kayoska-san, you didn't hurt yourself when you tripped did you?" hoping his little joke hadn't upset her, or more importantly hurt her much, but he knew she'd be fine; those comical fountains of tears were, as mentioned, comical after all. Kiyoshi then patted her on the shoulder as he said "You're a tough cookie Kayoska-san!" before turning his attention to Kyo, the Youku demon, popped out asking Kiyoshi his idea about joining the PSC.

Kiyoshi then drew himself closer to his ear, concealing it as he whispered "It's a great idea, but the Public Safety Comission may have some sort of lead that might catch you out Kyo. I think you need to do what you think is best, but for the time being we should remain out of their business for safety reasons and safety reasons alone; who knows, they could be trying, or even succeeding, in eavesdropping on your idea." before pulling away nodding to him with a somewhat serious face, clearly expressing his faith in Kyo to decide for himself which would be the best course of action, hoping he'd wait and go with the flow for the time being.

It was then when Senshi made his point on Kyo's idea, Kiyoshi nodding to him in agreement but then saying "Trust me Suta-san, I know we can rely on our Youku friend to take care of himself. I mean, just look at him, he'd be fine. All I'm worried about is them knowing your involvement with us. It may lead to somewhat a painful experience." before patting Senshi's shoulder. Then, a lightbulb sparked over Kiyoshi's head as he stood out and said "Alright guys, let's get right to it! The Music Club knows something we don't, and we're going to find out..."

Then Kiyoshi opened the door slightly, the door letting him inside as he finished "...right NOW!........huh?" Kiyoshi stared blankly at an empty room, looking left and right to see no students, thinking 'Oh no, they didn't strike here already, did they? This is beginning to piece together now, it's not normal for an entire club to go missing.' All of a sudden another student rushed in fretting about being tardy, squeezing passed the detective club before looking at the blackboard sighing with relief before darting back out again with a sombre smile. Kiyoshi then looked at the blackboard and read aloud "The Music Club meeting will be re-scheduled for Friday next week afterschool." before smacking himself in the head saying "Darn, dead end!"

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Azure nodded saddened, if just a bit, at having to tell someone that Naoko had gone missing. More depressing for him was that he didn't explain that it was his fault for not paying attention when it had happened. How could he be so stupid!? Azure sighed. Neither Linu, nor Jin had any idea where the other's had gone to. Therefore, he was left with only one option. Swiftly, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. He smiled as he heard someone pick up on the other end.

"[color=#0000cd]York, it's good to hear you're doing fine.[/color]" He chuckled. "[color=#b22222]What is it Azure, you know I can't talk to you for very long, they might catch me.[/color]" Azure's grin was quickly rescinded. "[color=#0000cd]Listen, York. This'll be really quick. I'm looking for a boy named Kiyoshi Yamada. Kind of short, black hair.[/color]" "[color=#b22222]Yeah, I know the guy. Hangs around with that Naoko girl all the guys are talking about. Oh, speaking of Naoko, I've gotten word that she's been-.[/color]" "[color=#0000cd]Captured. I know, do you have any idea about it?[/color]" "[color=#b22222]Well, no. The higher ups don't tell me much. It's by luck that I even know.[/color]" "[color=#0000cd]Any chance you can find her?[/color]" "[color=#b22222]Doubtful, they don't have any cameras set up within their club's building.[/color]" "[color=#0000cd]I see, well, keep your eyes peeled and tell me if anything comes up, alright?[/color]" "[color=#b22222]Will do- oh.[/color]" "[color=#0000cd]What is it?[/color]" "[color=#b22222]I'll keep searching for Naoko, but it apears Kiyoshi is near the Music room.[/color]" "[color=#0000cd]Thanks, York. We'll head over there now.[/color]" "[color=#b22222]Good luck, then.[/color]" "[color=#0000cd]You too.[/color]"

Azure closed the phone. "[color=#0000cd]If you're wondering who that was, I can tell you that he's probably the only person left on the Safety Commission that we have any chance of trusting. He's an old friend of mine and currently runs their security monitors. In other words, he's our secret weapon. Now come on, we have to go find Kiyoshi.[/color]"

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Jin quickly shook Azure's hand, after listening to him carefully. "Jin Himura. It's an honor to meet you." He said, and returned his hand to his side. Listening to Azure tell them to get ready and they can head out. He headed for his desk in the corner and would wrap up the last Salmon-Riceball he realized he had left before. He figures it should still be good and he could or one of the others would maybe eat it later. Putting it in his bag and slinging it over his back, he patted his legs down and looked over to Linu, wondering if she would be all right. She seemed to be even more timid then he was. Jin quickly returned to Azure.

