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YCM Revival Project [locked upon request]

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Guest ドレッド★Toyo

Off Topic: Shadow, your siggy will haunt my nights for several days.


OT: I agree with Shadow. I've actually been thinking about making an RC guideline thingy, but I'm not sure on how to write it. However, I do think some parts of it would be redundant (E.g: How to respond to trolls) , since it's already covered by Darkplant's Noob Tutorial. But yeah, I'll gladly help write an RC guideline.

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Guest ~shadow~

Off Topic: Shadow, your siggy will haunt my nights for several days.


OT: I agree with Shadow. I've actually been thinking about making an RC guideline thingy, but I'm not sure on how to write it. However, I do think some parts of it would be redundant (E.g: How to respond to trolls) , since it's already covered by Darkplant's Noob Tutorial. But yeah, I'll gladly help write an RC guideline.

Shadow-1 Toyo-0

OT: Even when it's done, the hard part will be getting the newbies to read it

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Guest ドレッド★Toyo

We can ask a mod to pin it, but I don't think the newbies will read it. Still, at least the more intelligent ones would read it and it will improve RC's quality by a few.

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Guest Iwasawa

Username: Iwasawa, but you can call me Spike.

Why do you want to join?: Because this honestly is my favorite forum of all time, the very first message board I was on, and I have a lot of good friends and memories here. I dont want to see YCM die.

Rate yourself as a debater out of 10.: If I honest-to-god know what I'm talking about, 8. If not, 4.

How long have you been a member (estimate): Uhhh....2 1/2 years? Maybe?

Notes: I'd like to head RPing.


Also, just wanna say, tis stupid that it's only one forum per member. Two would be neat. At least let them be part of, if not ranked, in a forum thingamajig, alongside their main one.


Kinda like Majoring and Minoring. Yknow?

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Sorry to bring up RC again, but maybe we could make a RC guideline thread: (A thread that would contain advice for new members who want to post in the RC, but don't want to be trolled/flamed. (It would improve quality, and quantity), It could also contain guidelines for Balanced stats for different level monsters, and balanced card ideas for Monster effects or Spell/Trap cards.)


That sounds just like something I was suggesting earlier. It would be nice if it were to be in both PC and AoC as well, and a slightly modified one for WC, so that you guys aren't hogging up all the good cardmakers. If you'd like some help writing it, I had a few ideas that could be implemented.

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Username: Iwasawa, but you can call me Spike.

Why do you want to join?: Because this honestly is my favorite forum of all time, the very first message board I was on, and I have a lot of good friends and memories here. I dont want to see YCM die.

Rate yourself as a debater out of 10.: If I honest-to-god know what I'm talking about, 8. If not, 4.

How long have you been a member (estimate): Uhhh....2 1/2 years? Maybe?

Notes: I'd like to head RPing.


Also, just wanna say, tis stupid that it's only one forum per member. Two would be neat. At least let them be part of, if not ranked, in a forum thingamajig, alongside their main one.


Kinda like Majoring and Minoring. Yknow?





Welcome to our slice of...well, whatever you want to call it.



OT: I'll let you guys do with this seeing as I don't do much cardmaking anymore....carry on....

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Sorry to bring up RC again, but maybe we could make a RC guideline thread: (A thread that would contain advice for new members who want to post in the RC, but don't want to be trolled/flamed. (It would improve quality, and quantity), It could also contain guidelines for Balanced stats for different level monsters, and balanced card ideas for Monster effects or Spell/Trap cards.)

If people actually read it, it's a great idea. If you need any help, count me in.
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(Did my app not get accepted?o_o)


I've had a theory about the lack of activity on the forums lately.

It's that we've entered some sort of philosophical Internet smart guys phase and people are too scared/don't bother to post anything, unless it's 10 lines long talk that they think will contribute to the progress of the world.

A few years ago, you had members with less than perfect grammar and people who weren't that sure what they were talking about, yet seemed to have a brain and weren't spamming (which people seem to have a hard time to believe these days, but the 2 groups don't exclude each other).

You didn't have 80% of the active members who sucked up the same speech patterns somewhere (see? it sort of happened to me too >_>), but just...more activity and people posting without thinking about it for too long, but without being stupid either.

Goddamnit, I used to make different kinds of posts before and never gotten a single warning since 2008.>.<


So I'd say if we want to encourage activity, we should encourage people to just post what comes up in their mind, as long as it's on topic. And focus less on whether the others will rate them high on a virtual intelligence scale or whatever.


