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[MTG] GP Promo - Lotus Cobra

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[quote name='Flame Dragon' timestamp='1333751986' post='5904304']
A cool card, but having played it I really don't like it. Granted that might be because I'm playing it in Commander.

Card's Best Use is with Fetchlands...
So if you have quite the lot of them...or!...if you do a lot of Mana Ramp is useful also easily searchable...

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[quote name='-Lightray Daedalus-' timestamp='1333754084' post='5904357']
Card's Best Use is with Fetchlands...
So if you have quite the lot of them...or!...if you do a lot of Mana Ramp is useful also easily searchable...
Yea I know that. Those or Prime Titan.

Again, it isn't bad, infact I now it is really good, I just don't like since I can't play it in Standard and I don't really think it is good in Modern or Commander.

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