Jin was startled when Azure removed a cellphone from his pocket and suddenly started calling someone. "E-eh?" Jin grumbled a bit, worried that Azure could get in trouble, but understanding the situation, it would hopefully be worth it. However the phone call didn't last long and no one had saw them. Jin would listen to what Azure had to say once more and his eyes would open, startled. "Someone there we can trust. . .?" He said aloud, pausing after. He wasn't sure if he could trust anyone there after the threats they made, but. Jin believes he can trust Azure.

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Linu was still shaking slightly from the news Azure had delivered and spent the next few moments looking between Jin and Azure as the conversation continued, doing her best to calm down and try and think rationally. For a first assignment things weren’t going very well especially in her case, she almost felt like a spare wheel almost. This was helped by the fact that Azure seemed to have some connections to help him, as he explained after he finished a phone call, and all Linu really had was…err…She actually couldn’t think of anything.

She stuck close to Jin, feeling that at the very least they should be fine if they stuck together, there was safety in numbers after all (though she neglected to remember that that was based on the idea that it was only less likely that you’d be caught rather than complete safety). She kept a firm grip on her bag, double checking that it was actually there this time, and waiting for Azure to lead the way to the music room.

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"Oooohhhhh." Narumi said, prolonging the 'oh', while nodding her head as Kiyoshi explained why the case was confusing. He then asked her is she was ok after having tripped earlier. She replied with a thumbs up, 'You bet! Besides it was just a little fall." To which Kiyoshi patted her shoulder, saying she was a tough cookie. As the other events began to happen, and Kyo appearing to give his input on what they should do, both Suta and Kiyoshi seemed to agree. Though there was some worry about Kyo being caught leading to another name being put on the missing list. Not only that but Kyo was a s-class monster, so that definitely wouldn't be good. Kiyoshi then opened the door, very dramatically, only for the music room to be empty.

"Maybe they are invisible." Narumi supplied. Suddenly some other kid ran over squeezing his way between them. He seemed nervous until he looked at the board, sighed and then left looking a lot better. Narumi also looked at the board and saw that the club was rescheduled for Friday. Seeing Kiyoshi smack himself in the head, Narumi placed a hand on his shoulder from behind. "It's ok Yamada-san. Maybe we should just regroup with the rest. Perhaps they had better luck than we did."

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After giving his input, Kiyoshi proceeded to open the door to the empty music room, to which Narumi remarked that the students were invisible. He allowed himself a smirk and patted her head. He saw several instrument stands and amplifiers. Though it may not be immediately apparent, he was a fan of the arts. Music, theatre, paintings, he liked it. He walked over to the stands and picked up a bass and plugged it in. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOVasAri0kU"][i]Time to jam![/i][/url] He played a song, forgetting that the others were still there, and seeing a few more faces, he knew were other students he had probably seen before, but never talked to. Kyo unplugged the bass and put it back in its stand. He then walked out of the room. "Well, I got that out of my system. Shall we go?"

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Kiyoshi looked back to Narumi who told him they'd best get going down to the others to see if they'd come up with anything, which was in fact quite the good idea, and because of it Kiyoshi turned to Narumi and sighed saying "Thanks Kayoska-san, I appreciate it. And you're right, I suppose that we could get a move on and regroup with the others; it'd be reckless not to the way I see things, and maybe you're right, maybe they have came up with something afterall." before nodding to her with a confident grin, drawing a fist and punching the air with enthusiasm as he said "Alright you guys, let's go get-" Kiyoshi had came to a complete halt on the matter as his speech was interrupted by a four minute bassline courtesey of Kyo.

As he finished and asked if they were ready to go, Kiyoshi held a blank expression on his face as he said "Umm..." still a little confused at what had just happened there and all; unsure whether or what to say. I mean, the line was good, but right now? Ah, whatever, nevermind. Kiyoshi took a deep breath as he turned back facing the door, the same confident grin as he punched the air again as he restarted his charismatic chant. "Alright you guys, let's go get 'em! We're the Yokai Academy Juniour Detective Service, and we will crack this case because if there's anyone who can do it, it's us! We're the experts and we'll solve the mystery, and there's nothing going to get in our way!"

