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[MTG] Avacyn Restored - Promocional Video

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Liliana Has Found Griselbrand inside the Hellvault...
It is not really clear but it seems that she cannot open it? or she can...IDK well...
She Just has casted its ultimate on Thalia having her making a choice: Her Troops or the Hellvault
Thalia makes a Choice and the Hellvault Cracks open...Plenty of Angels and Griselbrand come out of it...and Avacyn begins retaking the world...
Meanwhile Liliana states that she has nothing else to do in Innistrad (Implying Griselbrand was taken down)

I <3 how the history went

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I assume the Helvault is located in Thraben, right?

Then, it's most probably because Thalia may have been given the duty of protecting the Helvault. A bit of blackmail from Liliana's side gives her free access to the Helvault. Carry on plot as normal.

Liliana, I believe, was unaware of Avacyn being trapped in the first place. Chances are that Avacyn took down Griselbrand, therefore ruining Liliana's chances to even finish her business with the demon.

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[quote name='.Rai' timestamp='1332294321' post='5881501']
I assume the Helvault is located in Thraben, right?

Then, it's most probably because Thalia may have been given the duty of protecting the Helvault. A bit of blackmail from Liliana's side gives her free access to the Helvault. Carry on plot as normal.

Liliana, I believe, was unaware of Avacyn being trapped in the first place. Chances are that Avacyn took down Griselbrand, therefore ruining Liliana's chances to even finish her business with the demon.
Yes, it is in Thraben.

So long as Thalia lives I'm happy. I <3 her.

She might have known. I mean, she knows Griselbrand was in there so she should know how he got there. And since she wants him dead she is fine with Avacyn doing him in.

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So, according to Wizards:

1. Thalia doesn't know about anyone inside the Helvault.

[quote]She learned that the [url="http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/stf/187"]Helvault[/url] was a protected holy relic of the Avacynian Church, but she was not told the secret: that the missing archangel Avacyn had become imprisoned within it.[/quote]

2. She had a tutor, who was the previous Guardian of Thraben, called Lothar.
2a) He died after the attack on Thraben from Geralf. Mainly because he was haunted by voices in his sleep, and jumped off a wall (as seen in 'Wrack With Madness' [Dark Ascension])
2b) Thalia took Lothar's place as Guardian of Thraben.

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[quote name='-Lightray Daedalus-' timestamp='1332369876' post='5882779']
Additionally The only one who knew the secret is Dead (Mikaeus)...

So there will be a moral conflict that Liliana will in advantage...however we have yet to see...but it seems that Thalia will make the Right choice?

I fail to understand how the story team have managed to make this weird little thing between Liliana and Thalia completely unknown. I genuinely cannot think of anything that Liliana could tempt Thalia with.

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[quote name='CDDRodrigo' timestamp='1332369921' post='5882781']
Thalia should make the right choice, but if she doesn't...

I don't want another dark ending to a block :(

Set Tittles and Video implies she'll crack open the hellvault...

What I wanna know is...What is exactly the way she coerce her...My theory it has to do with Certain Lunarch Liliana Casted back to..."Life"

@Rai: Somehow Liliana will make Thalia Choose Between the Life of a thousands innocents or the Hellvault...

This is were my theory comes to

It's Been said that Liliana Raised the Dead Body of Mikeaus (Mikeaus the Unhallowed)...He is more than enough to "reveal" Liliana the secrets of the Hellvault...which she seems to know already...and to be the Card she'll use (pun intended) to put Thalia in the position of having to make a Choice

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[quote name='.Rai' timestamp='1332369986' post='5882782']
I fail to understand how the story team have managed to make this weird little thing between Liliana and Thalia completely unknown. I genuinely cannot think of anything that Liliana could tempt Thalia with.

Just scare her with the veil, by showing what happened to Garruk?

LOL Joking.

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[quote name='-Lightray Daedalus-' timestamp='1332370037' post='5882783']
Set Tittles and Video implies she'll crack open the hellvault...

What I wanna know is...What is exactly the way she coerce her...My theory it has to do with Certain Lunarch Liliana Casted back to..."Life"

@Rai: Somehow Liliana will make Thalia Choose Between the Life of a thousands innocents or the Hellvault...

This is were my theory comes to

It's Been said that Liliana Raised the Dead Body of Mikeaus (Mikeaus the Unhallowed)...He is more than enough to "reveal" Liliana the secrets of the Hellvault...which she seems to know already...and to be the Card she'll use (pun intended) to put Thalia in the position of having to make a Choice

Hum. Well, Wizards did say that Liliana took Mikeaus' body from Geralf and did the resurrect thing on him.

Seems likely.

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