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Final Fantasy 13 screenshots


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Those are kind of interesting screenshots, but, no, I will not be getting the game for 2 reasons:

1. I don't own a PS3, and I won't be getting one anytime soon due to its price.

2. The battle system in FFXII sucked, so unless they change it, I will not be getting the game even I had a PS3.

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I first saw those over a month ago. But they were some of the only new screenshots Squenix has shown us in about a year, so that's okay I guess. I'll get both Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII once they both come out some time in 2058.


And SuikondenMaster, the battle system in this game is much different than the one in Final Fantasy. And by the time this game comes out, the price on the PS3 will probably drop a bit more.

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And SuikondenMaster' date=' the battle system in this game is much different than the one in Final Fantasy. And by the time this game comes out, the price on the PS3 will probably drop a bit more.



1. OK, I like that, the Battle System in FFXII sucked so bad, that's the reason I didn't even rent the damn thing.


2. Good point, and by then I'll probably have the new Phoenix Wright game and won't give a crap about the PS3, xD.


Btw, you spelled Suikoden wrong, but I won't hold it against you, xD.

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Oh. Sorry about that. I'm using my mom's new laptop. The keys are very sensitive. And yes' date=' Final Fantasy XII's battle system did suck (but it still was RPG of 2006 >_>). And when you say you didn't even rent it, did you even play it?



I tried the demo, I didn't like it. I don't understand how it got good reviews, except maybe for the storyline. But I won't play a game JUST for a storyline. Eh, maybe I'll rent it when Hollywood gets it 2 for 5 deal back.

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No. It wasn't it's storyline that made it RPG of 2006. It was the all the hype. Squenix probably bribed Famitsu to give it a 40/40 rating so it could generate even more hype. I thought it was pretty cool until I realized there was next to no character interaction and the story was pretty much, "let's go here so we can go here so we can go here to do something that is suddenly very significant to the story."

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No. It wasn't it's storyline that made it RPG of 2006. It was the all the hype. Squenix probably bribed Famitsu to give it a 40/40 rating so it could generate even more hype. I thought it was pretty cool until I realized there was next to no character interaction and the story was pretty much' date=' "let's go here so we can go here so we can go here to do something that is suddenly very significant to the [i']story[/i]."


Wow, that just made want to NOT play it even more, xD. I think I'll always prefer Suikoden to Final Fantasy. Except for the fact that Suikoden 4 sucked, I'd prefer any game over that.


Even though, the Phoenix Wright series ties with Suikoden as being my favorite games.

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Guest JoshIcy

i want that game..... bad!!


but to all those who complain about ff12.... ive got over 400hrs clocked on it, seperate files included.... and that game was a godsend, to me...


the battle system was interesting, learning all the gambits and how to challenge each foe... being able to level grind while gaining items and all the while not having that menial task of managing 3+ characters.... and the bosses... well those were sheer epic, each one required a different set of gambits due to the difference in each boss... the marks were fun, noteably gilgalmesh that was the funnest battles in the game because you had to take him on differently by a huge amount in every fight... enkidu his dog also makes it a bit harder.......


the story on the other hand was written like a good story book, albeit not as epic as it could have been it was still great. i also thought that all of the characters were well developed, except judge zargabath and drace..... i wanted to see more of them. Each character had a individual feeling to them and thought that the characters would be real if given the chance..... the story did drop at about hour 20 after you get the sword of kings and turn into the point A to point B game that is stated... but during that time you are allowed to lax and explore the battle system, pay attention to the stories about everyone the marks give you.... it doesnt really pick up until hour 40-70 depending... when the plot thickens, and you head over to the great crystal, and the tower island.. possibly earlier when you get to the big city, (i forget its name)...


the only problem i have is that once you get the gambits set up right you dont actually have to participate in a battle. also some of the cities and places are ridiculously immense...


all in all the game was spectacular and graphics top-par at the end of the ps2's life...

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