Kiyoshi then stretched his legs a little but reaffirmed with Narumi as he said "I'm not running, don't worry!" with a chuckle before turning his head to Kyo as he said "Nice bass work by the way!"

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Senshi walked behind Kiyoshi and was caught a bit off guard when Kyo started playing that baseline. But soon him and the others quickly left the empty music club. [color=#8B4513][i]If they weren't here...why was the meeting rescheduled? [/i][/color]he thought, biting his lower lip. He looked at Kiyoshi and then rubbed his left arm, following him. [color=#8B4513]"Kiyoshi-san...do you think we should find the Music Club sign up sheet? M-Maybe we can find them and ask them a few questions..." [/color]he said, not knowing if this was a good plan or not. [color=#8B4513]"Its just...we need to find some answers to this case...maybe one of them can help."[/color]

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Narumi smiled a happy blush coming to her face. She always felt really elated when she was able to help a friend. She wanted to be friends with the others as well. The more friends the better as far as she was concerned. Narumi is in truth a very simple individual. Her main goal in like is to be there and help her friends and family the best she can. So when she is able to, she is happier than the happiest person in the world. Seeing Kiyoshi gettign excited, Narumi herself couldn't help but get excited, and we all know what happens when that happens. "Yeah!! Alright, lets go!" She exclaimed also punching her fist in the air, with her ears and tail popping out with a comical springing noise.

She squeaked quickly hiding behind Kiyoshi. "I-i should really try harder to control my transformation..." She mumbled as she retracted her kitsune features. She then looked around Kiyoshi to see Suta while he spoke. "Oooohhh, That's really smart. I think we should do it! This way we can be able to find some of the club members without having to wait until their meeting on Friday!"

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Azure had almost blushed when he'd realized Jin's reaction to him taking out a cell phone. With the amount of times he'd used it, he had almost forgotten how out of place it was, especially in a school setting. Thankfully that hadn't lead to too much, he didn't want to waste any time, especially on something this serious. Quickly, he slowed from his running to looked behind him to make sure the pair was still behind him. They trailed, unsurprisingly from a bit of distance, which didn't surprise him, seeing how shy they'd been. Azure clenched his fists as he sped up his pace. Hopefully, the rest of the group would still be there.

Finally he came to the hallway where the club was and thankfully saw that the door was opened and the lights inside were on. Since there was barely any talking, and merely the sound of one solo guitar, it was likely that they were there. Quickly, Azure sprinted to the door and slid in front of the opening. Pausing a second to make sure that the group was there, which, with a sigh of relief, they were, he blurted out the message he needed announced. "Naoko's been kidnapped!"

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Kiyoshi let out a quick yawn as he stretched his arms after his legs, somewhat relieving himself of pent up stress in his joints, looking around the room after the chords of Kyo's intense bassline had finished ringing in his ears, the sound really waking him up. This was followed by Kiyoshi belting his ear with his palm to somewhat return the hearing to the ears, but all in all there wasn't any damage...too much damage...Kiyoshi should go see someone about his ears in the foreseeable future; anyways he managed to return the primary source of his attention to the case at the current moment, and it wouldn't be too long before he overheard the stressing news that would set the whole chain of events off like dominoes.

Kiyoshi's eyes were drawn to Narumi who began to get riled up running from the buzz of his own enthusiastic excitement, which seemed to be contagious, as she got quite excited to a point where she imitated his air-punch with her own little cheer, but by then the comical spring had spring, the trap triggered, Narumi's features popped from their relevant spots again. her little foxy ears and tail making themselves present. In response to this she had darted behind Kiyoshi, still seemingly determined to maintain the secret between the two, as she tried to fix her appearance.

Kiyoshi chuckled at her remark as he whispered "Kayoska-san, you'll get the hang of things, don't worry about it; in a way you're doing better than me, I can't hide my ears!" with a sombre smile, patting her on the head shaking his own amused at her little pop-ups. And, of course, he showed her his own ear as in habit and winked to Narumi before his attention then turned to face Senshi and focus on his idea of signing up with the Music Club, which seemed originally to him as a little bit odd, unsure why on earth they'd do that. In fact, the thoughts that crossed Kiyoshi's mind were 'I'm not sure why we'd need to play instruments to crack this case, unless we do some sort of epic music battle to settle things, but that seems, despite a fantasy, unlikely.' but soon Kiyoshi's confusion was dusted off the shoulder as Senshi stated they'd be able to ask questions, and they needed questions for answers, and answers for facts, and those facts were the source to this case.