SEE THIS POST? That's what I'm talking about.

It's nice, but not every post needs to be like this really.>.<

If someone asks what my favourite icecream flavour is, I'll just answer and it's fine.

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Totally resonate with CS' post! Seems like especially in RC, more focus is on slamming the "reviewers" and replying to them instead of talking to the OP.


And all those topics in Comments & Suggestions about "Ban the stupid users" or "Prohibit mindless drabble" with a few 19th century words thrown in.


Or status updates that start with "Am I cool, YCM? You know best." >_>


And basically the general cynicism and negativity surrounding this site. "This site is full of n00bs and not worthy of my presence, herp"


Not saying we have to make it part of the rules, but... tell people to stop replying to these kinds of users who only want to prove their e-Intelligence. Also tell those people to stop, too! Just when you're posting in whatever forum you post in. Maybe if we get enough people we can make people less afraid to talk.


( Oh, and no one uses "lol" or smiley faces here anymore, so I think I will :) )

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Yeah, it's more or less everywhere. I mean, I can see why you'd take your Sunday-best-armada out to post in Debates or just put effort into your posts (which is great!).

But is it necessary to flaunt your e-penis and put others down in the process?:/ You're the best thing since sliced pizza, we get it bro...


On the other side, we shouldn't read too much into things either =O (that's why I said it's just my personal thoughts).

People grow up, some people use a more elaborate vocabulary all the time and people shouldn't stop being themselves of course.

But dunno, it just looks so...forced on others.:/

Maybe the problem lies mostly in people getting flamed for nothing and now they're scared to post because they'll get thrown under the bus again?o.o

Can't really explain it, although I can agree with what you said.


But I think we can cross on a common point here: Just post, you won't get arrested by the Internet police/e-penis measurers/e-intelligence armada, unless it's porn/flaming/inappropriate stuff/completely off-topic. It's an Internet forum.=o


( Oh, and no one uses "lol" or smiley faces here anymore, so I think I will :) )


Oh I do! :D I post silly K-Pop gifs/picture and smilies everywhere in the mods forum lmao (not really, but often).

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Okay...Why the hell not?


Username: idk

Why do you want to join?: I know I'm no where near as active as I used to be, but I've done stuff like this before and had some success. Whether this will be taken seriously or not, I don't know. But this YCM thing has grown on me and although I don't think it's dead, I think it just needs to be more fun in some ways.

Rate yourself as a debater out of 10.: 7 when I'm trying or I actually care, -5 if I could care less.

How long have you been a member (estimate): Summer 09 I think...Damn 3 years. O.o

Notes: i am da gradest

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...This place is strangely dead for a revival project.D:

I support adding Smesh (although still not sure whether I'm even allowed in here lol).


I understand that people can't be on all the time, so maybe have some co-owners or whatever?


And I support adding Smesh too, he's just a great guy.

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As it's been announced a bit (because I'm a drama MC like that x3), I'm going to write a fanfic.

Like, a parody of all the Yugioh GX and Zexal characters, but I may need some advice with some stuff.

There won't be any duels, but some cards floating/swimming/hanging around like Cloudians in the sky and IDK what.


You should also all check out Jord's YCM fanfic if you haven't done that yet.

This sort of things is generally a public magnet on a forum and I've been thinking about writing one too.=O

Except that it won't be as funny a Jord's lol.



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Guest ~Renegade~

I tried writing a fic, but it didn't kick off like I wanted. There were not nearly enough readers for me to keep up with it...that and you know real life got in the way. Hopefully when the school year starts and everything calms down I will have more time to spend on writing, RPing, etc. It seems as if the YCM Fics are all the rage right now, might try to write one...

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^What were they about?


I tried writing a fic, but it didn't kick off like I wanted. There were not nearly enough readers for me to keep up with it...that and you know real life got in the way. Hopefully when the school year starts and everything calms down I will have more time to spend on writing, RPing, etc. It seems as if the YCM Fics are all the rage right now, might try to write one...


You should. Do it.=O


Also, thoughts about teh plotz so far?

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Guest ~Renegade~

^What were they about?




You should. Do it.=O


Also, thoughts about teh plotz so far?


I wrote one fic that was a cliche story line that took place at Duel Academy, it did okay but it was back when people would ask if they could be put in a fan fic and I ended up having too many characters to keep track of. The other two were Pokemon fics that I only got the first few chapters written, but with no comments I had no ambition to continue.


As for a plot for a YCM fan fic...not really sure. Open to any suggestions about it.

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