Kiyoshi patted Senshi on the arm as his statement, after Narumi's support, went along the lines of "Suta-san, don't be nervous! It's a good idea after all, you've no reason at all to be shy about it; I'd be angry if you held such a golden nugget from us! That's what we're going to do, so let's find the bulletin board and-" "Naoko's been kidnapped!" Kiyoshi's eyes suddenly darted in the direction of the noise, and he then ran over to Azure and said "What? What do you mean? What do you mean she's been kidnapped?"

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Azure cringed as Kiyoshi cried out in disbelief, not sure how to explain how she'd disappeared right behind his back. "We were walking to class." Azure paused as the realization that he'd been running this whole time set in. "I looked away for a second and she was gone." He looked down, not wanting to look anyone right in the eye. "And it isn't some joke either, I know a guy who's been made to work as the security camera control operator by the Safety Commission. He says he got word of it from that club, problem is, we can't even bust them since the cameras were blacked out at the time of the kidnapping." Azure banged his arm against the side of the door. "Damnit, this is all my fault, I don't know what to do."

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After a few moments, Azure had started to move. Jin looked back at Linu and then looked ahead to Azure before beginning to follow him. After a short while, Azure began to travel faster and speed was no problem for Jin, so he kept up with Azure with no problem. Linu however he was unsure of. Stopping when Azure stopped at a room and suddenly blurted out something about Naoko being kidnapped, Jin almost fell back in surprise.

"Oi oi. . ." Jin grumbled and then sighed. Jin would stand behind Azure, as if waiting further instruction at this point. Jin listened to Azure talk and he suddenly would slam his arm against the door, blaming him self for Naoko's capturing. Jin wanted to speak up and try to say words of encouragement to Azure, but Azures fierce mood intimidated Jin and so he just stood away.

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Senshi smiled a bit as Kiyoshi was encouraging him up a little, but then he heard Azure's news. Naoko was kidnapped and was gone. He blinked and then clenched his fist a bit. [color=#8B4513]"Kiyoshi-san...please tell me you have something that belongs or Naoko held." [/color]he said looking over at Kiyoshi. Senshi was met with a strange look from everyone, but he smiled a little and nodded. [color=#8B4513]"Remember, I got a good nose. I'll do anything and everything to try and find out where she is, just need a chance....what do you say Kiyoshi-san?" [/color]He was sincere in saying this, mainly cause Naoko was a kind student...and she, besides Kiyoshi, loved his drawings. Those reasons, were enough for Senshi to put the cards on the table.

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Kyo growled in anger. One of them had gone missing. On the first day. "I'm joining them. I won't let them take someone else, and if necessary, I'll beat every one of those glorified hall monitors to a bloody pulp." Kyo glanced at everyone in turn [i]No way I'll let them take another one of these people. I might not feel about them too strongly, but I'll make sure to keep them all safe anyway.[/i] He turned and bolted for the Safety Commission's room. It would have been much easier to jump off the roof and find the entrance to the building nearest the club room, but he wasn't thinking clearly. He ended up getting lost for a few minutes before finding the room, which was comically only a hall away from their own club room. He scowled at not having been informed of that, but allowed himself a few moments to compose himself before knocking on the door behind which stood the school's local tyrants.

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Azure looked up lively as Senshi offered his assistance. If they had his help, it would be easy to find Naoko. "[color=#0000cd]Senshi-san, that's brilliant![/color]" Quickly then too, Kyo stepped up, telling them that he'd help as well. With the growing support, Azure thought, there's no way we won't find her. But just as that thought went through his mind, Kyo bolted, heading in the direction of the Safety Commission's clubroom. "[color=#0000cd]Wait, where are you going?[/color]" Azure lept out the door and looked out after him. "[color=#0000cd]That idiots going to get us all killed.[/color]" Azure, without second guessing himself, began sprinting after him. Unfortunately he lost sight of him as soon as he turned to corner, so he immediately made his way to the Safety Commission's room. Luckily he was able to reach it just as Kyo was about to knock on the door. Without hesitation, he grabbed his hand and put his other hand over his mouth so that he couldn't make a sound, being sure to turn his head so he knew that he wasn't being attacked by the Commission. Quickly he pulled him over to the closest hallway, just out of sight of the nearest surveillance camera. Whispering now, he told him, "[color=#0000cd]Are you insane? If we barge in there right now, we're putting all of our safety in jeopardy, plus what if they aren't even keeping her there? Did you think of that? You would have just barged in, given it up about what we're trying to do, and probably gotten expelled for instigating violence.[/color]" Azure looked around the corner at the camera. Hopefully York had handled everything.

[i]Meanwhile, in the surveillance room.[/i]

"What's that? Did you see something?" The student from the Commission asked York as he saw him flinch. "[color=#ff0000]Ah, no, nothing.[/color]" [i]Be careful, Azure, they're probably already onto me, don't let them get you as well."[/i]

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Kiyoshi firmly grasped Azure's shoulder as he said "Look, I don't understand your feeling of guilt, but at the end of the day it's time for action. You did what you could, and no-one can blame you; we cannot expect you to have an eye on everyone all the time; I know Morgan-san wouldn't blame you and neither will any of us." with an evident aggitated sound in his face, Kiyoshi's eyes cringing too, before taking a deep breath as he relaxed himself a little, not willing to explode especially when Azure did not seem to need it; it wouldn't do any good either, and all Kiyoshi could do now was simple hope a lead would come up, something that'd take them closer to the missing girl.

It was then when Senshi asked, or rather hoped, that Kiyoshi had something, some sort of trace of Naoko's on him that would be useful to track, and sighing, which coincidentally allowed him to deeply breath, Kiyoshi answered "I'm sorry Suta-san, even her fragrant scent has probably disfused into the air by now, and she didn't give me anything either; we'll just have to wait for something, anything, to show up." before patting Senshi on the back with a smile. "It's a great idea, and I know it'd work, if only huh?" he said before his attention was then drifted to Kyo's remark, to which Kiyoshi understood his anger; they were unfair and cruel tyrants who needed to be put in their place, but Kiyoshi knew himself that it'd take more than one S-Class monster to take them on.

Kiyoshi rested his back on a wall as he thought aloud "Hmm...Morgan-san was so nice, so kind, such a gentle girl who's smile brought sunshine onto those around her; it was no question guys started a fanclub dedicated to her, with such a sweet voice than can calm even the most furious rages, and a smile that can melt even an iceberg with it's warmth. She wanted to make people happy, make people smile, have fun and make friends; well, Morgan-san, you've got them. I know that the entire Yokai Academy Junior Detective Service Club promises we'll rescue you, we'll save you from that damned prison you're held up in..." Kiyoshi's hands were, at this time, balled into fists, but in the gap between the speech they sparked with a small bolt of lightning.

"I promise." Little did he know there had just been a huge chase, so looking over to Senshi Kiyoshi said "Shall we join them then, Suta-san?" before making a slow pace to the destination where eventually he had met up with the two, overhearing Azure's complaint as he stayed behind the corner, out of survalence's way of course as he looked over at what was happening, hoping for some sort of miracle Azure would let him know what was going on.

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Azure grabbed Kyos hand before he was able to knock on the door and took him aside to one of the camera's blind spots and esplained to him about the dangers in taking on the Commission. "I was actually just gonna offer to join them. I figure as a member, I could try to gather information from the inside and try to find Naoko. Think of it as undercover work. Besides, they probably wouldn't deny an S-Class from joining if one offered. The beatings would come once I gather the information I need and only if they try to fight me off. Plus, the club would be protected from the Commission if I'm a part of it. Think about it, there aren't really any forseeable faults unless someone were to rat me out. The only liability would be my acting skills."

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Azure rolled his eyes. "I told you I knew someone who was working for them didn't I? And it took months for him to even gain enough trust to run the surveillance systems by himself, plus they hardly ever accept new people who ask to join. They're a scout and offer-type of club, not one like ours. There's no chance you'd get in, S-Class or not." Azure looked to his left, surprised to see that the rest of the club had followed. Looking like a nervous wreck, he motioned for Kiyoshi to come closer. "At this point, I'm not sure what are best option is. I'd suggest we move back to the detective clubroom, that old room is so out of sorts that they never even thought about installing any cameras. Plus, who knows, maybe we'll find something of Naoko's."

Then it hit him. "Wait, Naoko has to have a dorm room, right? Can't we find something of her's there?"

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Azure soon set off and Jin and Linu subsequently followed. Azure was still far ahead of them, checking occasionally to see if they where still in sight. Linu still had any number of thoughts going through her head as the rounded a corner to find the rest of the club members (or at least most of them). And it didn't take long for them to react to Azure's news, one of them outright running straight to the Public Safety Commission's clubroom upon hearing it. Linu almost rolled her eyes as another chase ensued and the group finally caught up to them.

[b]"Why...Do we...Have to run...Everywhere?"[/b] Linu asked, quite out of breath by this point.

She hadn't been paying all that much attention but from what she could gather the plan seemed to be to try and find Naoko by scent, one of the members (Senshi, Linu remember) mentioned how good his sense of smell was. Linu stared guiltily at the floor for a moment, still feeling very third-wheely in this situation.

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Apparently the plan was to sniff her out using items found in her room. Thievery was one of his many talents and he saw a perfect chance to use it for good at this moment. "You can leave finding something of hers to me. I'd just need to know where the room is and I could swipe something and get out before being noticed. Even omniscient beings would never know I was there." He was of course exaggerating, but he was right to an extent. Almost nobody would be able to know he had been there. His gaze shifted to the Safety Commission's door. [i]I wonder if I can sneak in there too. Maybe I can try that later. [/i]He thought about what Azure had told him about how the commission scouts for members. [i]That's a problem. I'd need to get scouted out, but how would I do that and not make it obvious... I think I got something, but I'll ask Azure later. [/i]He had a vague plan on joining the Commission to gather information, but he'd need some help.

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[quote name='::Kyng::' timestamp='1327785561' post='5785989']
Kiyoshi firmly grasped Azure's shoulder as he said "Look, I don't understand your feeling of guilt, but at the end of the day it's time for action. You did what you could, and no-one can blame you; we cannot expect you to have an eye on everyone all the time; I know Morgan-san wouldn't blame you and neither will any of us." with an evident aggitated sound in his face, Kiyoshi's eyes cringing too, before taking a deep breath as he relaxed himself a little, not willing to explode especially when Azure did not seem to need it; it wouldn't do any good either, and all Kiyoshi could do now was simple hope a lead would come up, something that'd take them closer to the missing girl.

It was then when Senshi asked, or rather hoped, that Kiyoshi had something, some sort of trace of Naoko's on him that would be useful to track, and sighing, which coincidentally allowed him to deeply breath, Kiyoshi answered "I'm sorry Suta-san, even her fragrant scent has probably disfused into the air by now, and she didn't give me anything either; we'll just have to wait for something, anything, to show up." before patting Senshi on the back with a smile. "It's a great idea, and I know it'd work, if only huh?" he said before his attention was then drifted to Kyo's remark, to which Kiyoshi understood his anger; they were unfair and cruel tyrants who needed to be put in their place, but Kiyoshi knew himself that it'd take more than one S-Class monster to take them on.

Kiyoshi rested his back on a wall as he thought aloud "Hmm...Morgan-san was so nice, so kind, such a gentle girl who's smile brought sunshine onto those around her; it was no question guys started a fanclub dedicated to her, with such a sweet voice than can calm even the most furious rages, and a smile that can melt even an iceberg with it's warmth. She wanted to make people happy, make people smile, have fun and make friends; well, Morgan-san, you've got them. I know that the entire Yokai Academy Junior Detective Service Club promises we'll rescue you, we'll save you from that damned prison you're held up in..." Kiyoshi's hands were, at this time, balled into fists, but in the gap between the speech they sparked with a small bolt of lightning.

"I promise." Little did he know there had just been a huge chase, so looking over to Senshi Kiyoshi said "Shall we join them then, Suta-san?" before making a slow pace to the destination where eventually he had met up with the two, overhearing Azure's complaint as he stayed behind the corner, out of surveillance's way of course as he looked over at what was happening, hoping for some sort of miracle Azure would let him know what was going on.

Senshi nodded and made a slow pace walking behind Kiyoshi. He stood right behind Kiyoshi, not making one sound, seeing as there was obviously something round the corner. [color=#8B4513][i]Sometimes, wish I was able to be something that could shrink... [/i][/color]he thought, shaking his head. [color=#8B4513][i]Could easily disable any cameras being undetected....but I-I guess being a Fenrir has its advantages...sometimes. [/i][/color]Senshi then looked at Kiyoshi, gently tapping his shoulder. [color=#8B4513][i]"Any sign of the others and if its safe to continue further, Kiyoshi-san?" [/i][/color]he asked the YAJDS club leader/helper/whatever in a whisper.

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